Unstoppable Community Grants Proposal : Counter.ink

It’s quite sad to see the lack of professionalism shown by certain teams. I hope the v3 version of dApp staking can improve these situations. In my opinion 21 days without a response is a bit too long.

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I second that. We gotta get them out. Many people trusted them and voted ‘yes’. But they did not keep their promises.

Since the UGC is receiving support from Community Treasury, the project side should be more conscious of fulfilling its obligations than dApp Staking.
Unfortunately, since there is no indication that they are willing to do so, they will have to delist.

21 days is quite a long enough period of time. We respect the team, so we also want the team to respect what the majority voted for. As for opening the vote, I agree. So, let’s vote at that time.

The aim of the program is totally defeated if a project can not deliver. So, instead of them to remain without producing results it’s better to get them delisted. Thank you :saluting_face:

I agree, 21 days no response is a little bit long

Agreed. Tbh kinda sad that these topics come up more often. Receiving funds and not even providing a final report.
If there is no transparency and no report about the achievements they should not receive rewards.

Sad to see a project not delivered.
On several occasions, they asked technical questions about Ink! on discord.
@Stated-tech It would be good to know your opinions, the difficulties encountered by the team …

Like my colleagues, I am of the opinion that 21 days after the end of their season they have not been able to produce a final report, which is not very encouraging.

I support the opening of the vote, it is justly necessary, so we show respect to other teams that have been reporting their work.

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It’s too bad no general report at all, since I put my Yes vote previously. OTC market works nice in a pre-bull market. Nevertheless let’s delist them from dApp portal.

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It’s concerning that there hasn’t been a response in 26 days. If we go a whole month without an answer, we should consider a vote for delisting.


We sincerely apologize for the delay in our response. We have been incredibly busy lately, which has impacted our ability to communicate promptly.

We understand and accept your decision regarding our recent collaboration. However, we want to emphasize that while the contract was honored, the testing phase was not completed to our satisfaction.
Despite the assistance provided, we found that it was insufficient for our needs. We believe having a dedicated professional to guide us through end-to-end testing with a direct call would have been extremely beneficial.

Nevertheless, we are committed to continuing our efforts. We plan to complete the tests and deploy the project as initially planned. Although we are no longer part of the program, we will make sure to keep you informed about our progress and the final deployment.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

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The 5 days of discussions have come to an end, and we can move on to the voting period.

Remove Counter.ink from dApp Staking
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Hi @Stated-tech,

I appreciate your response to our concerns. Building is not an easy thing, especially on WASM, but I still think Counter.Ink would be an interesting product on Astar Network.

I voted YES to remove you from dApp Staking as Counter.ink does not meet the requirements of a live product on Astar as requested to join dApp Staking.

Once you’ve finished developing and launching your product, you can always apply again to join dApp Staking and I’ll be happy to support you again.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your progress.


Hello @Stated-tech

Like @Gaius_sama, I think your product is really interesting and it would be great to have it deployed at Astar. As a developer, I know the limitations of time, effort and knowledge that one can have.

However, keeping the community and investors without information is a very bad idea. If you saw that you could not deliver as planned, the ideal is to inform as soon as possible, maintaining a good relationship with VCs and investors (in this case Astar and its community) is paramount.

Finally you answered. Agree with others, since WebAssembly isn’t matured yet it will took sometime to deploy your dApp. Feel free to reapply again when your team is ready! Still interested to see the result :slight_smile:
For now I vote yes to delist, but I’m still eager in the future to see your product. Best luck for your team

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Fortunately, dApp Staking V3 will be available soon, a pity that after its approval for subsidy they did not know how to take advantage of the opportunity.

I hope they apply again to the dApp Staking program because the product is quite interesting.

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Voted yes. Based on your experience with the UCG Program, we are looking forward to your reapplication for dApp Staking.

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Voted yes to delist!

voted yes, hopefully they will apply again in the v3