Neemo Finance: UCG application grant

Great!!! Thank you su much for you assistance =)


I love the graphical interface!

I like that the flow is very easy to follow and the GUI is quite clean and intuitive. congratulations on launching such a great product!

I ask you, what typography do you use?


Hey thanks for your feedback! Here’s the font: Bricologia Grotesq, its a google font

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Thank you so much! I really liked the typography!

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Hi @SeiyaChida! Congratulations Neemo Finance!

17M ASTR tokens from Community funds have been staked on your dApp. Please don’t forget to publish your monthly check-in reports here to share your updates with the community as part of the UCG program . Excited to see what’s coming next for Neemo Finance.


Hey hey guys, hope everyone is doing well! Just wanted to update that we’ve released our documentation for Astar Network. You can check it out on our website! Or, you can go to:! Let us know if you have any feedback!


Great! I’m very interested in learning more about how Neemo works, I’ll be checking the official documentation soon and leaving my comments here. thanks for the work done!


Hey thanks for your comment! And our work isn’t done yet. We’ve only just begun :slight_smile:

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Great team! I am super excited to see the protocol development.
Lets go.

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Congrats Neemo Team!!! I hope we’ll be able to do fun things together. If you need any help from the team, please let us know. =)

It’s interesting to see how this vote unfolded. I had the same (obvious) questions as other agents, such as the difference with Algem. Best for the team

Hi @psneemo!

I just checked your documentation, I see it simple, short and precise, that is positive for the user who wants to understand roughly about the project, surely you will be introducing more information in the future, Good job!

I ask you a question, do you plan in the future to create tools for developers, an api for example to integrate Nemo in dApps?

Hi @psneemo , congrats to migrate to Soneium L2! :tada:

Just as August is coming to an end, I would like to share a heads-up for the first monthly report from Neemo Finance expected to be shared by 30th, according to Unstoppable Community Grants Program - 2024 - Google Sheets

Can’t wait to read it!

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Hey, havej just checked the UI, features and the docs and it loooks great. Would be great to have another page in the docs about the utility of nsAstar.

Hey thanks for checking! Here’s our first monthly report:

Neemo Finance Check-in I

At Neemo Finance, we are pumped to report that we have been on track with our development roadmap and have made pivotal headways in our growth. Here are the key highlights from the previous months since receiving our Unstoppable Community Grant:

→ Launch on Soneium: We recently announced our integration on Soneium, an emerging Ethereum Layer 2 network built using the OP Stack.
→ Launch of our Loyalty Program: We have announced our mainnet Loyalty Badges, which give users the ability to earn a share of dApp staking owner rewards.
→ Shipping our testnet: We shipped our testnet on 29th July. Thanks to our recent #FindingNeemo Campaigns and announcements pertaining to Soneium launch, activity on our testnet has picked up significantly.

The next few months are full of excitement and continuous development as we step up to build a highly composable LST for Soneium. This report quickly outlines the key highlights from the past month.


Our metrics have seen a skyrocketed growth since the announcement of Soneium. Prior to that, there was little activity on Neemo Finance and Astar Network in general (seeing only 5.46K daily transactions). We contest that this activity will pick up in light of Soneium’s recent testnet launch.

That said, here’s a summary of our metrics:

  • MAUs: 1.2K
  • WAUs: 867

These metrics seem modest at first, but we’re quite confident they will improve significantly.

Key Events

It has nearly been just over a month since we were accepted into the UCG Grant, and we’re proud to share that we’ve made leaps-and-bounds progress.

Milestone 1: Testnet

Our development team was hard at work the day we got accepted into UCG to build out and ship our testnet. We made it live in less than 2 weeks on July 29.

Milestone 2: Joining dApp Staking

Neemo Finance was listed on Astar Network dApp staking portal. And we received the 17M $ASTR UCG grant. Currently, there are 18.502M $ASTR staked (as of writing) on Neemo. Check here:

Milestone 3: #FindingNeemo Campaign

We officially began a series of campaigns to kickstart the usage and activity on our testnet. The rewards for participation were/are ASTR airdrop.

Milestone 4: AMAs/Marketing Activities

We have been actively conducting AMAs and engaging in partnered marketing activities with partners like Polkadot Insider, AIxWeb3, Arthswap, Sonova, BonsaiNFT, and Starlay Finance.

