dApp staking rewards changes

The lazy core team is gathering feedback, but I personally don’t see anything new compared to e.g. 6 months ago. I did a few lengthy posts explaining the reasoning why the system works like it works back then.

One such post, where I tried to summarize everything can be found here: dApps Staking v3 - proposal - #159 by Dino.

Currently there is 2.2B ASTR locked in dApp staking.
Total issuance is ~8.3B ASTR.
That’s ~26.5% TVL.
Total APR for staking (with bonus) is ~21%.
That’s pretty high for an established & not highly speculative product (ofc, my opinion).

The TVL, which is good for the network, should be higher.
Will beefing up slot rewards help with this?
I don’t believe it will.

The feature for moving the stake around, without loosing the bonus, will be available soonish. This should give the much needed dynamic to the system that has been requested - it’s actually something that should help projects earn better rewards.