Day One Projects Wish List

Thought this would be a good place for us end users/non-builders to talk about projects or usecases we’d like to see on Soneium either day one or soon after.

For me:

  • Since we are losing Bluez, I’d love a new Astar/Soneium focused NFT marketplace along with a push to get more Astar ecosystem NFT projects going.

  • I’m also a bit sad about all the VLS happenings, so would like an Astar/Soneium focused exchange along with more teams creating unique or fun tokens that use Astar in some form.

What’s on your wishlist?

And for those in the know, feel free to respond to us with the projects that fit our wish lists or those that may be in your production pipeline❤️


I deeply respect Matt’s contributions and the work he has accomplished. While we were conducting research and development to build a marketplace, the challenge was not in creating the platform, we could have started immediately. However, during the R&D phase, our dApp was downgraded to Tier 4, leading us to put the idea on hold for now.

Regarding the second concern, we are currently focusing on developing a DEX exclusively for Soneium and the Astar Network, and I will be sharing more updates soon, alongside progress on our game, Fractal RED.

I warmly invite you to stake with us. The revenue generated will support the development of valuable products on Soneium and Astar. As we grow, stakers will benefit from a planned allocation of a percentage of proceeds from both Fractal RED and the NEET token at the TGE.

Make the difference:

マット氏の貢献とこれまでの功績を心から尊敬しています。私たちはマーケットプレイスの構築を目指し、研究開発を進めていましたが、課題はプラットフォームの構築そのものではありませんでした。実際、すぐに着手することは可能でした。しかし、R&Dの過程でdAppがTier 4に格下げされ、このアイデアを一旦保留にする判断を下しました。

第2の懸念については、現在、SoneiumとAstar Network専用のDEXの開発に注力しており、ゲーム「Fractal RED」の進捗とあわせて、近いうちにさらなるアップデートを共有する予定です。

ぜひ、私たちと一緒にステーキングにご参加ください。この収益は、SoneiumおよびAstar上で価値あるプロダクトを開発するために活用されます。また、私たちの成長に伴い、ステーカーの皆様には「Fractal RED」とNEETトークンの収益の一部をTGE(トークン生成イベント)で還元する計画です。



I think there will always be projects that come and go in web3 :slightly_smiling_face:
I am very curious to see what will happen with the launch of Soneium which already starts with many dApps that allow you to do things that were not possible before on Astar and the possibility of exposing yourself with the token (even if I hope that other native dApps of Astar will arrive) opens up infinite opportunities. For example Sonova was part of the UCG but it is an NFT marketplace of Sonova and I believe that many will come attracted by the name Sony.
The projects missing from both ecosystems I believe are a prediction platform like Polymarket or an even more recent topic like AI automated agents ( Above all, I really like the idea of ​​predictions :smile:

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#1 would be a bridge for Astar and ETH from Astar zkEVM to Soneium would be my #1. Can’t imagine the core team would be missing this, but since we had a few bridges when Astar zkEVM went live, maybe other teams are also working on it?


A prediction market like Polymarket is in our roadmap


Hi guys, currently there is a new wave of AI, a new narrative has been created focused on “AI Agents”, there are many frameworks that are emerging as “Virtuals”, whose idea is to develop AI Agents on-chain, since many of them currently work off-chain.

Attracting developers from these types of platforms can be beneficial for Soneium and Astar. AI Agents in this cycle can step up as NFT and DeFi did in the past.

Here is some information on how the “Virtuals” protocol works:

The way it works is simple: the framework allows any user to create an agent that has unique characteristics: you can design agents whose role is that of a youtuber or influencer such as “Luna”:

  • X: @luna_virtuals

Or you can also create an agent dedicated to market analysis like AIXBT:

  • X: @aixbt_agent

There are many possibilities but it would be great if in Soneium and Astar you could find your own native model, which can differentiate from the rest of platforms launching AI Agents.


Most of the launching platforms use “Python” as language, users create their own custom code with the specifications they want for their agent: information, Productivity, Creative, Entertainment, more.


These platforms allow you to launch a token along with the agent, which allows you to fund its development.

I think from a storytelling point of view this would be a good start, as it fits the market conditions, they are currently in the spotlight of many communities and Astar and Soneium cannot be the exception. Greetings guys.


Thanks all!! <33 @Vangardem

This is actually quite interesting, so if we want to design a new AI agent for a youtuber, we can do it through that protocol? Can we use the existing token, like using Astar as the token for the new AI agent, so that we can bring more utility for Astar

Interesting indeed, could the Astar token evolve beyond just being a utility token and also serve as a way to integrate AI agent functionalities?

I imagine fans could be using Astar tokens to interact with the AI, it would add a new layer of engagement and value, and further expand Astar’s ecosystem…

All comments are interesting. On Soneium, we focus on entertainment use cases and make Soneium the entertainment layer of the next internet.

Sooner or later, we will need a strong value proposition that differentiates Soneium from other L1 or L2. I think the strong advantage of Soneium over other projects is the strong (likely strongest) potential user base and wide distribution. Soneium has the potential to onboard billions of people who have never used crypto or web3 before. Almost all projects start from tech and try to find customers. These crypto customers are usually people who are eager to earn more money. Therefore, they are not loyal. Users don’t need to be loyal, but we are trying to penetrate web3 into their daily lives. They will use tech without noticing it, just like today’s internet. Web3 is already recognized as the Internet of finance thanks to the DeFi’s success. Today, we need the success of entertainment to onboard ordinary people who deposit their funds on their traditional banks. I am looking for seeing some entertainment use cases on Soneium rather than copy cat of existing protocols.


