C14 - dApp Staking Application

Dear Astar Community,

I would like to introduce you to C14, a cutting-edge lending platform powered by Astar zkEVM, revolutionizing decentralized finance (DeFi).

C14 is designed to elevate the lending and borrowing experience for both crypto enthusiasts and finance experts, with innovative features that set a new standard in the industry.

Project Overview:

C14 is set to transform lending within the Astar zkEVM ecosystem by harnessing Real-World Asset (RWA) lending and incorporating advanced features from Aave v3. Our platform prioritizes a smooth user experience, emphasizing transparency and inclusive governance. With a commitment to stability and innovation, C14 aims to become a pivotal player in the Astar DeFi community.

Key Features of C14:

  1. Real-World Asset (RWA) Lending: Seamlessly engage in lending and borrowing activities with the added stability of real-world assets, including the innovative option to lend against U.S. Treasuries.
  2. Flexible Borrowing Against Collateral: Utilize a diverse range of assets, including RWA tokens and U.S. Treasuries, as collateral to borrow other cryptocurrencies like USDC.
  3. Efficient Yield Farming: Maximize your borrowing power with assets correlated in price, enabling high leverage strategies and efficient yield farming.
  4. Comprehensive Governance: Participate in transparent and inclusive governance processes, ensuring that the community has a voice in the platform’s evolution.
  5. Seamless Integration with Astar zkEVM: Benefit from cutting-edge blockchain technology for improved performance and reduced costs.


At C14, our mission is to provide the most intuitive and user-friendly lending service in the Astar zkEVM ecosystem.

We are committed to continuous innovation and enhancement, with a focus on Real-World Asset (RWA) lending and Aave v3 features.

C14 aims to be a platform for the user, by the user, and of the user, empowering individuals to take control of their finances with confidence.


  • Q2 dApp Staking Incentive Campaign
  • Q3 C14’s Point System Release
  • Q4 RWA Support

Join the C14 Community:

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we redefine lending in the Astar zkEVM ecosystem. Whether you are a seasoned trader, investor, or new to decentralized finance, C14 is here to provide you with a seamless and rewarding financial experience.

dApp staking rewards usage:

C14 is excited to join the Astar dApp Staking Program to help grow the Astar ecosystem.

We’re taking a new approach by using 100% of our dApp staking rewards to boost incentives for the C14 lending protocol. This innovative strategy will add more value to the ecosystem.

Stay Connected:

Website: https://c14.wtf/
Twitter: x.com
Discord Community: discord.gg/AZC2RRnwX8
Telegram Community: Telegram: Contact @c14_wtf

Warm regards, C14 Team


Hi @Matt and C14 team!

Glad to see continuous contribution to the network! Indeed, DeFi protocols will bring more liquidity and values onto the network, so excied to see such a potential dApp being launched! Perhaps others can ask the same questions again, but let me have a few as follows:

  1. Curious how you come up with C14? And is the (dev or core) team involved in another dApps on Astar Network in general?

  2. As a DeFi dApp, it is inevitable to provide deep liquidity. In your shared roadmap, the dApp staking incentive campaign planned in Q2 seems relevant to this matter. Would you be able to share some more details and numbers if any?

  3. Would it be possible to be elaborating more on this matter? Is there any direct collab or relationship with Aave itself or forking the contract, as shared in the docs?

  1. To be sustainable and at least pertain Tier 4, you need also to look for future stakers on C14. Do you have any marketing plan for it to be shared at this moment?

  2. As the first feature shared in the proposal is RWA, which is planned to be released in Q4. What would be the first features to be immediately usable on the dApp?

  3. Is the dApp already in the mainnet phase, or do you have (or you already had) any testnet phase before that?

Please feel free to let me know if you need any clarification or if anything should be corrected/modified.



Hi @Matt,

Thank you for your proposal.
The aspect of being able to conduct DeFi with RWA as collateral seems unique and is very intriguing. However, I am curious about its feasibility. How will it be realized? While the roadmap indicates that RWA support is planned for the latter half, what process will be employed to achieve this? Are there no concerns regarding legal or regulatory issues? I am interested in this area. If possible, please let me know.


Thank you Pithecus and Hi!

  1. Yes we are the same team who built for an example AstridDAO, multi-collateral stablecon or Bluez NFT marketplace!

  2. For the DApp Staking Incentive Campaign, the amount of incentives will be depended on the amount of ASTR staked to C14 from users. We will distribute 100% of rewards to users.

