Neemo Finance: UCG application grant

Congratulations, the vote has passed.
I hope to see a successful product with rapid results so that trust is restored.
In anyway, please be transparent in all of your decisions and development progress and report them here.


Thank you for your comment! And, yes, for sure we’ll strive to build a great product that adds value to the Astar community.

Congratulations :partying_face:
Looking forward to the continued growth of your product!


Hey @psneemo where is possible try your platform?

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Thank you! Appreciate your comment

Hey, you can check us out at the link in our bio.

We’ll be sharing details on testnet soon :wink:

Oh ok, so testnet isn’t again avaible and there aren’t again onchain tx… You are accepted on your promise. @FFR23 easy example here.

Good luck guys, nothing against you really, we will sure you deliver a good dapp. Thank you

Always good to see new DeFi projects coming to Astar EVM (parachain). However, as users mentioned, we already have liquid staking services like Algem that provide good service for the ecosystem. I would like to know the main difference in terms of products that Neemo will provide.

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@Gaius_sama @Jerad ; for the sake of transparency, can you please clarify why @SFY_Labs were subject to different rules / conditions for dApp staking application?

In my opinion, this is concerning for “decentralized” governance if some dApps are subject to different rules at the whim and feelings of the core team (and ambassadors to a lesser extent)

Hey, thanks for your comment. We have already outlined our core differentiators from competitors above in our proposal as well as in several comments just above.

You can even check out some of our most recent threads we did to highlight some of our core USPs on our Twitter (@neemofinance)

If you have any specific questions, we’re very happy to answer :slight_smile:

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These are not different rules, Donkey Gang tried to apply for dApp Staking directly while Neemo Finance applied for UCG.

UCG is intended for projects not yet deployed on Astar but aiming to join the ecosystem. They have stricter commitments and steps to follow if they want to join and stay in dApp Staking.

A project can apply to the UCG program only once and for a maximum of two periods (8 months). The program is not continuous support but a bootstrap to help a project launch on Astar Network and join the dApp Staking Program.

cf: UCG v2: Making Unstoppable Community Grants attractive again

If Donkey Gang had applied to the UCG following the same process as described in the UCG guidelines and as Neemo did, there would have been a vote.

If Neemo Finance had tried to apply for dApp Staking without a contract or product on Astar Network, there would have been no vote.


Congrats! :slight_smile: Please keep us updated here.

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:upside_down_face: Replied on the other thread, we don’t want to pollute this, in fact I apologize to Neemo team.
Keep Building guys :+1:

Thanks for your help! Here is our details.

  1. Z7A8qLBxCP8FAF5rBhqfJBzpdC3sXFuF2NyDRh49tY7uNFy
  2. 0xB0369B70ab98dCD40188B6cF2b2b002D74E1C42a
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Addresses have been whitelisted. You can now register on the portal by connecting the native wallet.


Congrats to the team to be accepted for the UCG program :tada:


Hi @SeiyaChida congrats to be accepted for the UCG program, even the voting is already done, but let me respond your feedback in a separate message soon. Thanks for your detailed responses.

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Hey guys! Just wanted to share with everyone that our public testnet is now live. Please check it out here:

We look forward to your feedback on the testnet to help us refine the product better!

PS: I’ve also started a thread about our testnet here so feel free to drop your inputs anywhere :slight_smile:

thanks in advance!

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Hi @psneemo ,

I have added Neemo Finance to the data list page of dApp Staking that I am creating. Please feel free to use it when necessary in your project.


Hey thanks for adding it here, appreciate it