dApps Staking v3 - proposal

Thank you, I have created a new thread.

Yes, I agree with this. The amount of stakes is too low in relation to the locks. I have called for stakes at various times, but still too few. where have the stakers gone?
I think it is more likely that the crowd loan participants are leaving it alone, but I am not sure.

On a different note, I noticed something in your reply here.

At least I thought dApp Staking was still about helping developers and not primarily about rewarding them. Perhaps many community members agree. I think we are not communicating well about this and the conversation is not going well because of this discrepancy.
I don’t recall any announcement from the Astar Foundation that they have changed the significance of dApp Staking, nor do I recall ever seeing it on the Forum (sorry if there was). In other words, since it is an after-the-fact report, it is only natural that there would be disagreement.

To summarize, I recognize that this change was intended to do the following

  1. change dApp Staking’s main purpose to a reward system rather than a developer support system
  2. focus on increasing the value of the tokens (not decreasing the value by limiting rewards to some extent)
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