dApps Staking v3 - proposal

Practically a timely solution was adopted to protect some teams from lost earnings due to the drop in the price of $astar token, but nothing has yet been done to implement a healthy and linear policy between the various tiers.
If a tier 2 team complains about a drop in rewards, a solution is found in a short time.
If a team that is part of a lower tier points out the non-linearity and that a few Astars can decide to lower the Astar rewards that are received by 90% or more, that’s right, you deserve a tip.

We didn’t even want to reply, but this is another example of how the interests of a few are better protected, and how dapp staking thrives on centralized autonomy.

this is why this change was necessary and was implemented quickly: Build2Earn Rewards Query 1.1

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