Thanks for partaking in the discussion. The previous discussion was closed - not deleted - as its was devolving into various separate discussions and topics with no order. There were various commentators also pointing this out. It was abundantly evident and not productive to what the end goal was: to get to the point of delisting or not the SkyLabs team from dapp staking.
The thread was back-linked in the new post I created. It also serves as not to continue the digression into just more “discussion”, and more as an action item i.e a 2 day period added to take a vote on sentiment to delist or not. I can make the delist proposal myself if thats what the community consensus sentiment vote calls for.
You can find that discussion here: ❇️ UCG: SkyLabs - Next Steps
As for “accusation and untrue or unverified things” - I respectfully disagree with you. Your comments and assumptions on and about Astar Agents/Ambassadors, Astar core-team members, and even in this post alluding to a possible “emotionally or financially” involvement from myself say otherwise. Your comments not only serve to grow distrust, sow fear and doubt, distort perspectives, and instigate, but its disingenuous to think comments like these are actually helping the team and community make decisions about changes and decide to involve themselves and tackle larger issues that arise. The continued effort on your behalf to tear down long time contributing members with baseless accusations and fabricated allusions is harmful for the motivation of new participation and involvement - not just from current community members, but future ones too.
One of the root issues at stake here is that exact oversight that was lacking and accountability for all dapps in regard to the UCG program, and we need more motivated and encouraged community members to participate, not less due to remarks like yours that plant disillusion. Hence I’d gladly respond to your constructive comments, and even push proposals myself on your behalf due to your lack of funds, if thats what the community consensus decides. But please know that any more false assumptions and/or remarks in your comments that aim to demotivate, plant distrust towards long time contributors, agents, and team members will be ignore by me. There are respectful ways to have a constructive discussions without the need for any of that, and happy to partake in those.
**End note
For any ASTR holder here reading, and open to making governance proposals: The linked SkyLabs thread’s end goal is to capture some sort of sentiment anonymously from onlookers and readers to try to capture community consensus, but it doesn’t need to go that route. Any user at anytime can create a delisting proposal prior to that sentiment vote I called for.
Thanks for reading and participating.