Builders Program Taking a credibility hit - Arthswap

Just remove your stake ASTR from the dApp staking if you are not pleased and remove your funds elsewhere.

I didn’t buy a single token of both Arthswap and Starlay (because you don’t buy farming tokens, sorry for those who participated in IDOs…). I just lost my time on both projects.

Finally i removed my liquidity from both and bridged it out of Astar.
It will take time to recover for these 2 flagships. They made too many mistakes with their fake APR.

I already and I insist in this, the Astar Builder program has to be reviewed completely:

  • No proper advice given to projects for their launch
  • No advice on security (see what happened to Orcus)

It was a complete mess with a bunch of false APR. Damage is done for a long time.
See you later guys, i’m not coming back soon.