I agree with the need of Soneium to differentiate its self from other chains. It seems that user engagement will be key and entertainment is a way to create a reason to visit. It will come down to ease of use and visibility. When people can use crypto and enjoy crypto without the learning curve - that will set a chains apart. A Soneium with the feel of web2 and the power of web3. I see this as game changing characteristics.

There is no doubt about the potential of Soneium once mainnet is launched, but I firmly believe that the more flagship projects join its echo the greater its reach will be, decentralization is democratization and there is room for everything, for me everything that slows down the ASTR token is welcome, all those innovative developments will not get in the way at all, it is not about chasing narratives it is about building an echo that is at the forefront, new times are coming and we must adapt if possible to explore new paths, that is what web3 technological innovation is all about.

Right now narratives like NFT are on the floor, DeFi is at half gas, and I’m talking about the whole crypto ecosystem in general, it is going through a time of transition and adaptation, I insist on the topic of AI because it has a range of good usable possibilities from a technical and economic point of view, and can greatly benefit any echo that implements it.

I would like to add two more ideas that I have had in mind for a while. 1 respectively for network because I believe that the two chains have different purposes and functionality.

  • Astar dApp staking: it would be great to have a dApp that provides useful services for daily use but that is supported by the rewards of dApp staking. A good example would be mobile internet coverage, users who stake X tokens and receive Y internet bandwidth coverage. In this case, scalability is not even needed, etc. Currently I don’t even have an example to show.
  • Soneium: Speaking of Sony, the music market also comes to mind and it would be nice to have a sort of Spotify web3 that allows artists to connect with their fan base. As benefits (in addition to the theoretical economic return) you could have exclusive tracks, VIP tickets or calls on discord. As examples
  • (similar to Spotify)
  • (platform which permit to create AI music as well )
  • Deathbats Club (example of the artist/fan management)

Curious to see what You think about these ideas :eyes:

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I believe that Soneium can have the greatest competitive advantage compared to all other L2s: a huge potential user base (Web2). With Sony behind, the whole world of entertainment and its users are possible new Web3 users, who have no experience of Blockchain / private keys, tx, gas etc…I believe that the real big game must be played right here, managing to create an ecosystem linked to entertainment that leads Web2 users to use Web 3 while having fun and not realizing they are on the blockchain. Linking entertainment to defi and all Web 3 sectors could be the real game changer.
I believe it is also true that at the same time, we must continue and make inroads with the already existing Web 3 user base, and therefore it is almost obligatory to follow the trends and ride the wave of the moment, that is the AI wave. Probably the whole AI world will be one of the biggest bubbles in history and I would really like to see an AI narrative start to grow around Astar and Soneium that allows us to attract developers and projects from that branch. This is also because AI is now spreading across all sectors, including entertainment.
I believe that an ecosystem that focuses on this sector (AI) as a tool to simplify, speed up and make many processes super user friendly is the winning thing.

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I am a huge enthusiast of RWAs and their connections with TradFi though.

It’s undeniable that CCIP will become the standard for banks and industries, and having a structured gateway to capture all this capital flow will be essential.


#1 - As a new appointed Astar community council, I’ve tried to immerse myself in the current discussions/subjects open on the forum.

After 3 days of intense reading, I reached the conculsion that if we want to democratize gouvernance, we need a fast, unbiazed and accurate way to analyse, summarize, simplify and translate in the langage of your choice the content of the debate for the big majority of user who just don’t have the time to read all that.

This is why i would love to see IA agent being put at the service of democatie and gouvernance by doing all that

#2 - What i also would like to see on Astar side would be a simplification for ASTR token transfert from EVM side to EVM blockchain (especially EVM parachain such as Moonbeam)
ATM, to transfert ASTR from EVM side to Moonbeam, it is necessary to pass through substrate then transfert to moonbeam.
This kind of two step process is a source of confusion and seems complex for the new user or user coming from OUTERourSPACE (a.k.a. from main EVM BC :wink:). would be better if team could find a way to do all that in the background while the user only see the crosschain UI from Astar to other EVM BC (or at least moonbeam) and sign just ONE tx


I think some facets of AI will be a bubble, but others will not, there are AI developments that can be used as tools to simplify processes, we are seeing it in web2.

There are many ways to complement what will be Soneium and Astar, I can think of many ideas for an AI Agent now, that can be beneficial for the user of Astar and Soneium, agents are also created to facilitate the work of users and simplify processes, not only as a token pump, although as we know in this world there is everything, if you are interested in creating an agent we can form a team just let me know, it could be a pilot test for what is to come.


I would indeed be interested to creat such an IA agent but i have litteraly 0 knowledge on that subject and my programming skills are extremely basic


I would like to contribute as much as possible to the realization of these projects and ideas. I would be delighted to work together with everyone to help Soneium and Astar grow into a better ecosystem.


We are currently working on an multi-social on chain ai agent

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