  3. It is fork of Aave v3 tailored for Astar community :slight_smile:

  4. We have been discussing this with Astar Foundation, will share when ready.

  5. We are already on mainnet here: https://c14.wtf/ and we have supply / borrow feature available!

  6. We did tetsnet a while ago here: x.com

Also Simon did this great testnet video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB3SzSOetm0

Hope I answered all your questions clearly, if you have anything else just write it here!


We will be starting with yield bearing stablecoins with yield from US treasury bonds, which has less concern from compliance side and is a more standardized asset.


Hi Matt,

Thanks for the quick answers! and I would like to know more about the project :slight_smile:

  1. If it is the same team from AstridDAO, then wouldn’t it make more sense to have C14 with AstridDAO as it is also under DeFi specifically a borrowing protocol? Just wondering if there is any particular objective(s) by splitting dApps? Or is it due to the network difference AstridDAO on EVM and C14 on zkEVM?

  2. Along with the above bullet point, you have different social media platforms for AstridDAO, Bluez, and C14 independently, which is good. I believe your team has sufficient manpower to manage them, but at the same time, perhaps having them in one Discord but different channels could be a way to provide quality products to the community members in a single server.

  3. In response to the 2nd bullet point above, I was more curious about how you plan to get attentions and bring new comers or liquidity into C14. Or would it be sufficient for having liquidity by providing the dApp staking rewards to the future liquidity providers?

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Thank you for your comment.

I see, that seems like a very helpful approach!

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Thank you for your numerous product developments. However, I am concerned about your resource issues.

My main concern is about the use of RWAs. One of the questions already answered was about the issuance of yielded stable coins using US Treasury bonds. How do you plan to operate the issuance and collateral management of this?


Gm Pithecus,

  1. Well the first issue is that they are on different chains, following wit that 2in1 or 3in1 protocols are not that successful at this moment and since one is CDP and other lending protocol it also cost some resources to combine those in one.

  2. This can be very confusing for the users and to manage or hire people to focus on individual project. Running campaign with verifying tasks like joining tg or discord will be also tough to do and stuff like that can put you in mess, so we split all of them to be able to provide best service for the community like that!

  3. We are talking also with various projects about this matter, so we are not betting only on the incentive campaign by using 100% rewards from dApp staking.

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Hello You!

About your question, we will work with 3rd-party RWA partners like Backed or Mountain Protocol on this. We do not plan to operate the issuance of RWA on our own.

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Hi guys very nice project, I have some questions:

  1. Treasury bill based lending is something particular and requires to comply with due diligence and compliance, do they comply with everything related to these rules?

  2. Treasury bills being a real world asset, they must have a custodian that allows them to be collateralized, after all they act as a liquidity backstop, who is the custodian of the treasury bills that allows C14 to be traded?

  3. How do you plan to attract the liquidity that will allow the platform to perform well?

Thank You!


Hello Vangardem and thank you for your questions!

  1. The compliance check pertains to the issuance side, not the lending/borrowing side. The tokens involved are standard ERC20 tokens, freely usable within our protocol.

  2. The issuance entity is not C14.

  3. We will collaborate with ecosystem projects to achieve maximum synergy and enhance the features available on C14.


Perfect! You just answered the question I had. Nice project you guys have been working on, buddy!

Thank you.
I understood that it is only in the category of using RWAs as collateral or loans.

thank you for all the clarification. Looking forward to see this project evolve

Hi @Matt. You have my support. Great team and already worked with them. Looking forward to see it grow.

I really like this idea and I also like the dApps created by the team.
I’m just a concern about the growing number of dApps created by the same team.
Do you have any plans to expand your team?
Are you 100% confident to monitor/maintain and evolve all the dApps?

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Hey Matt,

Thanks for taking your time to prepare and submit the proposal. Good to see how your team is trying to jump into the RWA narrative and provide solutions. My question is simple, how would your project support the growth of Astar Network? What would you do differently to hack the ecosystem growth because for me, the whole essence is value creation in exchange for value.

May your project succeed!

Thank you :saluting_face:

Absolutely, we are always adding new talent to our team to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Thank you for your concern!

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Being able to use RWA as collateral is unique and interesting!
I support Matt and C14!