Golden Ticket Initiative for Astar Network Projects on Twitter

Proposal: Golden Ticket Initiative for Astar Network Projects on Twitter

This proposal aims to enhance the visibility and recognition of projects developed on the Astar Network by implementing a “Golden Ticket” verification on their official Twitter accounts. This initiative seeks to promote the Astar ecosystem while distinguishing its projects as credible and community-backed.

To implement the Golden Ticket verification, we propose establishing an Astar Ecosystem Twitter account dedicated to recognizing and promoting projects developed on the Astar Network. This account will serve as an independent entity, separate from individual project teams, providing unbiased verification. This independence will also serve as a safeguard against potential scams, ensuring that the Astar brand remains protected.


  1. Increased Visibility and Credibility:
    The Golden Ticket will act as a mark of authenticity and quality, helping users identify genuine projects built on Astar. This visibility boost can lead to increased engagement and trust from the broader community.

  2. Marketing and Branding:
    The initiative will not only promote individual projects but also serve as a powerful marketing tool for the Astar Network. By showcasing the diversity and innovation within the ecosystem, we can attract more developers and projects to build on Astar.

  3. Benchmarking with Polkadot:
    Similar initiatives on Polkadot’s parachains have proven successful in enhancing the branding and recognition of projects. Adopting this strategy can position Astar competitively within the blockchain ecosystem.


  1. Establishment of the Astar Ecosystem Account:
    This account will be responsible for verifying projects and awarding the Golden Ticket. Verification criteria will be based on project authenticity, activity, and contribution to the Astar ecosystem. Additionally, projects that have been in dApp staking for 1 year or more can receive this badge to confirm their reliability.

  2. Golden Ticket Criteria and Display:
    Projects that meet the criteria will receive a special logo or badge on their Twitter profiles, indicating their verified status within the Astar ecosystem.

  3. Funding and Budgeting:
    If funding for this initiative cannot be covered by the Astar treasury, we propose allocating a small monthly fee of $50 from the dApp staking rewards. This fee will be used to manage and sustain the verification program.

The Golden Ticket initiative will not only enhance the visibility and credibility of projects on the Astar Network but also contribute to the overall branding and marketing efforts of the ecosystem. Additionally, providing this badge to projects in dApp staking for over a year will confirm their reliability, offering significant security and brand enhancement for Astar. By learning from successful models on other platforms, such as Polkadot, we can achieve significant results in terms of community engagement and project recognition.



I am in favour with this, however I’m unsure if its a discussion or a proposal.
looks like a discussion that will lead to a Proposal, is that the case?

I think this is something that the Astar Treasury should subsidise this as it adds value to the community through safety. Once BTC hits 100k, all the scammers are going to come out and a safe ecosystem is a healthy ecosystem.


This is a discussion and proposal. As a governance body, we should collectively consider how we can enhance this. I believe this idea will increase the value of dApp staking within the Astar Network while also contributing to the brand value of the projects and Astar.

The most important aspect here is that projects will receive support in various ways as part of an ecosystem, and this will, in turn, increase Astar’s brand value as these projects grow.

We could introduce various rules here; for example, projects carrying the Astar logo on social media should adhere to certain guidelines, among other considerations.


I’m excited about this initiative! It’s great to see how far we’ve come since when I was working with the Astar core team to help explore the idea of the gold checkmark. It’s rewarding to now recognize teams within our ecosystem, like those building on Astar, with the acknowledgment they deserve. If teams adhere to the Astar teams guidelines and positively represent Astar, they should be eligible for the gold checkmark. I would hope we could get the cost of the gold checkmark sponsored by the treasury. To add to why this is important, this symbol, as demonstrated by Polkadot and noted by @Leo, shows the strength of our projects and the ecosystem’s growth. It’s worth noting that Ava Labs, although they’ve pivoted, still holds the gold checkmark, showing we can be agnostic in our support. Let’s keep building and shining a light on our strong projects! @Maarten @shnshkw @Jerad @0xRamz @sota

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That’s a great idea! Thanks for putting this out. I think the Astar Network definitely needs a platform to recognize projects that add value to the Astar Network as well as those that add value to the community. My only two cents:

  • add actual metrics for projects to be considered a part of this program.
  • this particular account can even invite Astar Projects on spaces to allow them to pitch themselves to the community

In favour of this initiative completely!


Thanks for the proposal!

