Transparency- Txs (Neurolanche)

:rocket: Neurolanche Core Team Daily Meeting :rocket:

:movie_camera: Firolauss trailer is currently in the works by our designer Ozgur, and today we had the first preview. I believe we’ll launch it early next week! :clapper:

:loudspeaker: Ahmet confirms that all zkStrike rewards have been completed, and rewards for Neurolauncher holders will be distributed by March 1st. Remember, Neurolauncher NFTs listed for sale won’t receive holder rewards, and the snapshot date is random. :moneybag:

:star2: Ambassador Program Expansion Update: We’ve received 46 applications so far and are carefully reviewing each one. Stay tuned for results coming soon! :handshake:

:bulb: We’ve received a response from Aleph Zero regarding a technical meeting to discuss the integration of their technology into our project. Ahmet and Gustavo are preparing a detailed technical proposal outlining our objectives and the use of Aleph Zero’s technology. :hammer_and_wrench:

:art: UXNinja has been officially hired and is already working on improvements to our website. Next up, UX/UI enhancements for our projects! :computer:

:iphone: We had a meeting with Illumate Studio regarding zkStrike, and in the next few weeks, we’ll have the first tests of the mobile version. Improvements are also being made to fix the bugs already reported by the community. :hammer_and_wrench:


Hello Dear Astar Family, I would like to share with you the developments of the monthly meeting and this week’s AMA.

Neurolanche Ecosystem AMA Recap :rocket::brain:

Neurolanche has reached a decisive phase! In less than a year since its inception, Neurolanche has emerged as a leading community project, garnering significant attention across the Astar ecosystem. Within this short span, we’ve achieved remarkable milestones:

Launched the first native Polkadot collection, Neurolancher NFTs, which are currently trading at 13x the mint price.

Introduced our own WEB 3 FPS Game, zkStrike.

Progressing towards launching our 3rd and 4th products: FAI (Firolauss Artificial Intelligence) dApp and NEROX ecosystem token.

Many projects would take years to accomplish what we’ve achieved in under a year. This rapid progress underscores our dedication and hard work, strongly supported by our growing community.

FAI (Firolauss Artificial Intelligence) Update :robot:

Our incentivized testnet registration has been a massive success, attracting over 1000 sign-ups and 800 new community members across Discord and Telegram. We’re currently finalizing the design of our avatar using Unreal Engine 5 and Metahuman Plugin, alongside extensive work on our LLM (Large Language Model) based AI, akin to ChatGPT 4. Next month marks the beginning of FAI testing, and we’re filled with anticipation for this milestone.

NEROX Token Development :moneybag:

Our tokenomics expert is finalizing NEROX tokenomics 2.0 to ensure long-term sustainability. With the upcoming launch of zkStrike mobile and migration to Astar zkEVM, coupled with the beta test of FAI, we’re laying the groundwork for NEROX token utility within our ecosystem. Account abstraction across our products will seamlessly integrate NEROX into user experiences, setting the stage for its private/public sale post-product delivery.

Neurolanche and Mass Adoption :earth_africa:

We’re leading the Astar ecosystem in marketing, interactions, and impressions, boasting a robust strategy that has fostered a strong and supportive community. To achieve mass adoption, we’re implementing strategies like Account Abstraction and on-ramp payment systems within our dApp. Our focus on gamefi and AI aligns perfectly with current industry narratives, positioning us for broader adoption.

NEROX Private Sale and zkSTRIKE Updates :briefcase::video_game:

Hold onto your Neurolancher NFTs and stake as many tokens as possible on our dApp to gain access to the NEROX Private Sale in April. Significant changes are underway for zkStrike, including migration to Astar zkEVM, mobile integration, and transitioning to a free-to-play model with rewards based on specific criteria. A revamped reward system, clan system, marketplace, and new game modes are also in the pipeline.

New Neurolanche Website :globe_with_meridians:

Our collaboration with UXNINJA for a new website design is progressing well, with an expected delivery within the next 3 weeks.

Exciting times lie ahead for Neurolanche as we continue to innovate and expand our ecosystem. Thank you for the support!

