We propose to open HRMP communication between Shiden Network and Quartz. This will require actions on both chains.
We propose to open a bi-directional channel between Shiden Network and Quartz. The primary use case will be to transfer QTZ tokens to Shiden Network to be used in the ecosystem of Shiden Network and in the protocols built on top of the network.
There is no on-chain proposal. The proposal created in this forum acts as an official proposal between Quartz and Shiden Network.
Technical details
The procedure for opening the channels is as follows:
Quartz Network initializes a proposal to open a bidirectional HRMP channel between Quartz Network and Shiden Network via the Astar forum.
Wait until the proposal is approved
Quartz proposes to open an HRMP channel from Quartz to Shiden via on-chain transaction
Shiden Network approves this call and thereby opens Quartz → Shiden HRMP channel. Shiden Network proposes to open a Shiden to Quartz HRMP channel. This may be done at the same time via Astar MultiSig Governance Batch call
Quartz approves a call from Shiden thereby Shiden → Quartz HRMP channels is opened
Wait for another session on Kusama for the change to be effective.
As a prerequisite, the parachain’s sovereign account must contain at least 10 KSM to be locked as collateral (5 for each channel direction), plus some KSM to pay for XCM execution fees.