I think it is not bad in terms of content, but I have some concerns.

  • Who will be responsible for certification and management?
  • What will the criteria be? (I don’t think listing on dApp Staking for at least a year is a criterion)
  • Wouldn’t it break our stance as a public blockchain?

By the way, we already have an Astar Ecosystem account.


It seems all my questions already represented by @you425 :sweat:
Somehow I personally disagree with this kind of initiative, I rather saw Astar shilling its own tech achievement, or closing deals with big company instead shilling too much its ecosystem.

Astar still “shills” its infra and projects, but as a protocol it is considerably enough, and I like to keep that way.


Thanks @Leo for initiating this discussion. As @you425 mentioned, we have an existing X account for Astar Ecosystem. So for 1. Establishment of the Astar Ecosystem Account – it’s checked.

Discussion and proposal will now be for items #2 and #3.

My personal opinion:
in #2: I’m for it. I agree on the idea that it would provide credibility of projects on the Astar Network and also contribute to the overall branding and marketing efforts of the ecosystem, as well as serving as a safeguard against potential scams.

#3: projects should financially and voluntarily push this as “added value” to the ecosystem. This initiative must be done in good faith without the feeling of being required.


Thanks for the proposal leo. I have not seen the estimated costs yet. Do we have any idea regarding that?

I agree with @souleater and also @you425 brought us the right profile for this type of promotion.

Astar’s own profile promotes cool things that happen in the ecosystem - which I think should be done very carefully.

As for promoting solid projects, I believe that it should be up to each project’s marketing arm to take care of this and spend enough resources on it… UCG Program can be an alternative for projects with a small marketing budget.

I’ve been in the ecosystem since the beginning, and I saw the first dApps and NFT projects being launched in the ecosystem. In the beginning, there was a promotion of several projects for the community aiming at the growth of the network… what happened were several rug pulls and the credibility of ambassadors, team and network being put to the test.

The problem is trusting people - today they are loyal, tomorrow you never know what their real intentions are… That’s why I’m cautious and support a neutral approach.


I am wondering the same question

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I agree with you, @you425. A year in dApp Staking shouldn’t be the sole requirement for a gold checkmark. With team approval and careful curation, we can find a balance between contributing to the community and representing Astar. While this may require more effort from the team, it also adds value to Astar as a whole. Just as Polkadot does, it’s normal for public blockchain projects to receive a gold checkmark. Regarding the Astar Ecosystem account (, I’d appreciate more curated, original content rather than reposts. Most posts are not up to date or highlight the ecosystem; they only highlight what’s going on in specific projects.


Absolutely, @Pat. It’s crucial to ensure that teams and projects have the community’s best interests at heart.

I have a question about #3: When you say, “Projects should financially and voluntarily push this as ‘added value’ to the ecosystem,” does that mean teams need to pay for the gold checkmark? If so, there might be a trade-off depending on the team’s resources. For example, large entities like Sony or Honda might not want to pay, especially without incentives like dApp staking. Conversely, smaller teams might struggle to afford it. Personally, I support organic growth and appropriate incentives for those seeking the gold checkmark, whether funded by the treasury or the teams themselves.

I completely agree, @pitcoin. I appreciate and respect your neutral stance over the years, which adds a lot of credibility to your intentions with Astar. Credibility and clear intentions are crucial, especially when it comes to doxxing the team and meeting certain KPIs. While the Astar stamp of approval doesn’t necessarily have to apply only to current projects, having clear guidelines could attract stronger entities willing to maintain high standards. The emphasis on the gold checkmark is important and could be a significant factor in this process.

Thank you for your proposal.
I believe it serves as a catalyst for discussion on existing issues. Although several discussions are already underway, I think there is room for reconsideration regarding the standards. There is a concern that even if the standards are met, there is a risk that a project may be considered fraudulent.

Setting aside ‘how to do it’, I thought it would be good to carefully advance discussions on essentially ‘how can we increase and maintain trustworthy projects within the ecosystem?’

Nevertheless, I think that your post, which served as a trigger, is a significant first step. Thank you.


does that mean teams need to pay for the gold checkmark? – I personally believe, yes.

And I’m with you in supporting organic growth and giving proper incentives.


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do that for official Ecosystem Agent? What do you think?

Due to my current workload, I will finalize all my analyses and research, along with the proposal, by the end of the weekend. This could be a great integration; let’s see together.


Looking forward to it @Leo!

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