A lot of great ideas here. I mostly agree with Sota’s proposition but it can still be improved by reading this thead.
One idea I have not seen yet though. Instead of stakers staking individually for each project, you should built a vault. Everyone stakes in a giant vault that allocates SDN to each dAPP based on a formula taking into account metrics like TVL, # transactions, #users, …
All users receive compounding staking rewards based on their ratio of the vault.
This solution eliminates all manipulations related to kickbacks from the DEVs side and offer seamless compounding to nominators. Besides, all stakers will received the same APY. A small percentage could be kicked back to the treasury to make up for lost transactions (manual restaking).
Once governance kicks off we should be able to vote to adjust those different parameters when needed.
To sum up, withdraw individual choice for a more long term oriented, algorithmically driven, community approach.
This approach also for a real decentralization as any app could list in the store but only those who meet some minimum requirements would get rewards. Same goes for spamming, visibility will be relative to the dapp score.
These scores could also be used to set up different tiers.
For instance:
Tier 1: monthly averages: $1M TVL, 1000 daily users, 5000 daily transactions
Tier 2: monthly averages: $10M TVL, 10000 daily users, 50000 daily transactions
Tier 3: monthly averages: $100M TVL, 100000 daily users, 500000 daily transactions
and so on.
If a dapp meets tier1 criteria for the month, let’s say 10% of the accrued rewards can be claimed. Tier 2: 50% and Tier 3: 100% (just an example, it should be more granular).
Dapp developers who need funds to build should apply for a grant voted by the community based on the project pitch and committed milestones.
As for staking being a mean to support a particular Dapp, with this approach, the only way to support a protocol/project would be to actually use it