C14 - dApp Staking Application

I voted yes through Townhall.
There is no rule limiting the number of dApps that can be listed for dApp Staking per team, so I think it’s no problem.

Hello Dro,

The SiO2 is Aave v2 and C14 v3 with other features including RWA for an example. Also the products operate on different blockchains with not the same community.

SiO2 is the leading lending protocol on Astar and a top 3 DeFi product, including zkEVM that means users are using SiO2 protocol often, so dunno why are you takling about we not succeeded. With just 1.5% of SiO2 supply in circulation, we’re being just patient about the listing.

We’ve also created an Algem adapter to enhance $ASTR use cases, and we’re proud to be completely self-funded.

Thank you, have a nice day. Matt


I didn’t say that SiO2 is not a success. It’s just feel unfinished as project from my point of view. If I am right with the same team you develop 4 different products :

  • Astrid Dao
  • SiO2
  • L2X
  • C14

As reminder, on SiO2 Discord :

Nowadays TGE is not planned. And we still farming SiO2 token with hypothetical APR display.

So when I read in this topic you aim to reward users by increasing APR for C14, It’s hard as SiO2 user to trust you again. And see you starting new products feel you let old one unmaintained.

We have been following Astar’s direction whos switched the focus from Astar L1 to Astar zkEVM, so that we launched C14 to support Astar zkEVM ecosystem and postpone the TGE and planning for a merge.

Also about the message you posted in the screen, this still stands the requirements are not met, ASTR still deep under ATH, so please be patient about it, thank you!

Thank you for you explanation!

Thank you for your proposal.
Great proposal.

Congratulations! @Matt :tada:

The voting is passed.

To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native Astar wallet with some transferrable 10 ASTR. Share the address here. No ledger wallet or EVM wallet.
  2. Have a verified smart contract on Astar Network (Layer 1) and share the contract address here. No zkEVM smart-contract.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website.
    Link: https://forms.gle/J5BAy1rct1oTojwk7

Guide: Register dApp | Astar Docs

We will whitelist your addresses for dApp Staking.


Congratulations, Matt :confetti_ball:
I believe it will be a new challenge for you, but I’m looking forward to it :rocket:


C14 has jumped on board, congratulations @Matt! :sunglasses:

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I voted YES… hopefully the team delivery a nice product.
I do feel a bit annoyed as other community member about the same team launching a bunch of products and still working on them - looks like the roadmaps are not complete, and the team is just forking and launching in looping… I hope I am wrong.

Furthermore, I give a vote of confidence and voted yes. Let’s build!


Thank you G, here you go!

  1. YtdyHZ5wSkofE5SK6N7EAT6k9h16cX4aG5DEvWSwSbbokVq
  2. 0xd44C09269d195F3B2dDF4238D2444dA19599dC56
  3. done!
  4. done!

Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.

Congrats to the C14 team! Look forward to seeing your contribution to the network! :clap: :tada:

Congratulations to the team. I hope this will be an important step towards creating something fun. =)

Thank you everyone for support, truly appreciated! :pray:

Here you go with our dApp staking tweet and profile in the portal:


I have just added C14 Finance, so now you can check the voting status of F14 Finance Staker list / dApps :memo:

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