Astar Network and Viverse

Hi, I want to do a small and short survey.

Considering that the WASM technology adopted by Astar Network is one of the best in the world, above all especially how Astar Network has adopted it and intends to develop it, which makes it even more efficient, and considering that WASM technology will be fundamental for the development of the Web3 but also for everything concerning the efficiency of the new web resources in general.

Considering also that the metaverse is not just a passing comet but a technology that is here to stay and will bring new ways to do business for both new and established companies that will adopt new approaches.

Since Viverse is one of the leading companies in the development of metaverses, do you think a partnership between Astar Network and Viverse could benefit the project?

I believe that a strategic partnership can bring enormous benefit to Astar Network, as all the technology related to the metaverse needs WASM technology for greater efficiency, and therefore I thought that a partnership that allows those who develop on Viverse to make use of Astar Network tools or integrate building in Viverse on building at the same time on Astar Network can be a winning strategy.


Thank you. I am not sure about your motivation for this post. Are you working at Viverse? Or do you know the decision-maker at the company? If you know, that would be great.


No, I don’t work for Viverse. I currently work in Athens. But as I said in the other post, my intention is to support Astar Network by any means, and seeing that Astar lends itself very well to supporting a wide range of both dapps and more complex digital infrastructures, I thought that a partnership with Viverse, as well as which obviously with giants like NTT docomo, Accenture and Toyota, could come in handy. Let’s say I’m doing a purely personal analysis of what the realities might be that can be of interest to Astar Network and if I can, I contact them and try to see what comes out of it.