Monthly Report Video:


:rocket: Neurolanche Ecosystem AMA Recap :rocket:
:star2: Neurolanche Ecosystem Review :star2:

In less than 1 year since the official launch of our first product, the Neurolauncher NFT collection, we’ve reached a strategic position within the Astar and Polkadot ecosystems.

  1. The floor price of our flagship collection has appreciated by 1200%.
  2. We’ve become Tier 1 in the dApp staking V3 and one of the most prominent projects in the Astar Network.3. We’ve built a robust and highly active community within the Astar network and Polkadot.
  3. Our community-built Web 3 FPS game, zkStrike, developed entirely in Unity engine, has been successfully launched.5. We’re on the verge of releasing the demo version of our Artificial Intelligence dApp, FAI (Firolauss Artificial Intelligence).
  4. In 3 months, we’ll have the TGE of NEROX token, the utility token of the Neurolanche ecosystem. And all of this within less than a year since the launch of our first product.

:dart: Neurolanche’s Short-Term Focus :dart:

  1. zkStrike: - Completing the migration process to the Mobile version and from the browser version to Astar zkEVM.
  • Creating a new points system based on daily, weekly, and monthly quests, encouraging more interaction with zkStrike and more rewards earned.- Implementing the login system via account abstraction and Fiat payment for the game’s paid features, facilitating the onboarding of many new players from both web 2 and web 3.
  • How to earn NEROX token airdrop in zkSTRIKE? An accumulation point system. The point claim will be active every hour within the game. The user can claim points every hour. In addition to daily, 3-day, weekly, monthly tasks. The number of points per claim is affected by the tier (Neurolauncher holder tier 1 - 4 points per claim. Staker Tier 2 - 2 points per claim). These accumulated points will be received for the future conversion of the Nerox token aidrop.- Who can play zkStrike? Everyone. It will be a free-to-play game.
  • Who can claim the points/rewards? Neurolauncher NFT Holders. Stakers with 30K+ ASTR in our dApp and members of partner communities.
  1. FAI (Firolauss Artificial Intelligence) - Gather as many unique sign-ups for the incentivized testnet of FAI. Register here: [link]
  • Launch the demo version of FAI in April.- Gather feedback from our beta test and prepare the final version.
  • Launch the final version in a few months, with access to premium subscriptions, unlocking the user’s full potential of our LLM (large language model), without time or usage limitations.- Transform FAI into the best AI companion of WEB 3. Transforming the educational and health sectors’ experience.
  • Share a portion of FAI’s revenue with holders and stakers. Additionally, use a portion of the revenue to burn NEROX tokens.- Promote integration with data privacy technology (aleph zero), keeping user data from our AI dApp safe and intact.
  1. Nerox Token
  • Launch Nerox token’s Tokenomics 2.0. Focused on long-term sustainability, airdrops, and rewards for the community. Burning mechanisms and processes to make it deflationary now exist.- Prepare the rules and logistics of Nerox Token’s Private and Public sale events.
  • Organize the Nerox Token airdrop process for holders, stakers, zkStrike players, among others.- Continue negotiations with Launchpads, Dex, and Cex seeking the best cost-benefit ratio for Nerox token’s launch.
  • Burning mechanisms in NEROX token: 1 - % of FAI’s revenue from the subscription system will be used in the burning of NEROX tokens. 2 - % of all zkStrike revenue generated within the game’s economy will be used in the burning mechanism. 3 - % of the revenue from the dApp staking income will be used in the burning of NEROX tokens.
  1. Neurolanche - An Accessible and High Market Cap Ecosystem

Our vision is to promote the onboarding of thousands via account abstraction and in-dapp payments (via paymaster). Bringing users from web 2 and web 3, facilitating their access journey.
Launch high-quality products. And create a true ecosystem. NFT, GAMEFI, IA, and Metaverse (in the future).
Build a utility token that will be used in all project arms. And with each use generating burns for supply/demand stabilization. A token that will function as the project’s circulatory system.
5. Neurolanche and Respect for Our Community

Our primary goal has always been with our community, especially for those who have supported us from the beginning. We are probably the most transparent project in the ecosystem. We share reports from virtually all Neurolanche Core Team Meeting daily meetings.
We share our revenues with holders, stakers, and users of our products.
We have the highest engagement on X (twitter) of all ecosystem projects.
Our community is growing strongly and steadily.
We have the best possible ambassadors, producing educational content and support for our entire community. In various languages.
Despite the drop in revenue with dApp staking V3 (+50% drop with the new system), we accelerate all our processes, cut expenses, and continue to deliver results and improve our products day by day, based on a lot of effort and hard work.
In some time, we aim to transform ourselves into a DAO. Controlled by the community. And who will manage our treasury and the direction of our project towards success will be the Neurolauncher NFT holders. Because no one knows our project better than our first and OG supporters.