Milestone 5: Security and Audits

We have already submitted our contracts for audit to Hacken and have successfully integrated SphereX, a realtime security monitoring solution. Additionally, our contracts have gone several rounds of peer audits.

Milestone 6: Loyalty Program Announcement

We have successfully announced our Loyalty Program, which allows users to earn boosted rewards when they participate. These rewards can be earned upon participation in mainnet staking on Neemo Finance, due to go live soon.

Milestone 7: Integration on Soneium

We’re super proud to be given the opportunity to build and launch on Soneium. We’ll soon be announcing several features and exciting integrations for our users on Soneium. We recommend the Astar Community to stay updated on all our announcements/updates.


  • July 3: Dapp staking for Astar Network announcement. Social Post
  • July 10: Voting for UCG Grant started. Social Post
  • July 17: Secured Unstoppable Community Grant from Astar Network. Social Post
  • July 23: Neemo Finance Overview: Revolutionizing Liquid Staking on Astar Network by Ordinal Space. Social Post
  • July 29: Testnet v1 for Astar Network goes live. Social Post
  • July 30: Live on Astar Dapp Staking portal. Social Post
  • Aug 8: Finding Neemo phase 1 goes live. Social Post
  • Aug 10: AMA 1ST : Aiweb3, DeStore Network, KodaDot. Social Post
  • Aug 12: Gitbook live for Astar Network. Social Post
  • Aug 12: Finding Neemo phase 2 started. Social Post
  • Aug 13: Finding Neemo with Starlay. Social Post
  • Aug 15: Finding Neemo with Arthswap. Social Post
  • Aug 18: Neemo Finance joined Astar dapp staking. Social Post
  • Aug 19: Finding Neemo phase 3 for testnet announced. Social Post
  • Aug 19: Neemo Loyalty program announcement. Social Post
  • Aug 19: Testnet v2 upgrade with SphereX integration (announced internally on Discord).
  • Aug 20: AMA 2nd: Polkadot Insider. Social Post
  • Aug 20: Neemo Loyalty program WL campaign with Starlay. Social Post
  • Aug 21: Partnership with Spherex Technologies to bolster the security of our liquid dApp staking platform… Social Post
  • Aug 22: Neemo Loyalty program WL campaign with Walkmon. Social Post
  • Aug 23: Integration with Soneium Announcement. Social Post
  • Aug 24: Neemo Loyalty program WL campaign with Arthswap. Social Post
  • Aug 25: AMA 3rd: BONSAI NFT CLUB. Social Post
  • Aug 25: AMA 4th : AiWeb3, Ctalks, Neurolanche, Caddy finance, Centrifuge Asia. Social Post
  • Aug 26: Neemo Loyalty program WL campaign with Bonsai NFT. Social Post

Focus for upcoming Months

Our focus is on two key objectives for the upcoming month:

  1. Launch on Mainnet: We aim to launch our liquid dApp staking protocol on mainnet in the coming week to 10 days. We have already submitted our contracts for audit to Hacken and have successfully integrated SphereX, a realtime security monitoring solution. Additionally, our contracts have gone several rounds of peer audits. We aim to launch our mainnet and allow users the ability to mint nsASTR directly on Soneium as well.
  2. Build on Soneium: In addition to offering one-click minting of nsASTR on Soneium, we also aim to deploy our testnet and proceed to partner with all the incredible projects building on the chain. Stay tuned for announcements around these!

Closing Thoughts

Astar Network is undergoing a massive overhaul and the upcoming Soneium launch will place it right at the centre of crypto. We’re excited at the upcoming opportunities and strive to build value-adding products for our users.


Congratulations for such a good product developed and great updates that you share with us, I have been following you and I definitely say that you are doing an excellent job.

Neemo at this moment has my confidence, I can see the great effort!


Thanks @psneemo for this detailed update and keep building. Congrats to the team!
Does it mean we should be able to test it on Soneium Minato Testnet soon?


Wow , a really nice and well prepared report :clap: Will wait for Minato release :grin:


Thank you for your clear report!

I’ve heard that Soneium is focusing on DeFi. I believe your project will play an important role, so please keep up the good work and strive for even greater success.

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Thank you for your comment! And we are deeply grateful to you for your appreciation :slight_smile:

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