Proposal: Smart Contract Expansion and zkEVM support on Apillon

I believe that the idea behind Astar itself is to bring more and more developers to adopt web3, even if the price is quite a high sum I believe that progress cannot be made without investments. I think a monthly report with updates and results obtained by the Apillon team is a necessary thing.
Voted YES hoping to be able to try their platform soon :grin: :handshake:

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Even though there are more than 350 million $ASTR in our treasury, it does not make sense to use them in this way at the moment. The priorities of our treasury at the moment are different. I think similar things with @souleater


From my point of view, building tools to develop dApps seems to me to be a priority, anytime, especially on the wasm side.
Astar core team is focused on dAppStaking V3, new tokenomics and zkEVM. Letā€™s other team(s) to build the missing pieces :wink:
In the Team Lucky, we already use products built by Apillon and all works smoothly. Hoping to see more and more tools built by them.


I think Apillon has a young and vibrant team building amazing product in the Polkadot ecosystem already. Would love to see how they could contribute to Astar too. I voted AYE.

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I am supporting this proposal

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I do like what Apillon team is building and the whole developer experience.

However, I donā€™t see much value added with Apillonā€™s product to the whole Astar ecosystem since we already have ThirdWeb integrated into Astar EVM and the coming Astar zkEVM.

Could you explain further how Apillon can achieve more/equal developer adoption on Astar zkEVM compared to ThirdWeb?

Also, why isnā€™t Apillon looking for integration funding via dApp Staking but via grant proposal? Thank you

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Voted NO at this time as some questions raised above not answered.

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I will vote yes, projects that are based on smart contracts or the simplification of their code will facilitate the work of developers.


At first, I voted yes because I had often heard good things about Apillon.
However, since there have been no responses to some of the questions and the vote is likely to pass as it is, I have temporarily voted No. If there are responses to the questions and Iā€™m satisfied with the content, Iā€™ll vote yes again.

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I voted No
Given that ThirdWeb is already integrated into Astar EVM, and with the upcoming Astar zkEVM, Iā€™m not convinced that Apillon brings any significant extra valueā€¦
Additionally, Iā€™m curious as to why Apillon is opting for grant proposal funding rather than seeking integration support through dApp Staking, I believe it is a better fit

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I voted No, I share the same thought, I believe at this point it is better to seek integration support through dApp Staking. since with the new V3 system it will be better to be able to monitor project deliveries.

I voted against it since I donā€™t think Apillon adds much value at this point.

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Thank you for your reply.
Before we formed the final grant and posted in on forums, we have conducted a call with the core team leaders and the proposal idea was welcomed, also it was suggested to us to utilise the treasury - this is the reason why our proposal is here.

Thank your for your suggestion on the proposal timeline. Since zkEVM integration is one of our proposal outcomes, we would like to capture that wave as it happens and not 3 months later. A lot can happen in 3 months in the blockchain industry.

Either way, we appreciate your honest feedback and the possibility to convert your vote in the future.

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Before going to current user stats, I would like to point out that Apillon is already executing the GTM strategy with the following pillars:

  • Google Ads account running for period of 4 months with existing track record and success of onboarding
  • Twitter Ads account running for a period of 2 months with existing track record and success of onboarding
  • Stripe-enabled fiat payments for users
  • SEO efforts for the past 9 months with the constant growth of positioning (already ranking in top 10 positions on our first launched service decentralised storage, under keywords such as ā€œnft metadata storageā€ and similar
  • SEO-optimised content releases for a period of 9 months
  • Frontend and backend Analytics to track user acquisition and ability to produce 100% trackable reports on the spend vs conversion
  • Custom referral system that rewards users who onboard other developers, to further boost the adoption of Polkadot

So this is our GTM infrastructure, where until recently we mainly promoted our decentralised storage service as one of the most polished services. That said, we have launched a new - NFT based campaign in the previous week, resulting in flood of new users seeking for such services (as shown in the onboarding data below).This campaign directly correlates with our ambition to expand on Astar and provide wider options, especially the ability to expand to zkEVM.We sincerely hope you can see Apillon as a imperative factor in Astar growth, capable of continously executing GTM strategy that is already in place.

Clear visible spike in user onboarding over newly launched NFT campaigns

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Thank your for your vote of confidence.


The question or comparison to thirdweb was already answered in detail. Nonetheless, I am pasting the answer again below.

Thirdweb is only a smart contract deployment platform. The user has no access to any other decentralised services, while apillon provides full stack of services where developers can build dapps from a single provider with simple endpoints. That said, we have also disclosed our GTM stack and activities in the other answer so please check that out.

Previous answer with thirdweb comparison
What we are proposing is far more than just smart contract deployment - such as ChainIDE or Thirdweb are offering.
We offer synergies between several services from one single endpoint - e.g. thirdweb and ChainIDE do not offer decentralised storage (CRUST), or decentralised hosting or decentralised identifiers (KILT), or decentrlised compute (PHALA). Meaning, a developer would go to thirdweb, deploy a smart contract and then proceed to build all those integrations manually.
At the same time, we offer Subsquid querying for each smart contract deployed (automatically deployed together with RPC providers), the smart contracts are configured over form in the UI and all billing is handeled over fiat - Stripe payments.

Why are payments important?
Deploying a smart contract over thirweb is far from turnkey. A developer looking to scale a dapp over such services still has to take care of keeping his wallet full with tokens to pay for transactions. This brings up another question of, how to scale if the token is volatile? These issues are mitigated using Apillon.
That said, a developer could deploy a smart contract over Apillon and receive a preconfigured Phala Phat contract that extends abilities of that smart contract in a single action. This is the synergies Apillon is building, removing even more friction than Thirdweb or other smart contract deployment solutions.
To learn more about how we build synergies, please review our demo video posted in the proposal and you will be able to see:

  1. Single user flow to deploy standalone NFT collection
  2. Decentralised metadata storage solved
  3. Smart contract deployed where Apillon takes care of underlying payments
  4. NFT collection hosting on decentralised storage - solved

All these benefits are included in a single 5 minute step. This is what makes Apillon different.

Also, why isnā€™t Apillon looking for integration funding via dApp Staking but via grant proposal? Thank you

Regarding this question. We had a preliminary call with one of the core team leaders, before writing this proposal and we were directed towards treasury. This is why we formed the proposal this way.*

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We apologise for the delay in our answers. We have now provided several details and answers to all the questions, so we are hoping you can reconsider your vote or maybe follow up with additional questions. Thank you.

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Thank you for reaching out.
There is an extensive answer where a direct comparison between thirdweb and Apillon is shaped, so we kindly ask you to review that answer and we will gladly answer any follow up questions. There are a lot of massive differences between thirdweb and Apillon and we strongly believe these benefits are visible and objective.

Regarding the treasury proposal. After conducting a preliminary call with one of the core team leaders from Astar, we were directed towards treasury, this is why we formed our proposal towards treasury.

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We sincerely appologise for delayed answers. We have covered all the open burning questions, so we truly hope you can reconsider your vote or follow up with follow up questions. Thank you!


I am sorry to see that the apillon proposal did not pass the vote. However I understand the position of some who voted, in that we should prioritize the release of the Astar zkEVM + our v3. Hopefully in the future there will be a new proposal!

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