AMA Presentation VIDEO record link: 2024-03-16 15-00-11.mp4 - Google Drive


Great update, Leo, you continue to do a great job, congratulations!

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Great job, thanks for the update!

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Neurolanche monthly report - March

Hello Astar Network family. This month, we continue the reporting process we have been doing for approximately 6 months. While reviewing a brief summary of the work we have done during this reporting period, we will focus on what we will do next month. Thank you for your time.

March summary;

ZkStrike Mobile

As Neurolanche, after the release of Astar ZkEvm, we brought Unity SDK integration to the Astar ZkEvm network in collaboration with thirdweb. We released ZkStrike mobile to test and implement this. With the new mobile game, in addition to browser support, Google play and apple store support have also come to our application. With the new infrastructure, we will soon develop our project with new modes and deploy web2 users on Astar ZkEvm.

Firolauss A.I.

We published the testnet application of the Firolauss AI program in March. During this period, we have completed the development of our entire project. Now Astar has an advanced AI project with ZkEvm account abstraction infrastructure. Although we developed on Unreal Engine, we worked with Particle Network. Although we will not share our Unreal Engine 5 support with other projects, we can share it with people who want to develop on Unity.

What we will see next month

Firolauss AI will be introduced on April 22. We cannot share our other information for now due to data privacy. You will be able to see it when we announce it. You can check out what we did last month on our social media.

Let’s build the future together.


I personally think Firolauss is an extremely interesting process that will have a great impact. Thanks for the report, Leo! Good report for the month of March.

Thank you very much for the progress update. It really helped us visualize things more clearly.

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Monthly Recap :ringer_planet: One Step to Build the Future

We had significant month in April with major updates. Along with the release of ZkStrike and FAI, we moved to Astar Network ZkEvm.

:chains: By collaborating with thirdweb, we transitioned to the account abstraction infrastructure in our applications.

:video_game: Step 1.0: ZkStrike

• ZkStrike Mobile was released, providing support for iOS and Android users.
• With the release of ZkStrike Mobile, it was moved onto AstarNetwork ZkEvm and the account abstraction feature was added.
• New weapon systems and stores were added.
• A mission system and chest system were introduced, along with a point collection mechanism within the game.
• Bugs and errors were fixed, and voice chat and text chat were added to the game.

With Last update specificly added:

1- A mission system with daily and weekly tasks has been added.

With the new update, new daily and weekly tasks have been added to ZkStrike in addition to the hourly tasks. Thus, users will be able to earn more points by completing these tasks and use the points they earn to buy skins, while they will be able to exchange them for NEROX tokens in the future. Are you ready for the competition?

2- Weapon store has been added.

A new weapon store has been added. Users will be able to buy weapons from the in-game weapon store using the points they earned before the full version release. Remember that these weapon skins will be tradable in the future with the upcoming NFT market within the game. Each skin will have a value! After the launch of the Nerox token, weapons can be purchased with Nerox tokens.

3- Text chat has been added.

In addition to voice chat, a text chat system has been added to the game. This allows players to communicate more comfortably and creates a more social environment.

4- Chest system has been added.

A chest system has been added to the game. Users will be able to open chests in the game using the points they collect, and they will obtain random weapon skins. Remember that the randomness of these weapon skins will be ensured using Phala Network in the future! Additionally, the chests will become significantly valuable following the launch of the Nerox token!

5- A notification system for mobile devices has been added.

A notification feature has been added to the game. With the new update, don’t forget to enable app notifications to stay informed about important news.

6- A version control system for mobile devices has been added.

With this addition, we keep track of which version each player is using, ensuring that all users are playing the same version.

7- The black screen bug and various other bugs have been fixed.

All issues reported by users have been fixed and perfected. We thank our community, which has helped us solve many problems with the new update.

