Nova Wallet โ€“ dApp Staking Proposal

GM everyone,
we would like to put forward an application to have Nova Wallet be registered for Astar dApp Staking :sparkling_heart:

Project Overview

Nova Wallet is the leading mobile app for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem:

:milky_way: 70+ Polkadot eco & EVM networks โ€“ including Astar & Shiden

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: 250+ Cross-chain channels

:globe_with_meridians: DApp browser with support for the Polkadot JS & MetaMask protocols โ€“ we support both the Substrate and EVM sides of Astar, including the Astar Portal

:iphone: Hardware wallets support for Parity Signer & Ledger Nano X (Including Astar Ledger app)

:raising_hand_woman:t3: OpenGov, Agile Delegations, and Governance v1 support

:pancakes: User-friendly staking: DOT, KSM, GLMR, MOVR, PDEX, AZERO, TUR, CAPS & KMA

:framed_picture: Access to RMRK & Statemine NFTs

:rocket: Polkadot & Kusama Crowdloans

:sparkling_heart: Amazing & user-friendly UX/UI

:sparkles: Community-focused

:zap: Fast & Feature-rich

:mechanical_arm: Secure & Open source

:person_gesturing_ok: 50 000+ active users on both iOS & Android

:gift: Funded by the Polkadot, Kusama, Moonbeam, Moonriver & KILT Treasuries, working with 130+ teams in the eco (and hopefully soon by Astar dApp Staking <3)

Our goal for Nova Wallet is to build and maintain a high-quality, open-source, community-focused, and feature-rich mobile application, which will have no network biases and can function with no limitations/restrictions.

Apart from developing the open-source Nova Wallet iOS & Android mobile applications, our team is consistently contributing to the Polkadot & Kusama ecosystems by providing open-source SDKs, design assets, knowledge-sharing sessions, and infrastructure. Examples include:

  • Substrate SDKs for iOS and Android development

  • Nova Utils GitHub โ€” metadata & configs for networks, crowdloans, DApps, cross-chain transfers

  • SubQuery API projects developed and hosted by the Nova Wallet team, including a new Governance-focused project

  • Nova Assets Figma โ€” design assets: Polkadot eco tokens, networks, DApps, etc.

  • Hosted metadata portal for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem networks โ€” metadata portal for Parity Signer, ecosystem hardware wallet

  • Polkadot in Action โ€” series of videos & articles focused on onboarding people to help utilize the power of Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem through the Nova Wallet

  • Delegate Registry โ€” an open-source repository for Delegates to fill out their information to attract more delegations through the Agile Delegation feature โ€“Other apps are using it (besides Nova Wallet): OpenGov Insights

Our Mission & dApp Staking Reward Usage

We have been supporters of the Astar Ecosystem for a long time and have even produced a video informing the community about how to participate in Astar dApp Staking with Nova!

Nova Wallet development has always been funded by the Ecosystem Network Treasuries, with most of our funding coming from the Polkadot and Kusama treasuries.

Our goal is to make the best possible product for our users, and to give you the ultimate web3 experience from the palm of your hand. We always allocate a portion of our treasury funding to implementing community requested features. We closely monitor discussions within the Polkadot ecosystem communities and we strive to maintain a strong bond with everyone by listening to your input and implementing your requests.

In a similar fashion, we plan to use funds earned by Astar dApp staking to fund development efforts to implement Astar specific community requested features. The Astar community can add their feature requests over at our Canny page โ€“ and we will periodically review your submissions and if they can be feasibly implemented then we will do so! We plan to implement at least 2 Astar specific community requested features by the end of Q4!

Here are some requests which I have heard from the Astar community in the past, but ideally we would love to have an open conversation with all of you about which features you really want us to implement!

  • Astar NFT Viewer

  • Cross chain transfers of assets from Astar in Novaโ€™s UI (requires custom logic)

  • Substrate <> EVM asset management natively in Nova

Please do let us know if you have any feedback on our proposal โ€“ and letโ€™s work together to make participating in the Astar ecosystem even more amazing on Nova Wallet! :sparkling_heart:



Here are links to our socials

:globe_with_meridians: Website:

:bird: Twitter:

:technologist: Github: Novasama Technologies ยท GitHub

:books: Medium:

:speech_balloon: Telegram: Telegram: Contact @novawallet


I really love and using Nova but are you planning to make links or visuals for dApp staking in the mobile interface?
Also, do you plan to make posts on social media accounts to bring new stakers here?


Iโ€™m supporting Nova application for dapp staking, it is a highly beneficial feature for Astar to have such a user friendly mobile wallet supporting most of the dapps.


It would be great to have Nova Wallet listed on the dApp store. Thatโ€™s a great way to bring new users into Astar ecosystem too. Looking forward having Nova soon. Thanks.


Hey! This is something that weโ€™d want to discuss with the entire Astar community!

We think that currently the Astar Portal provides a really great experience for dApp Staking โ€“ but if the community want us to add dApp staking into Novaโ€™s UI, we can discuss how that would look!

We will make posts on our social media accounts when the poll is live yep!


If we can add dApp staking on Nova, it is gonna be useful for our Community. And Can we add astar WASM nft on Nova?

Join Astar dApp Staking
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Thank you Leemo! Yes, the dApp staking is unique in the dotsama and I also like it a lot, I am wondering if you have any plan on how Nova joined the dApp staking can make the dApp staking process even simpler and attract more users to join the dApp staking, I personally like Nova wallet and would be happy to support!


Delighted to see Nova joining the Astar ecosystem :grin: I fully support the proposal


Canโ€™t vote. But it was yes


Definitely a Yes, as Nova wallet is an excellent mobile wallet for Polkadot and Astar Network. :+1:

Like my fellow ambassadors, Iโ€™d also like to see Astar integrated into Novaโ€™s staking function instead of using the dApps section, but thatโ€™s not urgent as it already works very well.


That would be a yes from me, they have a beautiful and practical interface, and integration with Astar can only be a plus to boost our platform to the masses



Congrats!! The voting is passed. To proceed, please do the following:

  1. Have a developer native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR and share the address with us.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the address with us. Since you are not a dApp, a hello world contract will do. You can simply name it Nova Hello World.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo, and share the link to the repo with us.
  4. If you wish to have your brand listed on Astar website ecosystem page, fill in this FORM.

When all of these are done, we will whitelist your addresses. The addresses will be used to register on Astar Portal later.


Amazing! Thank you all so much <3

Will get on this ASAP! :star:



I am still waiting for the details

1 Like

As an ambassador, my vote was a definite yes for this integration. Letโ€™s continue to drive progress and growth together! :ballot_box::rocket: