3ridge - UCG application proposal

3ridge is an onchain attribution platform, akin to Amplitude for Web3, enabling projects to acquire new users through various activities. Built by DeSpread, a Go-To-Market Strategy Consulting firm based in Korea, 3ridge has launched diverse events targeting the Korean market with clients such as Arbitrum, Aptos, Axelar, Avail, Stacks, and Polygon.

The Importance of the Korean Market for Astar

The Korean market is crucial for Astar. We can provide optimized market solutions for Astar by targeting this user group.

DeSpread and 3ridge have made significant contributions to penetrating the Korean market since the announcement of Astar Supernova. By being listed on dApp Staking, 3ridge can leverage DeSpread’s extensive network in the Korean crypto market, including KOLs and CoinNess, to create continuous synergy.


3ridge is an onchain attribution platform (Amplitude for Web3) that enables the analysis of user’s onchain activities and marketing performance. It aids efficient Web3 target marketing by measuring metrics such as ROAS, CPA, etc.

Understanding who your valuable users are and where they come from is essential for improving your marketing strategy. 3ridge helps analyze which marketing channels are acquiring on-chain active users with high Lifetime Value.

What We Can Do with ASTAR

Currently, many users in Korea hold $ASTR, and the news about Astar zkEVM and the Upbit listing have created high expectations and narratives. However, there has been a lack of sustained momentum, with evaluations pointing to a shortage of dApp communities and clear incentives, leading to reduced activity and a subsequent death cycle of decreasing interest in new activities.

Simply conducting new votes during each dApp Staking v3 cycle is not sufficient to encourage activity.

3ridge can not only educate about Astar Network but also utilize dApp Staking rewards to introduce and promote both existing and upcoming “dApp” projects. This maximizes ecosystem follow-up and generates actual activity, breaking the death cycle and creating a positive cycle.

dApp Staking Rewards

  • [Tier 4] 100% Astar Community Event

    • ASTR from dApp Staking rewards will be entirely used for Astar event rewards and actual costs for enhanced event distribution through KOLs.
    • 3ridge will host one to two Astar events per month to ensure continuous updates for Korean users. If the Tier 4 budget for events and KOLs is insufficient, measures can be taken to secure additional community budget.
      • For example, if we receive 10,000 ASTR rewards, we could use around 8,000 ASTR for events that encourage participants to perform Astar-related on-chain and off-chain actions, and allocate 2,000 ASTR to promote Astar and the events through KOLs.
    • After securing a certain level of exposure, events introducing DApps will be selected through governance on the Astar forum, and 3ridge will host on-chain condition events to promote these DApps.
  • [Tier 3] 90% Astar Community Event & 10% Development and Expansion

    • 90% of ASTR from dApp Staking rewards will be used for Astar event rewards and actual costs for enhanced event distribution through KOLs.
    • 3ridge will host two to four Astar events per month to ensure continuous updates for Korean users.
    • The extra 10% will be used for optimizing the user experience, security, and scalability of the platform to ensure it remains at the forefront of the industry.
  • [Tier 2, 1] TBA


  • Livet
  • Christal
  • Guess
  • Jason
  • Shawn
  • DeSpread

Past Performance

  • Case Study
    • Polygon Event
      • Impressions: 18K
      • Clicks: 1K
      • Participants: 0.2K
      • CPA: $9
      • CTR: 7.7%
      • CVR: 12%
    • Stacks Event
      • Impressions: 39K
      • Clicks: 28K
      • Participants: 1K
      • CTR: 72.1%
      • CVR: 1.9%
  • 3ridge Overall Data
    • Total Event Participants: 13K
    • Total Event Impressions: 208K (The numbers are after the infrastructure for impression data extraction was built)
    • Total Members: 8.6K
    • Total Clients: 21
    • Total Events: 34

Key Features


  • 2024 Q2
    • Maximize exposure in the Korean market
      • Web2 Point App
        • PointCask
          • A Web2 point management app with over 50K downloads.
          • Enhances search traffic for offline stores based on Naver Place features.
          • Collaboration with 3ridge enables point accumulation through on-chain activities, onboarding non-crypto users to Web3.
      • Web3 Community Site
        • CoinNess
          • A leading crypto media in Korea, known for flash news with more than 800K average impressions.
          • CoinNess will introduce a quest function through collaboration with 3ridge, facilitating easy onboarding of quality users to Web3 on-chain activities.
  • 2024 Q3
    • Enhance on-chain maturity in the Korean market
      • Combine DeSpread Research with 3ridge’s reward system to add educational features, making it easier for Korean traders to onboard on-chain activities.