8- A log system for tracking bugs and errors has been added.

A system has been added to the game that allows users to report any issues they encounter to us. This will enable us to develop improvements more quickly together while also building a stronger infrastructure. Let’s build it together.

:brain: Step 2.0: Firolauss AI

• The first demo version of Firolauss AI was released, providing support for iOS and Android.
• Firolauss AI started using AstarNetwork ZkEvm, and the account abstraction feature was added.
• With the commencement of stress testing, new bugs began to be identified.
• A new development team began to be formed for Firolauss.
• R&D processes such as UI-UX development, predicting voice and facial processes, and inputting them into AI were initiated.

:page_facing_up: Step 3.0: Others

• The account abstraction feature was added, and with mobile device support, over 30,000 TXS were executed on Astar Network ZkEvm.
• Monthly dApp staking revenue of 48,463 ASTR was distributed to Neurolauncher NFT owners.
• A new website and new brand kit were launched.
• Neurolanche X Labs officially began operations in the Seychelles.
• Foundations of Neurolanche Foundation were laid.

April was a significant and powerful month for us. As we released the demo versions of Firolauss AI and ZkStrike, we accomplished important tasks alongside the new branding process.
Warm Regards
The Neurolanche X Labs Team


:rocket: Neurolanche Core Team Daily Meeting - Firolauss Developments :muscle:

Today, we met with two of Turkey’s leading AI development experts. Post Private Sale, we intend to onboard an exclusive development team for Firolauss.
In a similar fashion to how we have the game development studio Illumate Studios assisting us with the development of zkStrike, we aim to establish a dedicated development team exclusively for Firolauss.

Our Firolauss demo has been receiving excellent feedback. However, we aim to become one of the best and definitive AI applications. To achieve this, we have planned an extensive 14-month roadmap, led by AI development specialists, with an estimated budget of over $89,000 for its completion.

:white_check_mark: Some of the highlights include:

  • Restructuring of Firolauss’s core code to bring innovations, security, and predictability to the update process.
  • Creation of technical and user documentation to facilitate development and usage.
  • Significant improvements in UI/UX.
  • Expansion of multilingual support and geolocation.
  • Addition of history backup and memories.
  • Focus on developing the emotional structure of AI, a major project differentiator. We aim to deliver an unprecedented experience in understanding user emotions through images, videos, and text, and their interaction with AI.
  • Real-Time Emotional Response and Emotion-Based User Interactions.
  • Expansion of AI code and databases to offer an ultra-personalized experience for each user.
  • Integration of image recognition and communication. Image analysis and dataset creation.
  • Enhancement of voice communication. Improvements in voice recognition and understanding, along with enhancements to the voice response system.
  • Avatar System: Avatar creation and customization.
  • Certification and Licensing Procedures: The final stage of the project to obtain all documentation for the legal and global distribution and commercialization of our product.

:saluting_face: We’re just getting started :rocket:


Thank you a lot a lot for your updated info. It’s very useful =)

One-month development processes after the Private Sale:

Developments for ZkStrike:

  • ZkStrike flag mode and clan system will be added.

  • The game is set to receive a massive update, making it available for mobile platforms with extensive optimization. Players will now have the ability to create clans, engage in clan chats, and compete against other clans. Additionally, a new league system called “RedFlag Mode” will be introduced, offering exciting competitive gameplay for players.

  • NFT collections from global communities will be invited to the clan system. Our community will be enriched.

  • Clan tournaments will start alongside the weekly flag mode.

Developments for Firolauss AI:

Step 1- Multimedia and Code Refactorization

  • Code Refactoring: Restructuring and modularizing the codebase.
  • Library Updates: Upgrading to the latest versions of used libraries and performing compatibility tests.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Setup: Establishing continuous integration and continuous deployment processes to automate development workflows.
  • Environment Segregation: Separating and isolating development, testing, and production environments.
  • Code Repository System: Transferring code to a version control system like Git or Bitbucket.
  • Development Environment Optimization: Improving the development environment to create a stable workspace for developers.
  • Risk Management Plan: Developing a risk management plan and integrating controls for potential issues.
  • Project and Software Documentation Update: Updating the existing project documentation to align with new development standards.

