Astar Aliens - NFTs ... and more

The Project is in the preminting phase.
Free Airdrops soon.

TofuNFT Validator: All passed :tada:

Genesis NFTs listed on TofuNFT Marketplace

Contract on Blockscout

Project Information

The X Profile (former twitter)

The Telegram Channel:

You need more Information?
You contact us via X or Telegram.


Nice graphics… Keep building ser.

But I want to let the community know to be aware about NFTs airdrops and projects
Astar team and ambassador do not endorse projects and never take any opinion as financial advice.

Perfect, thank you.
Have an amazing day.

The picture looks beautiful. I’d like to ask a few more questions:

  1. In terms of the roadmap, what plans does the team have?

  2. What utilities does the team envision?

It’s interesting to see NFT projects coming to Astar. In this case, are you going to list the collection only on TofuNFT, or are you considering using a more Astar-native marketplace like Bluez or Sonova? Most of the Japanese community is very into NFTs, as you can see from the last NFT collections like Bonsai.

The roadmap looks promising! It’s great to see plans for exclusive content, staking rewards, and community events. Listing the collection on TofuNFT and considering Astar-native marketplaces like Bluez or Sonova should be a smart move, especially with the strong interest from the Japanese community.

Haven’t heard of your project before. WIll follow it now. Where can I find the roadmap?

beautiful image?
created from AI, and also very bad…

Where is the roadmap? How the hell do you write that the roadmap is PROMISING?
This project smells like a scam in my opinion.

So we’re allowing scam NFT project marketing in here but driving away building teams…why am i still surprised

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The contract is already published on Astar Main Network (see above).
Depending on the growing community there will be limited Airdrop events every few months (up to 50 NFTs) published on X and Telegram.

Please explain …

The collection is already available on Bluez

Not sure if Sonova is supporting native Astar Network, seams to be only Astar zkEVM.

What’s the roadmap bro?

You’ve got spelling mistakes on your main website below - entire thing looks Ai generated and amateur - i really don’t see what the ambassadors above see.

There is no active existing community - the X posts look like their straight from ChatGPT and don’t make sense releative to the project.

But “Nice graphics… keep building team” , “the pictures look beautiful” , the non-existent “road-map looks amazing”.

Can you please clarify if the team are anonymous or known already to ambassadors?


Hi @sostern
Anyone can create a NFT collection and register it on Bluez. I think it’s permissionless.
But I am wondering what is the goal of this post? Is it for promoting your NFT collection? If it is the case, I don’t think this forum is the good place.

As other projects, this post was just a initial information about what is going on and there is new form that is in the end helping promoting the Astar Network and the Astar Tokenomy. The NFTs are a puzzle pieces for rewarding the Astar Alien Community.

Hello @sostern :slight_smile: and welcome to Astar , most of the time the forum is the place there the project shares important steps and applies to UCG/dApp staking. I may suggest to promote first on Twitter/X and share the application proposal in the later stages then You have already results to share with the community :slight_smile: I’m not saying it’s wrong but for the visibility of Your project many other social platforms are way way better :grin:

Got it. Thanks a lot for your clarification =)


Amateur website
Only artificial intelligence designed visuals
Most importantly, Community power is almost non-existent (Telegram member 3?)

Although we need more NFT collections and community, this project is a bad image for us.

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Thank you, any constructive and substantial criticism that helps us to support and improve the project is appreciated.

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As GuiGou and VasaKing mentioned, the Forum is used when applying for UCG or dApp Staking. I suggest closing this thread for now and creating a new one when you’re ready to apply for either.

If you want to gather community feedback before applying for UCG or dApp Staking, you can discuss it in the “project-discussion” channel on Discord, Thank you.