LFGM Week 8 Recap

:sparkles: LFGM Week 8 Recap :sparkles:

We did it! The LFGM Campaign has reached its finale. Overall we and the participating teams have a lot to celebrate - including a lot of learning we did through this unique campaign. The final stats are below:

:arrow_forward: Total Projects participating: 27

:arrow_forward: Total GMs collected: 2,495,325

:arrow_forward: Total Quest completed: 1,669,811

:arrow_forward: Total unique participants: 9623

Thanks again to all the participants for all the support shown for the partner projects.

As a reminder: our aim was to showcase the strong teams on both the Astar and Soneium ecosystem while highlighting the ASTR token and its utility across both chains. This again will be instrumental in the future. Consider this an alpha heads up!

Now time to announce the winners of the LFGM prizes for Week 8 “Fit Week”! We’ll be contacting winners soon with further details about their prizes.

We are including the data sheet

Congrats to the winners!

  • :ring: Tier 1: Oura Ring - Angus
  • :athletic_shoe: Tier 2: Fitbit -Andrew, JINGZHOU, Mj
  • :gift: Tier 3: Mystery Box - Gnm, Farzad, Ali, Kino, Azeria
  • :coin: Lucky?: Coin Stealing Cat -Serhii
  • :frog: Special: Pepe LED Lamp - Amir

We also are announcing our Grand Prize #1 and #2 Winners! Congratulations to the following users:

  • :airplane: Tier 1: Grand Prize #1: Trip to Japan - Farzad (#73)
  • :credit_card: Tier 1: Grand Prize #2: $500 Gift Card - krypto (#327)

Thanks again and enjoy!

Stay tuned this week for a full recap filled with more details, stats, and insights about the campaign.

Thank you all once again for all the feedback and participation. Let’s keep GM’n!

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Thank you for the final report!
The community responded favorably to the event, as they were able to touch a greater variety of dApps compared to Yoki.

How much have you decided about your plans for future campaigns?
Will it be a while before it is done in conjunction with the mainnet launch of Soneium?

keep going. the best is yet to come :fire:

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Thank you very much for the recap of this campaign. It has received quite a lot of attention, especially from the Thai side. I hope there will be fun campaigns like this coming out continuously. =)

The campaign was a great success, thanks to the team and the support of agents and the community.