• Nerox

The AirDrop dashboard will be released. When users connect their wallets, they will be able to see in a confidential manner how much reward they can obtain during the season 1 of dapp staking.

Once season 2 starts, users will be able to dynamically track how much Nerox they earn daily on the dashboard.

• Neurolanche Brand and Corporate Identity

The Neurolanche brand and corporate identity will be enhanced.

This is all the information I can provide at this moment. However, starting today,

In addition, tomorrow we will share our in-depth roadmap.

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Thanks for the updates Leo!


:tada: We are pleased to announce that Neurolanche has successfully raised $232,000 in first financing round.

We are excited to share strategic roadmap for developing advanced #AI agents for health and education sectors.

:page_facing_up: Foreword

With Neurolanche X Labs, which we established as university students in 2020, our greatest vision is to develop Web3 products that can be used in the health and education sectors.

Leo Enes Şahin :writing_hand:t3:

:gear: Step 1.0: Code Refactorization

We are restructuring our AI assistants’ codebase, updating libraries, and establishing CI/CD pipelines for streamlined development across segregated environments. Our transition to version control systems like Git ensures better code management. Additionally, we’re focusing on optimizing the development setting, managing risks, and updating documentation to meet new standards, aiming for a robust production process.

:chains: Step 2.0: UX, UI & @thirdweb Integration

Our plan enhances the user interface and optimizes ChatGPT integration through improved design, UI component development, and performance optimizations. We’re implementing responsive design, multi-language support, and accessibility features, alongside integrating with the Thirdweb platform for advanced blockchain solutions and flexible account management.

:framed_picture: Step 3.0: GPT Vision Integrations

We aim to advance our image processing capabilities by enabling image upload, integrating specialized algorithms, and creating a robust image dataset. The UI will showcase processing results, and secure, dynamic responses will be developed through extensive image analysis and API integrations with external services.

:speaker: Step 4.0: TTS and STT

Our strategy to enhance voice processing includes setting up necessary infrastructure, integrating voice recognition capabilities, and utilizing NLP to understand voice commands. Expanding our voice dataset to include diverse languages and accents, combined with performance optimizations, will improve module responsiveness and accuracy.

:woman_superhero:t2: Step 5.0: Avatar Integration

Utilizing the Ready Player Me SDK, we will integrate avatars compatible with Unity into our applications, focusing on life-like animations and personalization options. Voice synchronization and performance optimizations will enhance user interactions, with ongoing improvements driven by user feedback.

:muscle:t3: Step 6.0: PT & Nutrition

We are refining personal trainer and dietician features to offer customized workout and diet plans based on user goals. Comprehensive databases will track progress and intake, supported by real-time feedback, personalized recommendations, and motivational content. Real-time consulting will provide additional user support.

:two_hearts: Step 7.0: Dating

Fine-tuning our dating model, we will provide customized dialogues and interaction based on user personalities and emotional states. Safe and respectful communication protocols, interactive scenarios, and social skill enhancement tools will foster meaningful connections, continually improved through user feedback.

Let’s build future together

Best Regards,
Neurolanche X Labs, Core Team

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May Summary

As Neurolanche, we have achieved significant developments over the past two months. With April and May being critical periods for us, especially with the innovations and investments made in May, we have shown progress in an important process.

In today’s report, we will review the developments we made throughout May and take a look at our focus for this month.

New Tokenomics Release:

In May, after six months of dedicated work, we released the final version of the Nerox token. Along with important infrastructure works, we took the first step of our private sale process with the new tokenomics.

Link to announcement

Launchpad Construction:

To carry out our own private sale process, we designed a Launchpad supporting Astar Network EVM. After completing the audit, we finished the first phase of our private sale process with this Launchpad. We are ready to offer it for free to all Astar projects wishing to use it.

New Brand Image:

In May, we took significant steps in our new brand image. After dedicated work on the new logo and template, we adopted a structure suitable for Astar zkEVM. Our new website is currently being designed. With this new website, we are focusing on a strong brand goal. We are continuing our preparations to go global with the new brand image. Thus, we will transform Astar Network into a globally recognized project.

Decentralized Structure: Neurolanche Governance

After long-term work, we created the first draft of our governance model with our dear team members, philosophy professor Franze and psychologist Leo, and presented it for feedback from our users.

