RAIR Dapp Staking Proposal (Sony/Astar incubator graduate)

GM Astar community, it is a pleasure to be here!

I’m Garrett, founder and CTO of RAIR Technologies and would like to apply for the Astar dApp Staking listing. We learned so much as a graduate of the inaugural Sony/Astar Incubator cohort and would like to take the next step forward by joining the Astar dApp staking ecosystem under the NFT section.

Project Overview

Our core value proposition in the Web3 space is the unique pairing of NFT marketplace technology with encrypted streaming DRM (digital rights management) technology.

  • Our project creates private label Web3 Marketplace Infrastructure. 50+ documented API endpoints to mint, manage royalties, and stream encrypted content. This is paired with a beautiful frontend experience optimized for desktop and mobile.

  • Full integration of all smart contract infrastructure on Astar EVM. Full support via Alchemy API, marketplace order routing engine, minting and metadata engines.

  • Ongoing deployments for Anime focused marketplace, eLearning marketplace, Carbon Credit focused marketplace, and Real Estate focused marketplace. Negotiating to use Astar as source underlying blockchain over Eth mainnet, Polygon, etc. for reliability, cost, and beneficial ecosystem reasons.

desktop view screenshot of Sony trial marketplace with Hotel Transylvania media assets.

Mobile view



Bring institutional grade web3 marketplace infrastructure to enterprise. This will empower the next 100m active wallets to enter the web3 ecosystem through a gamified media experience.


Executive team

  • Ed Prado: Investment banking and Wall Street background. 200m+ successful exit for bond trading platform.

  • Garrett Minks: Blockchain expert active in the ecosystem since 2013. DRM software background creating scalable applications prior to blockchain.

Dev team

  • Chris: GCP Certified Devops Engineer

  • Masha: Full Stack Project Manager

  • Juan: Solidity and Backend Engineer

  • Arsenii: Frontend Developer

  • Cat: Frontend Developer and Designer

  • Vino: QA Engineer

  • Suresh: QA Automation Engineer


Audited smart contract code (Mythx audits) DMCA compliant streaming engine. GCP certified cloud infrastructure engineers. Security best practices - Key rotation, VPC, Cloudflare, etc.


  • Sony/Astar Incubator: Successful graduate of first cohort

  • GCP Startup Program: 100k/yr in cloud infrastructure credits + mentorship and access to Google ecosystem

  • Alchemy Startup Program: Bd resources and access to premium support, co marketing and co branding initiatives

  • Filebase Startup Program: Bd resources and access to premium support, co marketing and co branding initiatives

  • AIKON wallet partnership. Shared BD pipeline and revenue sharing agreements.

  • PCT Patent Pending in 155 countries around DRM encryption mechanism.

  • Eth mainnet deployment. Q4 2021. Polygon Deployment Q1 2022. BSC Deployment Q2 2022. Astar deployment Q1 2023.

Features (Q2 2023)

Private Label Marketplace (UX) Description
1 Mobile Web app Beautiful mobile browsing experience
2 Desktop (UI) Beautiful desktop browsing experience
3 Custom theme (branding) Your logo + header and footer customizations. Unique color scheme
4 User profile pages Account pages for each user. Add Favorites. Set custom profile banners usernames
6 Collection pages Unique banners per collection. Display items for sale
7 Item pages Pages for each item for sale on marketplace. Unlockable content.
8 Search, sort, navigation All text on marketplace searchable by users. Organize by category
Marketplace Features Description
9 Fiat Integration Widget (Onramper) Credit card, Apple pay, Google Pay
10 Mint multiple items User selectible. Mint up to 99 items in a single transaction.
11 Native Web3 Wallet Support Login via Metamask or Coinbase wallet
12 Web2 Social Login Support (AIKON) Login via Google, Apple, Twitter, Email
13 Scalable Cloud Infrastructure Own Kubernetes deployment. Scales with usage
Smart Contracts Description
14 Custom deployments All items minted from your own custom set of smart contracts (Ticker symbol) Deployed using latest ERC2535 upgradeable multi proxy standard
15 Custom sales engine Your own sale and resale routing engine
16 Protect Royalties Choose to lock royalties or selectively grant rights to other marketplaces
17 Set custom splits Inital sales and resales. Split to up to 25 wallets
18 Instant Settlement All sales made directly onchain
19 Custom Collections Create hierarchy based collections. Multiple marketplaces sales tiles within single contract
20 Custom Ranges Custom quantities and pricing
21 Multichain Support ETH, Polygon, Astar, custom EVM
22 DRM Support Unique onchain credentials to unlock streaming
Creation Tools Description
23 Minting Dashboard Custom pricing and quantity. Updateable by contract adminstrators
24 Royalty Dashboard Manage royalties onchain. Updateable by contract adminstrators
25 Metadata Dashboard Add custom metadata. Updateable by contract adminstrators
26 Video Upload Dashboard Drag and drop video upload portal
Management Tools Description
27 DRM Dashboard Select which items are required to unlock content. Age gating
28 Collection Management Dashboard Show/hide items displayed on marketplace
29 Protected User Data (Analytics) Secure behind cloud infrastructure. Exportable analytics
30 Mass sending and transfer dashboard Send items efficiently in batches of up to 99 per tx


See roadmap infographic.

dApp Staking Reward Usage

Liquidity Fund for Mining & Trading Competitions & New Astar User Subsidies (20%)

  • Initial gas fee subsidy for Astar new users

AUTH Token Liquidity (60%)

  • Fund AUTH (native token of RAIR ecosystem) buyback with ASTAR
  • Pay for AUTH incentive distribution to Active Astar wallets inside ecosystem
  • Funding marketplace user account balances beyond gas fee subsidy to make first NFT purchase.
  • -See whitepaper

Bounties (20%)

  • Third-party smart contract audit
  • White-hat bounties
  • Developer incentives


See next post

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Here are the basic links to our product and communities:

Website: https://rair.tech

Docs: API Reference: Verify Admin

Deck/slides: DocSend

Twitter: twitter.com/rairtech

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @rairtechinc