Stellaswap - ASTR Liquidity Incentives

Thank you for the additional information.
However, it was not much different from what I already knew.

Please also refer to the comments by Astar agent “you425” that have been posted recently. I believe they offer a perspective that overlooks both ecosystems.”

Approve the Liquidity incentive of 30 612 ASTR from the Astar Treasury to Stellaswap.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain
0 voters

I agree with this proposal, this will increase the use of ASTR, that the Astar ecosystem expands is great.

I also hope that StellaSwap will work more closely with Astar in terms of collaboration and promotion I follow them for a while now and they have grown quite a bit lately, I believe in these collaborations are a win win win and the teams should help each other!

  • List item

Hi Stellaswap team, sounds very nice. Excited to see new inflows on Stellaswap as well as eventually on Astar Network.

Could you possibly offer approximate figures for the maximum amount of $ASTR tokens that can be exchanged with a specific slippage like under 5%, both before and after liquidity provision? I can see that the efficiency is highly improved in v3 with concentrated liquidity pool concept, but still I am not sure how big the impact of around 30k of $ASTR would be in terms of swap availability.

Please feel free to let me know if anything is unclear or the question does not make sense.


I can tell you what slippage looks like now. For $5k it’s 10%, with $19k liquidity.

In terms of slippage once we’ve hit our target TVL, that’s not something I can give a precise number for, since ultimately users will choose their own liquidity ranges to LP in.
I can provide a comparison though. Our Manta pool currently has 300k TVL (the same as our Astar target), and a $5k USDC swap into Manta currently slips at .8%.

As a comparison, the Hydra Omnipool currently has 220k Astr liquidity, and slips 2.29%

@Dennis I’m referring there to the incentives Acala is putting up alongside our DOT incentives program.

It passed a referendum the other day

A lot of questions have been asked already.
I’m not sure at this point, so I like the 3 months renewal possibility to see the results.

Stellaswap is indeed the largest DEX in Moonbeam, and overall I would be in favor of adding liquidity, I would like to see more collaboration and marketing campaigns between Stellaswap and Astar, right now, we only see the extra reward for the defi farmers, but it would be nice to gain some more Astar holders and do some events together in the future.

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Would love to hear your ideas on what kind of events we could do. In the past Stellaswap has held AMAs, and we go to all the big conferences as well so that could be an opportunity.

Liquidity is super important, specially on others’ ecosystem! Let’s go

Congratulations on passing the vote.

As I mentioned before, I voted Yes. While there are various opinions, I believe that this incentive program is worthwhile for the requested quantity because it can also be expected to have an advertising effect for ASTR.

I’ve heard that this incentive program is for 3 months, but depending on the results, I think we could consider extending the period and providing additional incentives, so please report back.

Hello @ogre44444

The Astar Community has accepted your proposal.

Please, share a native Astar address (Substrate) in this discussion to receive the 30 612 ASTR tokens.

Thank you

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on both the acceptance of your proposal by the Astar community and the 1 Million DOT incentive you received from Polkadot.

I’m an active DeFi user in many ecosystems, so I’m always on the side of any project that can bring DeFi development to Astar.

I met Stella especially during the $PINK airdrop, where the biggest problem was the Concentrated Liquidity issue. Astar zkEVM/EVM networks are not an ecosystem with low liquidity and too many tokens compared to other projects. Of course this is an opportunity!!!

This is a great opportunity for Concentrated Liquidity users. Therefore, StellaSwap needs to maximize the user experience on Concentrated Liquidity. You can use your experience and liquidity power on the DOT/Moonbeam side to get ahead of competitors like L2X.

If you want to get a big piece of a big pie and contribute to Astar. You need to make your Concentrated Liquidity interface more seamless for the end user.

Congrats. Looking foward to see that Astar put to use on your DEX.

Here is our address


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Congrats!!! Let’s make great things together =)

Funds have been transferred to abcADWMm3FKR64WQCZN6q9hL4ZfBzPDS3uDbxS9dmJ2P3kF