Folow Us


Thank you very much for the Korea market proposal. It looks very interesting. If I may, I would like to ask a few additional questions:

  1. Apart from the engagement perspective, what are the team’s goals in terms of users? And what are the plans to retain users in the long-term?

  2. Who are the direct and indirect competitors for this project? And how do you plan to manage the competition?


Hello @shawn nice to meet You :slight_smile:
I’m glad to see this application , it was already announced as part of Astar strategy to focus on Korean market. This proposal empower that focus and I think You may be a really good dApp in ralation to this.
Your numbers are pretty impressive and I curious about which type of events You will promote 2 to 4 times per mounth ? Is the main focus to explain how Astar works (perhaps even a deeper dive into dApps ) or You will focus even more on developers side ?
I really liked Your Tier rewards explanation :slight_smile: Welcome to Astar , I will support Your UCG application :star2: :handshake:

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The strategies and partnerships detailed for 3ridge, particularly around leveraging the Astar network, are innovative and seem well-suited for expanding in the Korean market. Utilizing local networks and rewards to boost participation is a smart approach.

One question: How does 3ridge plan to maintain user engagement in the long term after the initial promotional events?

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Thank you @BoomBLB

  1. As can be see from the roadmap, 3ridge’s long-term user acquisition strategy is to collaborate with various Korea-based platforms. Starting with the onboarding of 3ridge’s quests on CoinNess, a Web3 news media, we are also preparing collaborations with Web2 apps like PointCask. Through these efforts, we aim to enable Korean cryptocurrency traders to explore Web3 on-chain activities via 3ridge.

  2. When thinking about a typical quest platform, one might consider Galxe or QuestN as our competitors. However, 3ridge employs an optimized strategy targeting Korean market, which has a significant market size and purchasing power. This strategy aims to maximize on-chain activity for the Korean participants who are already feeling fatigue from the simple quests provided by Galxe and QuestN. While blockchain has no borders, the cultural characteristics of market participants do, and the biggest differentiator is that DeSpread, which understands the Korean market well and has useful networks, is part of this strategy. Furthermore, there are no such competitive platforms within the Korean market. In addition to merely opening quests and acquiring participants, we are developing promotional means for events to enable targeted marketing towards specific groups in Korea (builders, students, etc.) as desired by our clients, which will help us maintain competitiveness against other potential competitors.

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Thank you @VasaKing

We can consider any type of events, and a strategy of continuously optimizing which events to hold based on the current market consensus or community requirements will be necessary. Currently, we believe that hosting events to introduce the Astar ecosystem to Korean users is the best approach. Alternatively, if there are new updates or campaigns from Astar, we can choose to host events promoting these.

Economic incentives are always necessary to motivate on-chain users and developers, so the budget is crucial, and this is a chicken-and-egg problem. If the budget is insufficient due to 3ridge’s dApp staking tier, securing sufficient reward budgets from the foundation or community can immediately solve this issue, and if the tier rises, the planning will become easier. Regardless of where the budget is secured, we will, of course, fulfill our duty of good faith to host optimized events for the Korean market. Additionally, through forums, for example, selecting a specific dApp from Astar with Astar community for the promotion event and then opening the event to promote that dApp on 3ridge could enable even more legitimate event selection.

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Thank you @Matt

We are preparing various updates to enhance user retention. Our goal is not just to complete quests and promote client products but to integrate users more deeply into the client community, thereby securing 3ridge’s user retention in this process.

For example, we could update our platform to offer slots and expense support for Astar Korea events based on users’ participation history in 3ridge Astar events. As a result, users will continue to participate in 3ridge events, leading to a deeper integration into the Astar community.

Ultimately, it is a straightforward approach, but it is crucial to continuously select timely and strategic event items. Depending on the situation, we need to make optimized event decisions, such as hosting events to attract new users or events for existing loyal users.

Got your points. Thank you a lot for your clarification =)

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Having spent a long time in the Korean crypto scene and observing the market and network participants, I’d like to add a few insights. In the past, the participants were generally uneducated speculators, highly susceptible to marketing activities not backed by rationality. However, since the bear market began in 2022, I can clearly observe that they have become way much smarter.

