Keyvault - UCG Proposal

Yeah, I noticed now that you reviewed the documentation and support, it’s unfortunate that we lost such a fabulous tool for the ecosystem :smiling_face_with_tear:.

However, this opens the door to new projects that want to join :eyes: .

Darn. Strangely, far as I can tell, the same issue exists for Aleph Zero as well and they’re solely an ink! smart contract platform.

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That’s right! The difficulty for them is more of a priority to solve, but I see that there are no new proposals in the ecosystem from someone who wants to take control of this, we need support on this part soon.

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Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.

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Hi @lousydropout great to see Keyvault is accepted for the UCG program! Highly look forward to participating in or being one of the potential users of your dApp! :tada: very excited!

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Cool. Just submitted dApp registration. Let me consider today as day 1.

Thank you everyone!

Slight update: I fell ill sometime last week and wasn’t able to refactor the dApp to use solidity as quickly as I had expected. My new ETA is this Friday 2024/08/02. I don’t expect this to affect the timeline I provided in the proposal.


Hi @lousydropout

I have added Keyvault to the data list page of dApp Staking that I am creating. Please feel free to use it when necessary in your project.


Very well done, Tekashi! I like the way it looks

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Hi @lousydropout! Congratulations Keyvault!

17M ASTR tokens from Community funds have been staked on your dApp. Please don’t forget to publish your monthly check-in reports here to share your updates with the community as part of the UCG program . Can’t wait to see your progress!


Quick update: Okay, it looks like I’m not gonna make the ETA I had set. I’ll need to work on this over the weekend.

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Hi @lousydropout thanks for letting us know. Please share your new timeline and update the community here.

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Congratulations! I hope we’ll get to do some fun things together. =)

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Hi Pat,

The timeline I provided in the proposal remains unchanged. While I might need more time than I initially anticipated in converting the dApp from using ink! to using solidity, I don’t expect it to affect the actual timeline.

Please note that the conversion from ink! → solidity is not about the smart contract as that conversion was simple. Rather, it is about needing to modify the frontends (chrome extension and webapp and their communication). This delay is in part due to me not remembering the solidity ecosystem as well as I thought I did (e.g. ethers.js/wagmi and hardhat configurations) and me wanting to incorporate some lessons I learned from the ink! version (e.g. there were architectural choices I made that I now believe to have unnecessarily complicated the communication between the chrome extension and the webapp and I want to deal with them as soon as possible).

For the initial conversion, I hope to get it done by the end of Sunday (2024/08/11) and will update this thread around then.

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I’m happy with your way of evaluating the workloads you will do, I’m sure you will create an excellent dApp, I’m excited to see the product in a beta version in Solidity soon.

As a developer I would love to hear about your experience once you complete the project, it would be interesting to hear what you learn from this.

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Still working on conversion. Timeline remains unchanged. Pushing ETA to Wednesday 2024/08/14.

I’ll provide an update either as soon as I’m done with this initial conversion or post another embarrassing update like this.


Still working on conversion. Targets for 1st month remain unchanged.

I estimate that I’m ~80% done with the conversion. You can check out the batch of changes large update [not functional yet] · lousydropout/keyvault@d3e3487 · GitHub. (It’s a single commit. Horrible practice, I know.)

Much of the changes are likely to be uninteresting. The exceptions are likely encryption.test.ts and credentials.test.ts which may give a better view on the data structure.

Next update: 2024/08/18


Thanks for the update! Great to hear you’re making progress on the conversion. I appreciate you sharing the details and look forward to the next update. Keep up the good work!

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Have read the thread. A lot of technical information in it! Thanks for the update and looking forward to the product :slight_smile:

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Slight update on the conversion: The chrome extension is largely done and github repo has been updated (styling is still way off). Will be working on styling and web app (web dApp?) this week.

I am pretty sure the code should get audited before its used by anyone, do you have anything planned for that?

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