Trying to claim vested tokens with Ledger on Subtrate address for Astar

Hi there, my Astar tokens were sent to the substrate address associated with my Ledger Polkadot acc (through Equilibrium initially). I can find no way to sign TXs (I did succeed in connecting through Talisman) and unlock my vested tokens.

When I connected with the Ledger Astar app, it just connects the native Astar address and I can’t do anything with the substrate address.

I have tried the Polka Migration App and am out of ideas. I dread to think the potential staking I have missed out on to date.

Thanks for any help…

Hi @sativan
Please don’t click on the previous message, it’s a scam.
Please go in the officiel discord and open a ticket here.
Officiel discord: Astar Network