Astar Townhall - Offchain Governance

Except if I am wrong, currently Townhall does a snapshot of all ASTR tokens and based on this snaphot the user can vote (voting power = number of ASTR locked + number of ASTR free).
I suggest to do a snapshot of all staked ASTR and use this amount for the voting power.
In almost all governance systems, the user must lock/stake the token in order to vote. Here we can use the dappStaking mechanism to lock the token to be able to vote.


For Astar native, ASTR tokens transferable and locked in dApp Staking can be used as voting power.

For Astar EVM, only transferable ASTR tokens can be used as voting power. On EVM, tokens in dApp Staking cannot be used.


If we take Polkadot as an example, tokens are locked when using conviction voting (locking tokens for X eras to obtain X multiplier on the vote). Users can vote in OpenGov without locking their tokens.

In addition, locking tokens in governance and in staking are two different things and states on Polkadot.

Your idea is similar to Hoonā€™s governance proposal and could be implemented if the community approves the proposal.

Given that the current townhall off-chain voting is temporary, development will remain focused on the on-chain governance model, so there wonā€™t be many improvements or profound changes to the current platform.

2 Likes built by Townhall is deep-linked to discourse. Users will be able to see and comment on discussions on both the forums.
Astarā€™s current forum is where majority discussions have happened and we envision a slow and gradual transition to for all governance discussions and voting.


At this moment, I was curious if we are now in the getting-familiar-with-Townhall phase before having the fully transition phase. Though the two are deeply related and proven by seeing the numbers in the Townhall,

still at this moment, some of them seem to be found only one of them. For example, currently the C14 dApp staking proposal seems only visible on the forum, whereas its voting is showing up on the Townhall. Only a slight concern is about the traceability later when both of the discussion and voting are done. Perhaps manually we can leave its cross-reference somewhere so that members can easily find the other side of it.

Therefore, I am looking forward to having a smooth transition between these two platforms while the community members use both of them until the full migration is done.


Hopefully the community engage more in the Astar town hallā€¦ I think it is easey to debate and vote just connecting the user wallet and using ASTR to vote.


Hello; today I voted on several proposals in the voting.

It was really successful in terms of usability. I congratulate everyone, especially the Astar team.

However, I encountered an error during this process:

  • Despite disconnecting, I had issues switching to another wallet during the voting process and couldnā€™t make the transition from the initial wallet I connected to.

I have been using it for a while, but there are certain problems;
For example, someone who has already voted can vote again and again (this does not change the voting power)

Apart from that, even though we can see our past votes when we check them, we cannot go directly to the vote title, instead we need to type the vote title in the search bar.

Also, the beginning and end of the wallet address of the people participating in the vote are visible, but not fully visible or copied. Is this to ensure privacy? We can easily access this data if requested. Doesnā€™t it make more sense to make it copyable, to make it visible?

By the way, Iā€™m very glad weā€™ve moved to Townhall.
Iā€™m used to this kind of voting system from other ecosystems and itā€™s a lot of fun to use.

Every time I see a bug, I will add it under this discussion.

I can update this place continuously.

I believe a smooth transition to Astar Townhall for governance could enhance the overall experience for ASTR token holders.

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Hi, @Gaius_sama !
Currently dApp Staking communities on the EVM side are not allowed to participate in the voting, are there any plans to allow them to participate?
Are we waiting for govASTR?

Hi @you425

For Astar Townhall and Astar Governance v1, it is unlikely that tokens locked in dApp Staking on Astar EVM will be used for voting. This is due to the complexity of dApp Staking on Astar EVM, which uses pre-compiled smart-contracts.

Compared with Astar Native, tokens are locked into contracts instead of remaining in the userā€™s wallet and simply being locked into the dApp Staking palette as on Astar Native. It is therefore very complex for the townhall platform or the Astar Governance v1 palette to ā€œknowā€ the number of tokens a user has locked in the pre-compile dApp Staking contract and assign the corresponding voting power.

If a user wishes to participate in dApp Staking and governance, he should transfer his tokens during the voting period from Astar EVM to Astar Native.


Thanks for your reply!

I knew you were right, I understand. Would it also be difficult for users receiving LSTs, like nASTR for example, to vote? I think the hurdle would be much lower here.

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Good of you to raise this, @you425, it seems to me quite important to look for a way to solve this but, as Gaiuss rightly mentions, the complexity exceeds the capacity we have at the moment.

It will be great to see how this is implemented and solved in on-chain governance.


I would like to propose some improvements:

  1. It would be nice if when we log in with our wallets and click on the proposals we already voted, the voting menu on the right could show what options we have voted.

I am having struggles and double voting in proposal after some day because I can check if I have already voted in the proposal easily.

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I had the same problems too, some kind of recent activities / history right? I think need a feature like this.


Yeah broā€¦ sometime I feel lost when I try to recall my votes and started voted again in topics I have already voted.

Same thing here, hopefully it will be more simplified soon!

I also agree with @pitcoin777 proposal.
I believe it is essential for such a system to be able to tell whether a vote has been cast or not.

Same feeling here.
And when we navigate between proposals, sometimes a full page refresh (F5) is required to display the correct data (otherwise the vote history is not refreshed for example).

Thank you for sharing your feedback and experience. I will inform the townhall team to review them and improve the platform.

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