Link to announcement

Firolauss AI Investment:

This month, we rolled up our sleeves to continue significant developments on Firolauss AI and build a strong team. We established an academic team based in Italy and secured a total of $104,000 for the upcoming 12-month R&D process.

You can view the new Firolauss Roadmap here:

Link to roadmap

Private Sale First Round:

We completed the first phase of the private sale round as Neurolanche. Successfully achieving our initial target, we raised a total of $232,000 in investment.

ZkStrike Battle Royale Mode:

We continue to make rapid progress on ZkStrike. We are very close to the new and latest version of ZkStrike, which runs entirely on Astar zkEVM. We released a video covering the developments of our new battle royale mode.

With the new update, a tournament system and clan system will be integrated. Many global communities and projects will be invited to this tournament. Thus, we will create a strong sociological GameFi culture within the Astar Network ecosystem.

Link to video

Polkadot Decoded:

As one of the projects built on Astar Network, we have been invited as speakers to the Polkadot Decoded event. We will be speaking about AI and GameFi at the event in Brussels on July 12.

June Roadmap:

Our biggest goal as Neurolanche is to complete an evolutionary process that will appeal globally from a community-based structure. Take a look at our roadmap for this month and see how we will succeed in this journey:

Link to roadmap

Total Transactions:

Thanks to our Account Abstraction infrastructure, we carried out a total of 140,000 transactions in ZkStrike and Firolauss AI in the last two months. Along with all the work done on Astar zkEVM, we have proven ourselves on the way to becoming the largest independent project.

Thank you for your contributions. Looking forward to seeing you in our June report.
Best regards,
CEO of Neurolanche X Labs

At Firolauss AI, we continue our work without slowing down. After our $104,000 investment, our team rolled up their sleeves for significant research and development work. One month after our investment, we have made significant progress in the research field.

I can say that we have achieved significant accomplishments for a small-scale project. In this one-month period:

  • Firolausss Project: We have made significant progress by focusing on solving the maintenance difficulties of the previous application.

  • Roadmap and Requirements Analysis: A comprehensive roadmap was created, and a detailed requirements analysis was completed, identifying the essential functions and features needed for Firolausss.

  • New Application Decision: Due to the high maintenance difficulty of the old application, it was decided to develop a new application.

  • Back-End Services Integration: Advanced technologies such as OpenAI-Chat for conversational AI, Whisper for speech recognition, and Text-to-Speech (TTS) services have been integrated into the back end.

  • CI/CD Processes: Continuous integration and continuous deployment processes have been established to automate and streamline development workflows.

  • Visual and Audio Processing: Firolauss AI can now see you, detect the frequencies of your voice, and differentiate your real-time emotional state from its dataset.

In the upcoming month, we will carry out significant work on the UI and UX parts. Tomorrow, I will present a more detailed report on my Twitter account.

Additionally, as Neurolanche X Labs, we continue to conduct experimental studies and develop our products without slowing down. Currently, Gustavo and I are researching a simple version of Firolauss AI that can work on Telegram.

Let’s build the future together.

:new: Update Announcement: Neurolanche Version 3

We at Neurolanche X Labs are thrilled to release our final update after nearly two years of development and four years of establishment.

:man_student: Starting this journey as students in our early 20s, we’ve now not only made significant progress but also reached our mid-20s. Throughout this period of growth and transformation, we are now launching our final update as Neurolanche X Labs.

:date: On Monday, you will see the key parts of this update, and by July, we will have completed this new development phase. This new update will also mark the completion of a significant part of our vision. So, what can you expect from this new update?

:sparkles: A new vision and a significant brand identity,

:globe_with_meridians: A new website and ambassador system,

:mortar_board: A university-based institution focusing on the field of artificial intelligence,

:office: Publication of the official corporate structure (our official company is established),

:bulb: A synthesis of community-focused projects with capital and community orientation.

:rocket: With this new update, the development of our projects will also undergo significant changes.

:brain: ZkStrike and Neuroverse will be projects built for Firolauss AI, and with the completion of our AI assistant, you will be able to use our AI program within these two applications.

:hospital::books: At Neurolanche, we aim to be a leading AI Web3 project in the health and education sectors. Thank you for your support so far.

We’re just getting started!

:heart: Best regards,
