NFTY Labs - Builders Program Application

NFTYLabs: (NFTYConnect)

NFTYLabs is the parent company of a suite of products and services dedicated to helping both new and existing NFT ecosystems provide utility functions for the NFTs in their communities.

NFTYConnect is the flagship product of the NFTYNetwork and NFTYLabs designed to facilitate utility functions for companies, brands, influencers, or organizations who have NFTs in their ecosystems.

The core function of NFTYConnect is to verify ownership of NFTs. This enables our system to vet users based on what NFTs they own. This is an essential part of community management in crypto alone. After verifying ownership of NFTs, NFTYConnect enables users to access restricted token gates placed by the creators of said gates if they own the NFT required to access the restricted gates. These token gates can enable creators the ability to manufacture experiences for holders of their NFT, and provide the users with a unique physical + digital experience. . Some examples are redeeming physical items in ecommerce stores, unlocking VIP community access, or even restricting access to exclusive content like blogs or newsletters.

NFTYConnect is a simple but powerful tool enabling crypto and non-crypto native users to unlock new worlds with their NFTs. The following lists the features that NFTYConnect uses to accomplish this:

  1. Connecting Wallet (Web 3.0 Login)

When using NFTYConnect, the process is straightforward for web 3.0 users. When first coming to NFTYConnect, users are prompted to sign in with their wallets (MetaMask, Wallet Connect, Ledger, etc.). Next, the user signs a timestamp signature, an expiration on the signature, and the authorization to check the wallet’s balance for a specific NFT. Once that signature is signed, the system can check for the balance and determine if the user is enabled access to specific token gates and promotions based on the NFTs held.

  1. NFTYConnect Gates (Token Gates)

Once the user has signed the signature to check the balance, NFTYConnect will then redirect the user to the creator token gates to see what available “promotions” there are. Each creator’s token gate requires a specific NFT based on the contract address and token ID. This allows creators of gates to assign very specific use cases for very specific NFTs.

  1. Creator’s Promotions

The final step in the process is what NFTYConnect refers to as “promotions.” Promotions are what creators set up when they create their token gates. Promotions can involve virtually anything, and it’s what will drive the future of NFTs moving forward. Promotion examples include (but are not limited to):

  1. Redeeming for physical apparel

  2. Redeeming for music

  3. VIP community access (Discord, Telegram, etc.)

  4. Exclusive access to blogs or newsletters

Team members

Team Leads:

James Lawrence - CEO

Ty Blackard - COO

Kevin Hebert - CTO

Dylan Olsen Grennell - CMO

Johnathan Ballinger - VP of Operations

Team Members:

Evan Shirreffs - Head of Business Development

Olivia Talbot - Head of Graphic Design

Tahmid Khan - Full-stack Engineer

Drew - Back-end Engineer

Brett Burns - Head of Community and Research

Abdullah Alsigar - Software Engineer (Mobile)

Team Website

Team Code Repo


Development Milestones

Overview - Total Estimated Duration: 7 Months

Milestone 1 - Integrate Astar Ecosystem (Web Application)

Estimated Duration: Q4 of 2021

  1. Support Astar Ecosystem through integration on NFTYConnect web application

  2. Testing of integrations and functionalities

  3. Pushing integrations live for NFT functionality within the Astar Ecosystem on NFTYConnect’s web application

Milestone 2 - Integrate Astar Ecosystem (Mobile Application)

Estimated Duration: Q4 of 2021

  1. Support Astar Ecosystem through integration on NFTYConnect mobile application

  2. Testing of integrations and functionalities

  3. Pushing integrations live for NFT functionality within the Astar Ecosystem on NFTYConnect’s mobile application

Milestone 3 - Integrate Shiden Ecosystem (Web Application)

Estimated Duration: Q4 of 2021

  1. Support Shiden Ecosystem through integration on NFTYConnect web application

  2. Testing of integrations and functionalities

  3. Pushing integrations live for NFT functionality within the Shiden Ecosystem on NFTYConnect’s web application

Milestone 4 - Integrate Shiden Ecosystem (Mobile Application)

Estimated Duration: Q4 of 2021

  1. Support Shiden Ecosystem through integration on NFTYConnect mobile application

  2. Testing of integrations and functionalities

  3. Pushing integrations live for NFT functionality within the Shiden Ecosystem on NFTYConnect’s mobile application

Milestone 5 - Add Vested “Giveaway Gate” Smart Contract to dApp Staking on Astar Network

Estimated Duration: Q1 of 2022

  1. Create smart contracts for vested giveaways - verify NFT ownership and receive vested rewards over a period of time.

  2. Testing/Auditing of smart contract

  3. Deploy smart contract to NFTYConnect

  4. Add smart contract to dApp staking on Astar Network

Future Plans

We are building a mobile app to support token gate creation/access, and we will be adding our NFT marketplace for minting, buying, and selling once the web app is completed for the marketplace first.

Our NFTY marketplace will be live soon which will be able to house users needing to create their own NFT projects before they create their own token gates.

We also plan to create a NFTY Shopify plugin that will allow users to tie their merchandise and any discounts to theirs, or others, NFTs.


As one of the first supporters of our ecosystem and strongly support NFTY Labs submission to join our Builders Program! Let’s create the future of Web3.0 for NFT together :muscle:


Seven months is also just the right amount of time.
It’s good to be able to connect to Shiden before the Polkadot auction starts.

1 Like

Same with Maarten, I’ve known NFTY Labs when I did research for nft earlier this year. Lets support them❤️


Welcome welcome!! Thanks for choosing to build on Astar.


Glad to see NFTY Labs building on Astar, can’t wait to use it and stake on your contract :slight_smile:


Very valuable and useful project.


Great ideas and plans , I am supporting it


That’s awesome you are choosing to build on Astar. Welcome !

NFTY Labs Builders Program Application
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