Astar dApp Staking v3 Dynamic Tier Thresholds review proposal

I strongly support @Ivan’s proposal.

In addition, I beleive that @you425 linear distribution presented in his post dApp staking v3 - tier algorithm adjustment proosal is also an unavoidable modification to make to system fair.

I would also suggest to include a modification of the Bonus rewards mechanisme as per my proposal since it has the tendancy to handcuff for 4 months or penalize dApp staker who want to switch their stake to support another project in need of it during B2E periode ( dApps Staking v3 - proposal - #142 by Mouthmouth68 )

As mentioned by @Leo, I feel too that staking V3 has been rushed just to follow a calendar instead of being carfully tested on shiden and improved based on community and dApp teams feedback.