Notice of Partnership-HEALTHREE × PacificMeta

Dear Astar Community Members.

Hello! I’m Wasabi, Moderator of HEALTHREE.

A press release regarding the partnership between PacificMeta and HEALTHREE was announced today.:earth_asia::sparkles::handshake:

This is an announcement regarding further strengthening of the system for future global expansion and strengthening of the system for token listing.

We will continue to do our best to contribute to the development of AstarNetwork and the expansion of the ecosystem.

Please check out the article.
Pacific Meta Partners with HEALTHREE, strengthening our overseas expansion efforts.


What a wonderful partnership!
I’ll continue to support you!

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Thank you so much!
I’m grateful for your support!

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Great achievement, keep up the good work!

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Thank you so much!
We will do our best to expand HEALTHREE globally! Thank you for your support!

Congratz! Pls update us again every milestones! :heart:

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Thank you so much!
I will also share project progress and product updates. I’m very happy to share with you on Astar forum!