ArtZero - DApp Staking Application for NFT Marketplace on Astar using Ink! Smart Contract and PSP standards

Dear Astar community, its great to be here. I’m Brian, co-founder at ArtZero. ArtZero would like to apply for the Astar dApp Staking listing.


Project Overview

ArtZero aims to be a decentralized multi-chain NFT marketplace. It aims to allow the users to list their NFT collections to be tradeable on the platform for a fee and to create their NFT collection via the ArtZero contracts. The users can create the collections as standard NFT collections or in an advanced mode, which also serves as a launchpad for such projects. The platform also comes with its native NFT Collection, which owners can stake for platform fees and other perks.

ArtZero is initially built on Aleph Zero Network using Substrate Ink! Smart Contract and Polkadot Standards Proposal (PSP) including PSP34 (ERC721 equivalent) and PSP37 (PSP1155 equivalent). ArtZero would like to extend our platform to Astar, allowing users to cross transfer and trade NFT between Astar and Aleph Zero Network on one single platform website. The main objective in the near future is to make NFT Collections appear on both networks and users can benefits from the bridge between Aleph Zero and Polkadot.

Past Performance & Milestones:

  • Our team started Ink! Smart Contract development since Feb 2022 after a few years working on Blockchain outsourcing business.
  • We successfully build the MVP of the NFT Marketplace on Aleph Zero in April 2022 and receive huge support from the ecosystem.
  • In June 2022, we launched the Early Contributor Program and 2500 NFTs of our Praying Mantis Predators Collection was sold out to the public.
  • In July 2022, we participated in the Bug Bounty Program by Aleph Zero in Immunefi and received a highest reward of the program.
  • In Nov 2022, we also received the bounty reward for find a serious bug in Substrate by Parity Security Team. The fix is at PR #11771 [contracts] Fixed the bug with transfer value for delegate call by xgreenx · Pull Request #11771 · paritytech/substrate · GitHub
  • In Dec 2022, we received a grant to audit our Smart Contracts, the code review is being processed by BrushFam, team behind OpenBrush library.
  • In Jan 2023, our W3F Grant Proposal was approved by Web3 Foundation Grants-Program/ at master · w3f/Grants-Program · GitHub

Our NFT Collection on Aleph Zero Network

Our current UI and Features

  • Support erc721 (psp34) Standard NFT
  • Support SubWallet and Polkadot js
  • Explore NFT collections, search for NFT and collection
  • Create collections in simple mode and advanced mode
  • On-chain profile, create, edit, lock, burn NFT
  • List, unlist, buy, bid NFTs, mint PMP NFTs
  • Stake, unstake PMP NFTs for trade discount and profit share
  • User guide and documentation
  • Launchpad for NFT projects
  • Marketplace stats and revenue distribution page

In-progress Features

  • Final review round of Smart Contract Audit
  • Support PSP37 (ERC1155)
  • NFT Staking to add utilities to NFT holders
  • Copyright or fake NFT Report by Community
  • Multi-chain support (Aleph Zero, Astar in 2023 and more)

Our Teams

Mr. Brian Nguyen (founder, engineer)
Mrs. Phuong Hoang - CMO
Mr. Frankie Kao - Art Director and team of 5 designers
Mr. Long Nguyen - Front-end developer
Mr. Thien Nguyen - Front-end developer
Mr. Nam Hoang - Smart Contract & Back-end Developer
Mr. Albert Tran - Smart Contract & Back-end Developer
Mr. Charles Nguyen - Smart Contract & Backend Developer
Mr. Tuan Vu - DevOp

Other part-time testers and designers.

Team Experience

Brian Nguyen graduated from University of Nottingham with a 1st class degree in Computer and Electronics Engineering. Over the last 15 years, He has developed many data-driven applications. He also has deep interest in blockchain technology and development of decentralized apps on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Solana


Frankie Kao owns a design company and has been working on many projects on web design, graphic designs etc. He dedicated his resources to work with ArtZero.

Phuong Hoang has been in sale and marketing industry for over a decade. She has been Sales and Marketing Manager/Director for many companies including: Honda Vietnam, Plex Cinama, Saga Media etc.

