Unstoppable Community Grants Proposal : Counter.ink

As far as I know, HydraDX OTC feature are limited only to assets that’s only been registered on their Omnipool, eg : you can trade ASTR otc but can’t trade ARSW or any other tokens from Astar eco.

If you could transform it into “more degen mode” I think it will works.

I support the proposal.


Many thanks everyone for your support, we’re really glad to start working with the team and community for our first implementation of the counter.ink smart contracts.

We just have a quick question that maybe you guys can answer: is our proposal for the dapp staking program applying to Shiden as well or we’ll need to make another proposal? Cause we’re also ready to explore deployment on Shiden as we want to access ksm relayed tokens, which are the most in need of alternative solutions to existing dexs (thinking of XCM support).

Also related: is the unstoppable grant program applying only to Astar or is it also on Shiden? If so, will we need to make another proposal as well?

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Congrats!! The voting is passed. To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.

Hello ! Thank you for the instructions.

  1. The address of our native substrate account is: a9kUoeGGuBC36goMPRxDbYgFckfETsnFJvdGvLCSbCFYymb.
  2. The address of our verified smart contract is: bYU57qYXtTDeUaT5jiMehJPL5gssRrNTSHav8yZ6wTex8NL.
  3. We have added the required tags, #astar-network and #dAppStaking, to our GitHub repository : GitHub - stated-tech/Counter.ink

We look forward to the next steps in our collaboration.

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A separate proposal will be needed for Shiden. We recently proposed the Unstoppable Grants program be implemented in Shiden and the community voted in favor of it. Please join the shiden discord ShidenDAO


As I said, you need 1001 ASTR transferrable in the wallet. You have less than that. Please top up the wallet.

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We are sorry about that; indeed, a portion was reserved. We have made changes and have now used a ledger for added security. Here is the new address : b6ErzDb4kbRi3eQDkwRWbt5KLhYsUtT8isZXwb7rUFBPsrv.

Do not hesitate if you need anything else.

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Whitelisting is done. You can now register on the portal.

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Thank you for confirming the whitelisting ! We will proceed with the registration.

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Hey there, we just finished filling the form but as we gave a ledger address for payment it seems we can’t sign the registration (raw data signing not supported)… is there a way around or we should give a polkadotjs native address? If so, here is our address (multisig):

Many thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the inconvenience,

The stated-tech team

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For multisig, we have to register it manually on our side.

Is it possible for you to get away from multisig?

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Hey ! We got away from multisig, the address with 1001 Astr is : a9kUoeGGuBC36goMPRxDbYgFckfETsnFJvdGvLCSbCFYymb
(The contract address is always : bYU57qYXtTDeUaT5jiMehJPL5gssRrNTSHav8yZ6wTex8NL)

Do not hesitate if you need anything else ; again sorry for the inconvenience .

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Sorry for the delay. Can you provide another verified smart contract address?

The previous one was already paired with your previous native address. Each one needs a unique pair.

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Contract address : ax7Syz6epvzfyXCbi8goCUZNXims64SfexpWAkiEMcgFVq5

Account with 1002 astar : a9kUoeGGuBC36goMPRxDbYgFckfETsnFJvdGvLCSbCFYymb

Should be good now but we remain at your disposal if there is anything wrong,

Many thanks for your patience!

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Thanks, but the transferrable balance is less than 1001 ASTR. Please top uo the wallet.

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We have just topped up the account to the required balance. Apologies for the oversight, and thank you for your patience.

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Congratulations on your admission to the UCG program! :clap:

I look forward to trying your product once your MVP is available. Don’t forget to keep us posted on your progress.

Good luck and happy building! :hammer_and_wrench:

Gaius, Astar & Polkadot Ambassador :astar:


Hello @moonme , I hope this message finds you well. We wanted to kindly follow up about the advancment. Do you need any more informations ? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kinds regards

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The current blocker is on me.
We will soon list another application and yours will be added with it. Very sorry for the delay.


I really love this proyect! You have my full support :muscle:t3:.