The market still boasts immense trading volumes and community engagement, and the proportion of participants seeking on-chain opportunities has significantly increased. It has become challenging to easily induce participation without conveying a clear rationale and a sufficiently convincing narrative.

Furthermore, without continuously tapping into and delivering network news and update through various fragmented communities within Telegram, including localized official content, participants quickly shift their focus to new narratives and opportunities. This is because the crypto scene is still flooded with news of countless blockchain and dApp token launches, fundraising events, and continuous new opportunities. This phenomenon does not merely reflect the characteristic of the local market to flare up and die down quickly. This tendency has made them market participants who require micro-managing and this tendency should not be unique to the Korean market; it would be the same in any smart market.

Anyway, to leverage the strong purchasing power and participation of the Korean market, appropriate efforts are necessary. This undoubtedly includes ensuring the network’s attractiveness and future potential while continuously reaching out to the local community. It is essential to adopt a straightforward approach that enhances understanding of the network, follows up on updates, introduces new on-chain activities led by dApps, and prompts actions. I believe the impact of such efforts is stronger in the Korean market than in any other local market, making it highly valuable. However, to effectively generate output relative to input, it is crucial to have an entity that deeply understands this market and can execute an optimized approach.


Great insight.
Korea is obviously a big market and needs an organization that can approach it professionally.

Incidentally, how do you see DeSpread and 3ridge’s presence in Korea?


I can validate and assure their presence in Korea as a Korea Growth Lead at Astar.
DeSpread is one of the best companies in Korea to drive community growth organically through technical/contents/research-driven approaches, that’s why we have been working closely with them officially in Korea as B2B. And 3ridge is the native growth platform they have been analyzing and building for quite a meaningful time.


I totally agree with your insight, and especially @Rhee, thanks so much for your support and for giving us a feature.

DeSpread provides Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy Consulting Services for the Korean and East Asian Web 3 markets. DeSpread has contributed to the success of top blockchain projects and businesses with our unparalleled professional market knowledge and experience since 2019.

As can be seen in the media by CoinDesk based on DeSpread’s research, DeSpread’s unique understanding of the Korean market is trusted by numerous crypto companies.

In the case of 3ridge, it is recognized as a useful tool for GTM in the Korean market, adopted by more than 21 major clients aiming to enter the Korean market.


Thank you both.
It was very helpful to hear from a local member.
I agree with this proposal.

By the way, a Japanese media outlet I am familiar with (Crypto Times) also has a partnership with DeSpread.


Yes! With CT, we are getting along very well like a bro haha

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Hi DeSpread, glad to see your UCG proposal for 3ridge. As one of the closely interacted local community members, I would also like to vouch for DeSpread as I do not have any doubt about their professionalism and deep insights in crypto general as well as Astar Network specifically. This UCG proposal could definitely be one of the best UCG recipients of the year.

Answering the following questions could clarify the proposal further and provide a clearer view to those who are interested:

  1. On 3ridge, who would be possible to open events? Would it be managed like, for example, Galxe, Intract, and/or TaskOn? Or would DeSpread organize events based on the analysis done via 3ridge?
  2. Q2 2024 is about to end in about three weeks. Are the milestones on the roadmap still achievable? If so, will the community members be able to participate in functions such as the quest function on CoinNess?
  3. Would 3ridge consider expanding its presence across different local communities eventually?
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Thank you, @pithecus.

  1. Currently, 3ridge operates as a closed market rather than an open market like Galxe or Taskon. To best utilize Despread’s infrastructure, we focus on launching selected events and analyzing their marketing data, rather than holding meaningless events. Through UCG, we aim to provide exclusive opportunities to DApps in the Astar ecosystem.

  2. The roadmap for Q2 might be delayed until early Q3. Since we need to collaborate with external platforms, our schedule may be slightly behind what we originally planned.

  3. 3ridge plans to expand from the Korean market to other Asian countries such as Japan, China, and Vietnam. Joining the Astar UCG program could serve as a bridgehead for expanding into the Japanese market.


Hi @shawn , thanks for the details and clarification. More than enough for me! Very excited to see your contribution to the ecosystem! :clap:

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The vote for 3ridge UCG application is open on Townhall :

Please vote wisely! :ballot_box:


I voted “Yes” through the Townhall.
The Korean market is an important for Astar Network. I support it 100%.

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Got your points. Thanks a lot for your clarification =)

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