Hello everyone. This is Sota. In this topic, I would like to introduce a monthly community call with our ambassadors. Since our goal is to make a decentralized autonomous organization, it is very important to hear community’s feedback constantly. (* “Community” includes developers, validators, ambassadors, and contributors. It doesn’t include speculators and daily traders)
What is a monthly ambassadors call?
- Core team invites ambassadors to a community call on Zoom.
- The call is recorded on Zoom and will be published on Youtube so that all members can see the video after the call.
- During the call, core team introduces and explains upcoming milestones, technical progresses, and Polkadot/Kusama’s updates.
- Ambassadors ask questions to the core team and the core team answers the questions.
The purpose of this call is to make our progresses clear and convey what we have decided and what issues we are working on.
Dear ambassadors. Please vote for the following poll.
- May 5th 9am Eastern/ 9pm China Time
- May 6th 9am Eastern/ 9pm China Time
- May 11th 10am Eastern/ 10pm China Time
- May12th 10am Eastern/ 10pm China Time
0 voters
Community Questions
If you have a question for the call, please reply on this thread. We will pick up some outstanding questions in the call.