Open HRMP Channel Between Shiden Network and Bit.Country Pioneer


We propose to open HRMP communication between Shiden Network and Bit.Country Pioneer. This will require actions on both chains.


We propose to open a bi-directional channel between Shiden Network and Bit.Country Pioneer. The primary use cases will be:

  1. $SDN can be transferred to Bit.Country Pioneer and used as a payment method in the NFT marketplace on Bit.Country Pioneer and Bit.Country Pioneer Metaverse.
  2. $NEER can be transferred to Shiden to be used in the ecosystem of Shiden Network and the protocols build on top of the network.


An HRMP channel will be requested from the Bit.Country Pioneer side. This post acts as a proposal to accept and request opening the opposite direction HRMP channel from the Shiden network.

Technical details

The procedure for opening the channels is as follows:

  1. Shiden Network proposes to accept the Bit.Country Pioneer to Shiden Network HRMP channel and open a Shiden Network to Bit.Country Pioneer HRMP channel via [Shiden MuliSig Governance Batch call].
  2. Wait until the proposal on step 1 gets approved & enacted.
  3. Bit.Country Pioneer accepts the Shiden Network to Bit.Country Pioneer HRMP channel and add SDN to the marketplace.
  4. Wait for another session on Kusama for the change to be effective.

These extrinsics need to be called with the parachain’s sovereign account as the origin. To achieve this, on the Bit.Country Pioneer side we will use Kusama-xcm pallet to send XCM message to the relay chain, by executing the following extrinsic from the parachain. Shiden Network should make an open request call and an accept request call with its pallet.

As a prerequisite, the parachain’s sovereign account must contain at least 20 KSM to be locked as collateral (10 for each channel direction), plus some KSM to pay for XCM execution fees.


The time has come!!! Let’s go.

I support this proposal!

Good Idea !!! I love it

I support this suggestion

Hope this happens. Bitcountry looks pretty cool. Cook up some synergy.