Dapps Staking Reevaluation

It seems that we have a few topics about dapp staking being discussed in this forum.

  1. dApps staking economics
  2. Lock Block rewards for developers to avoid insta dump

We have learnt some things in the last few months.

To summarize:

Qualification to get listed on the Dapp store
We need to be more strict on this. Getting accepted into the Builders Program doesn’t mean getting listed on the Dapp Store. Dapps need to be fully integrated, meeting all the Builders Program milestones in order to get listed and start earning rewards. If we do not do that, a lot of Dapps will come just to only enjoy reward as a freerider. Freeriders do not appreciate the hard earned rewards and chances is that they will insta dump. However, if the projects are really creating value to the ecosystem, we won’t be bothered with what they want to do with their rewards, because they deserve it.

Revamp Dapp Staking Tokenomics
At this early stage we have only 14 dapps being listed. 40% of block rewards is too much if only 14 dapps are getting all of it. Easy come easy go. This rewards are not proportionate to the effort that they are putting in. We can’t control how they use the rewards, but we can adjust the tokenomics to make it healthier. But this won’t be the case when we have 500 dapps as the rewards will be distributed more evenly.

We need to consider adjusting the block rewards distribution to:
15%: Dapp operators
35%: Nominators

Or whichever amount that can be healthier than it is now. And as more dapps are joining the ecosystem, we can increase the portion for Dapp Operators.