Unstoppable Community Grants Proposal : Counter.ink

It is now whitelisted. Please register.

Our pool is now live! Many thanks to everyone for your tremendous support!

The community can now delegate to our pool here.

We look forward to continuing to grow with the community and delivering our roadmap with the same enthusiasm!


The stated.tech team

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Hello @Stated-tech,

How is your development going? Are you satisfied with your work or have you encountered any difficulties we can help you with?

Please share with us your monthly check-in as required by the UCG program.

Thank you

Gaius, Astar & Polkadot Ambassador :astar:


Hi @Gaius_sama , thanks for these guidelines.

We’ve just had a meeting with @Toma a few days ago to keep the team updated and were planning to post our updates here following her advice. We’ve started the development of the first version of our smart contract on Github. If there are any technical ambassadors/community members willing to give us their feedback it would be highly appreciated!

Regarding our milestones, we implemented:

  • maker part: order placement
  • delete order
  • taker part: taking order

What’s missing are:

  • partial fill
  • taker address field

We also started a twitter account to keep our community in posted and are ready to discuss with anyone willing to contribute to our initiative.

We remain at your disposal and will give more updates on this post regarding our advancements. Here are our telegram handles:


The stated-tech team

Hey @Stated-tech
I had a quick look at your github. It’s a good beginning and here the advice I can give you:

  1. Design your smart contract to be upgradable (except if you want an immutable contract)
    You can find good documentation here:
    Upgradeable contract | Brushfam
    Storage Layout | ink! documentation

  2. Manage access rights (when you will have to upgrade or configure later your contract)
    Access Control | Brushfam

  3. Add e2e tests

The best place to discuss this is on Discord - channel “wasm” Discord

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Hi @Stated-tech,

How has your development on Counter.ink been over the past month? Have you made any progress?

It’s also that time of the month to share your monthly check-in with us, as required by the UCG program.


Hello @Gaius_sama, thanks for reaching out!

We just updated the last version of our contract available on GitHub. Feel free to give us your feedback!

As far as our milestones concerned:

  • partial fill was added
  • taker address was added
  • upgradability and access rights (as proposed by the community)

The test files will be added during our last month of work for this proposal. We hope to have met your expectations and we remain at the disposal of the community to discuss further developments. Our plan is to enter the next inkubator cohort to develop further our contract (as discussed with @Toma), and we might renew our proposal on Astar for adding cross vm capabilities to our contract.

We remain at the disposal of the community for enhancements and further development of the project. We know we’re a small team running with little funds but our ambition is getting bigger and bigger as we’re developing our product.

Best regards,

The stated-team


The project is quite interesting and looks very ambitious. However, I would like to ask a few more questions.

  1. As I understand it, if I am wrong, please correct me. Is the target at the Developer? Then, in terms of users like us, what are the benefits?
  2. The budget requested is quite a bit. What are the goals that you want to use this budget to achieve the most benefits? How?

Hey @BoomBLB, thank you for your interest in our initiative!

Let me please answer your questions as precisely as possible:

  1. As you may have noticed, our team is only composed by two people: David & Matthieu. This allows us to have more freedom in delivering our features and vision, but the drawback is that we’re limited in terms of resources. We are thus on Astar to build this solution on ink! to deliver a robust first version of our OTC contract before delivering any user application or incentive. That being said, interacting with any contract is pretty easy and not just developers will be able to interact with our contract, but we’re indeed addressing it to a more educated type of user because we want to test it first with advanced users before letting retail use our solutions. As you may know, DeFi product are also raising some regulatory issues etc and we’re at a stage where we can’t be responsible for such a product. But as you said our vision is ambitious and even if we’re currently limited in our resources we’ll do as much as we can to achieve our goals.

  2. even if the budget seems quite a bit (max delegation from the treasury), we’re only relying on this source of income for this project. Our contract does not include any fee atm and won’t for this first deployment, so we’re only counting on grants and incubators programs to grow as a common good services provider. Also, considering Astar’s current marketcap and ASTAR’s price, we can clearly affirm that our remuneration has not been very high (approx 250$ each) for 2 months of work (part time). Considering skills in substrate and especially ink!, and crypto valuations and salaries in DeFi, we can confidently admit that it has been way below the usual remuneration rate for such a development. And FYI, we have not sold any of the 10k Astar we received yet so I hope you’ll understand that we’re here for the long term.

I hope we answered your questions and you’re reassured about our intentions and that you now better understand the state of our current incomes vs needs.

We remain at your disposal for any further information and we’re glad you’re interested in counter.ink,

Best regards,

The stated-tech team

Hi @Stated-tech ,

I’m glad to see you sharing your progress with us. I checked your github and I could really see an improvement in smart contracts compared to your last update. It seems to me that you have come a long way, I will keep an eye out for more updates from the company in the future.

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I got your points. Thank you so much for your clarification

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Hello @Stated-tech
I am glad you have taken account my previous comments and managed the access rights and upgradability of your contracts.
Again, please feel free to ask technical questions on the forum.
I will be happy to see a demo with a simple UI to show all contracts work smoothly or at least a short video showing the contracts interaction via Contracts-UI.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Ty for the report. And please continue the great work.

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Hello everyone, here’s a quick update. As we approach the end of our three-month period, we are in the final stages of conducting tests. These tests are more complex to set up than usual, as this is a new experience for our team to do e2e tests. We are committed to ensuring they are as accurate and fair as possible.

In the meantime, you can still review our contract here: Counter.ink/SmartContract/lib.rs at main ¡ stated-tech/Counter.ink ¡ GitHub

We will keep you informed as soon as our testing is complete.


Thank you for your update, much appreciated!

Thanks a lot. Cheers =)

Very nice update, I like the way things are going for your application, good job!

Hello @Stated-tech,

The Unstoppable Community Grant period for Counter.ink has come to an end, and it’s time to move on to the evaluation phase.

You can share a final report here, then the Astar community and ecosystem agents will ask you questions. A good example of a report can be found here.

We will evaluate :

  • If the the team was transparent, communicative and engaging throughout the 3-month period.
  • If the team provided all request information, including answers to any questions, in a timely manner.
  • The final outcome of the grant and if we would recommend the team for another grant if they applied again.

You can find out more about the evaluation phase and the possible follow-up to the program in the UCG deck .

If you want to apply to extend your UCG period, you must create a new proposal similar to your initial proposal, with your new plans, milestones and objectives for this new period.

Please post your proposal in this discussion before Wednesday, December 20. Until then, community members can always ask you further questions.

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Great! I took a look at the contract and it looks very well worked!

Thanks for the update guys

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Hello Astar Community,

Counter.ink was one of the first projects to be part of the UCG program, and went through the entire grant period, which ended 21 days ago.

With no response from the team to provide a final report or request an extension of the grant period and no confirmation of a final product launched on Astar Network, Counter.ink does not meet the requirements to remain in dApp Staking.

I propose to open a vote to delist them from dApp Staking.

Voting will open in 5 days, and until then, community members can give their opinion in this discussion.