Astar Evolution: Unleashing the Potential of Soneium - FAQ


Welcome to the Astar Evolution Phase 1 !

As Astar Network continues to advance its mission of connecting users to Web3, we are excited to introduce the first phase of our evolution: the transition of Astar zkEVM to Soneium, an Ethereum Layer 2 chain developed in collaboration with Sony Block Solutions Labs. This strategic move is designed to enhance the value and utility of our ecosystem while expanding our reach to a broader audience.

In this FAQ, you’ll find answers to key questions about this transition and what it means for the future of Astar and its community.

Regarding Astar Evolution

What’s Astar Evolution and what’s happening in phase 1

Astar Evolution is a 2 phase strategic initiative designed to propel Astar Network into the next stage of growth. In phase 1, Astar zkEVM will be transitioning to Soneium L2, a new Ethereum Layer 2 solution developed by Sony Block Solution Labs.

Can you tell us more about Phase 2 of Astar Evolution?

Information about Phase 2 of Astar Evolution will be revealed at a later point. Phase 1 is concentrating on the transition to Soneium L2, whereas Phase 2 will roll out additional strategic actions.

Why is Astar zkEVM transitioning to Soneium L2?

This strategic transition is a step to broaden the adoption of Web3 technologies and deliver more value to our community. By partnering with Sony Group, Soneium L2 is poised to leverage Sony’s expertise and reach across various industries, including entertainment, gaming, finance, and consumer electronics.

How will Astar Evolution bring value to the ASTR token?

Astar Evolution Phase 1 is set to boost the utility and demand for the ASTR token as it becomes the primary ecosystem token of Soneium, unlocking numerous use cases across various applications and services on Soneium. This transition will also provide ASTR with greater exposure to a broader range of users, expanding its reach and adoption. Additionally, a substantial portion of Soneium’s sequencer revenue will be reinvested into the further development and growth of the Astar ecosystem, ensuring that the success of Soneium directly contributes to the continued advancement and value of ASTR.

Will Startale and Astar Foundation continue to develop Astar Network (L1)?

Yes, Astar Network L1 remains a core product for Startale, with several new technical and business milestones planned, such as the Polkadot SDK uplift, Astar Governance, and the research and implementation of the latest features.

You can check the Astar L1 Roadmap in the blog article:

Regarding Soneium

What’s Soneium?

Soneium, an Ethereum layer 2 developed by Sony Block Solutions Labs, is a joint venture between Sony Group and Startale. This versatile Superchain is a general-purpose blockchain platform that aims to evoke emotion, empower creativity, and meet diverse needs to drive mass adoption. Soneium will be simplifying blockchain experiences while empowering developers, creators, and communities. Built on accessibility, scalability, and efficiency, it aims to solve real-world problems across industries globally. Soneium will change the way we interact with the internet, opening up a world of innovative applications and unlimited potential for users worldwide.

What tech stack powers Soneium?

Soneium’s tech stack is based on the OP Stack technology (Version Bedrock OP) from Optimism, as it plans to join the Superchain, a network of interconnected blockchains. This integration positions Soneium at the forefront of Ethereum scaling efforts, enhancing its technological capabilities and contributing to the broader mission of creating a more efficient, accessible, and sustainable blockchain infrastructure. By leveraging the OP Stack, Soneium aims to expand Ethereum’s capacity to internet-level scale while supporting the growth and security of the web through contributions to the Optimism Collective.

Will there be a native asset for Soneium?

Soneium L2 uses ETH as its native token for gas fees and does not have a governance token.

The ASTR token will serve as the ecosystem token for various applications on Soneium L2.

Sony Block Solutions Labs does not plan any token distributions or airdrops at the moment. Any claims to the contrary are illegitimate and fake.

For more detailed information about Soneium, access Soneium announcement blog.

Regarding the transition

What will happen to the assets and NFTs I hold on Astar zkEVM?

Your assets (Fungible Tokens) on Astar zkEVM are protected and can be withdrawn to Astar Network or other chains using the native bridge or various providers like LayerZero and Layerswap. For NFTs, all major projects on Astar zkEVM have been informed about the launch and transition to Soneium L2. They are carefully planning the migration process to ensure a seamless experience for users and NFT holders.

When will the transition to Soneium L2 be completed?

The transition process will commence following the public launch of the Soneium L2 mainnet and will be executed in phases. The Astar Foundation will determine specific timelines by closely monitoring the remaining liquidity on Astar zkEVM and will provide updates through future announcements.