All of our developers have at least 5-10 years experience in software development.

dApp Staking Reward Usage

The reward will be distributed to following activities of the project

  • Development: mainly to pay for developer salaries; recruit more senior roles to the team; and create an exclusive NFT Collection for Astar network.
  • Ecosystem Building: to support NFT Projects built on Astar and list on ArtZero
  • Marketing: to build a stronger community such as bounty and ambassador programs, AMAs, collaborations, giveaways etc…

Links to our products and communities:


I love ink! projects and this is going to be our focus. Is ArtZero already deployed on Astar or Shiden? dApp stakaing is for projects that are live on Astar.


Great to see this application. I have been following the project since I saw it on Aleph Zero. Feel free to reach out to me on Telegram. Happy to talk further with you (Telegram:@maartenhenskens).


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Happy to be able to look at already written smart contracts in ink!. Cool proposal.

  1. Can you please elaborate how will you do following.
allowing users to cross transfer and trade NFT between Astar and Aleph Zero Network on one single platform website.
  1. Is XCM support on your roadmap
  2. Do you plan to support other standards like RMRK-ink?

We are doing the final work on Ink4.0 compatibility then ArtZero will be deployed on Shibuya testnet. I will update you as soon as its ready.

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Its great to hear you are following us from A0. I sent you a pm on Telegram, we can discuss for sure.

Thanks, we make our smart contract repo PUBLIC, so feel free to discover, we hope more developers will use it to make their work faster. We have spent a lot of time refining our Ink and Rust skills.

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#1: We are working closely with A0 team and wait for them to deploy the bridge in private layer of A0. I believe A0 secured a parachain slot on Polkadot recently, its the first step to allow cross transfer assets including NFT between 2 chains. The idea is, if someone create an NFT collection on Astar, he will have an option to clone the collection on Aleph Zero and vice versa. NFT Owners can transfer their NFTs from 1 chain to another, and the transferred NFT can be listed for sale on the other chain. The platform will handle the contract and NFT creation for both chain in this case.

#2: Aleph Zero Bridge to Polkadot will support XCM and to make the NFT transfer cross chain, we have to implement XCM. So yes, its on our roadmap.

#3: For now we are not sure if we can support RMRK-ink standard yet. In 2023 we will only focus on PSP34 and PSP37 (and might be SBT also). Using metadata/attribute in NFT contract can handle many features from RMRK NFT Standard. There are 2 features from RMRK standard that I like but not available yet are the nestable and fractionalized NFTs. We will find the way to support RMRK when we have more internal resources.

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This is something we 100% support.

I think you guys are heading to deploy on Shibuya soon - which is great!
I am excited to see this project running on Astar.

Do you guys have any community development? User base stats?
This is the crucial aspect for dApps getting support from dApp staking

Good Luck! I really like this proposal.


We have 5k followers on Twitter, 1.3K on Telegram and 1K on Discord but most are from Aleph Zero ecosystem. We will grow the Astar community to our social media as soon as the Shibuya version is ready to the public.


Testnet Demo of ArtZero is now available for public access at
The migration has been done in short period of time so please accept some unknown issues. We would love to hear your feedbacks to improve the platform.


Hi, from my end everything’s is technically fine. Since I worked in creative industry IRL (photographer), I got smol concern will your marketplace has a group of curators? (or at least someone who follow art trend NFT or traditional/conservative art). Foundation, SuperRare or KnownOrigin have it, so their quality of their NFT marketplace is still proven. I suggest if you already get enough traffic/volume and getting listed on dApp Staking you guys can allocate those small reward for members here that have a passion in curating artworks.

Thanks for your feedback.
We do have a plan to create a dedicated fund to sponsor NFT Projects and Curators in the future. For now we are focusing on refining the product and being ready to launch, mostly technical aspects.

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Also we want to target NFT Projects with Real use cases such as:

  • Real world assets (tickets, premium access, membership, real estate…)
  • Defi (NFT in lending/borrowing, NFT as debt, bankruptcy claims)
  • Metaverse and Gaming Assets
  • Domains and ID
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Thanks for coming to Astar and interested in dapp Staking. Looking forward to seeing your dapp on the dapp store.

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Great to know about your nft marketplace.

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