dApp staking v3 - tier algorithm adjustment proosal

I certainly like the idea of changing the Tier setting in the first place.
However, my suggestion was to make the rewards on the way from the current tier to the next tier as linear as possible. The current implementation does not do that (of course, if the community thinks this is fine, this is fine too).

Why should we not set different percentages?

I think the most appropriate thing to do is to change both the Tier parameters and the percentages of ranks per Tier.

As a concrete example, here first is a model with the following parameter changes.

Slot Portions

  • Tier1: 5% → 4% (-1%)
  • Tier2: 20% → 16% (-4%)
  • Tier3: 30%
  • Tier4: 45% → 50% (+5%)


  • Tier1: 25% → 22% (-3%)
  • Tier2: 47% → 40% (-7%)
  • Tier3: 25% → 30% (+5%)
  • Tier4: 3% → 8% (+5%)

The criteria for the parameter change is to balance the rewards so that Tier 4 rank 0 is equivalent to v2 (5% APR), while the rewards for the other tiers do not change significantly.

Here we make the same changes to the coefficients for rank rewards as before: the coefficients are changed to match the TIer parameter changes.

  • Tier2: rank_reward = max(slot_reward, tier_remaining_reward) * 0.1
  • Tier3: rank_reward = max(slot_reward, tier_remaining_reward) * 0.15
  • Tier4: rank_reward = max(slot_reward, tier_remaining_reward) * 0.5

The impact on inflation remains minimal.

Emission Increase(ERA)

  • New Model3: +6,265.65 ASTR (inflation rate+0.065%)
  • New Model4: +14,084.50 ASTR (inflation rate+0.102%)