The transition will extend over a significant period, allowing ample time for all Astar zkEVM users to migrate their assets to Soneium L2. No users will be left behind.

How will Astar Network (L1) and Soneium L2 be connected?

Astar Network and Soneium L2 will be connected through multiple bridging solutions, including Chainlink CCIPs and LayerZero. Detailed guide of the assets migration will be provided from Astar Foundation as the transition approaches.

How will Astar zkEVM and Soneium L2 be connected?

Astar zkEVM and Soneium will be indirectly connected to each other through Astar Network (L1). Fungible tokens can be transferred to Soneium via other bridge compatible chains like Astar Network and other Layer 2 chains. We have multiple bridge projects that are supporting Astar zkEVM to ensure a smooth transition process.

Are there any risks associated with the transition to Soneium L2?

Astar Foundation has meticulously planned the transition to minimize any risk of fund loss. Measures such as pausing transactions, activating safe mode, and increasing the gas multiplier to prevent spam transactions have been implemented to ensure the security and integrity of the network during this period.


Astar Evolution Phase 1 marks a significant step in our journey towards a more interconnected and innovative Web3 ecosystem. By aligning with Soneium, we are positioning Astar Network to capture new opportunities and drive value for our community. We are excited about the future and look forward to your continued support as we work together to shape the next chapter of Astar’s evolution.

Stay connected with us for more updates and join us in building a decentralized future.

Join The Soneium Community: | Discord | Twitter (X) | Telegram |


This is huge! :tada: Excited to see Astar and Sony joining forces to take Web3 to the next level with Soneium L2!

Can’t wait for all the new opportunities this will bring for the Astar community! Let’s go! :muscle:

#GM !

Thanks for sharing, I look forward to the future development of Soneium L2!

Japanese FAQ↓

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Congratulations to the team on this success. I’m confident that this will help build upon various things, especially in expanding the ecosystem, for sure. Initially, I’ve already shared this through social networks and the Thai community. =)

Amazing all that is happening and will happen in the coming months for the Astar and Sony ecosystem.

Soon I will be in a FAQ in Spanish for the whole community.

How will Soneium governance work?

I used this article when posting to the Turkish community, thanks for this one.

Thanks for the article I will share with the community.

Great achievement! Congratulations to the Startale/Astar team for making this happen.

In this case, I’m interested to know how the Optimism Retro Fund can work for the community building on Solleinum. I saw a post from Optimism saying that apps and users will be eligible to participate. Also, I’m curious if in the future we could have a dual token system with OP and ASTR for incentives.

Congratz Team! I know this is something Astar Foundation and Startale were working on for over a year… All the efforts and energy Astar put in this will be rewarded.

Leadership, Bizdev and community > Astar is showing the whole crypto world how to do things - I am so proud to be part of it.


Thank you for the valuable FAQ.
It will surely deepen the understanding of our community members.
As an Ecosystem Agent, and also as a part of Astar Japan Lab, I would like to make use of it!

Thank you for the FAQ. This should be very useful for people who want to explore the ecosystem of Soneium. =)

Thanks for the FAQ, should be translated in a lot of languages as I think Soneium will be have probably a broader user space, coming with Sonys reach. Will do that for germany.

This will be very helpful for the community. The flow from the Soneium announcement to the community support has been smooth and commendable.

Have made the german translation @Gaius_sama. Is there anywhere we should put it? Astar-Evolution: Die Entfesselung des Potenzials von Soneium — FAQ | by Sequaja | Aug, 2024 | Medium

Thanks for sharing it!

Let me also share the following two links for those who can read Korean.

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This is what I’m here for <3

Here are two useful links for those who read Czech:

  1. Astar Evolution Phase 1: Astar Evolution Stage 1!. Jak odvětví Web3 neustále roste, Astar… | by Matt | Aug, 2024 | The Astar Bulletin | TAB
  2. FAQ: Astar Evolution Phase 1 - FAQ. Sestavili jsme seznam často kladených… | by Matt | Aug, 2024 | The Astar Bulletin | TAB

1-)Will projects in the Soneium ecosystem be listed in dApp Staking? Maybe the same project will also launch on astar evm but will do its activities on Soneium. On the other hand, it will benefit from Astar’s dApp Staking.

This will benefit Astar in every way because we will benefit from some of Soneium’s sequancer revenues.

2-) How much of the sequancer revenues will be sent to Astar Ecosystem Development via Startale.