dApp Staking Proposal: Paima Engine

Same question as Gunit, you have got $1.4M from Cardano recently, so I would be interested to hear more details about the value you will bring to Astar

List Paima Engine for dapp staking
  • Yes
  • No
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It’s great to see that you’ve received a significant grant from Cardano to support WASM NFTs, but how can we be sure that you’ll have the time to work on Astar as well and not devote all your time to Cardano?

The WASM NFT feature is explicitly for Astar so we are Astar developers in that sense. We’re also active in the Astar activity in Japan by joining Astar events both public and private meant for companies planning to build on Astar. We are (relatively) long-time supporters of Astar and we would not have spent time and effort to get the grant from Cardano for this Astar cooperation if we didn’t intend to have it used by external companies as well as ourselves.

We believe there is really strong synergy in the work we’re doing which is why we’ve spent our own time, effort and money on building this connection with the Astar community and this dApp staking proposal represents our continued commitment to working together and connecting some cool experiences to the Astar ecosystem

I understand that with infrastructure there is a relatively long period until everything gets comes to life to and so infrastructure projects always require a certain leap of faith, but we’ve done our best to include Astar in every step of our journey from events, to Astar wallet support in our existing games, to a tournaments with an ASTR prize, to the WASM NFT grant proposal and now this dApp staking application as well

I appreciate all those who have taken the time to comment on our application so far and we’re excited to keep including Astar in our journey going forward

The project looks interesting. I would like to ask for more information as follows:

  1. Can you provide some examples of people who have used the project? How did they use it?
  2. Where does the project generate revenue?
  3. Who are the direct competitors? What are the project’s advantages compared to other projects?

Happy to answer:

1 & 3) Games and competitors

I’ll answer (1) and (3) together since they’re somewhat related.

Onchain games as a concept is still very cutting edge so there are not that many games live in production at the moment across the space. Typically, the larger-scale games are written by the companies building them engines themselves with other companies building mostly proof-of-concepts or smaller experiences. For us, we built an onchain tower defense game back in June this year (that supports Astar wallets and is free to play) and we’re currently working on an onchain RPG game

You can find our Tower Defense game on Composable Hub and, if you sort by “full launch”, it’s not a long list yet (keep in mind this is a list for all engines and not just us, and the list may be missing some games)

There are 3 main engines with games live today:

  • MUD: a Solidity framework for creating onchain games. The benefit of MUD is that because your entire game is written in Solidity, it gives you the best composability with other dApps
  • Dojo: this is a game engine for Starknet, which means your whole game has to be written with zk circuits and can only be deployed to the Starknet ecosystem
  • Paima (us): the benefit of Paima is you can write your onchain game using Javascript while still supporting any EVM-based chain (and more)

As you can see, Paima is the most flexible solution and MUD is the most composable solution, with Dojo living somewhere in-between

Because of this, MUD (in my opinion) is best suited for games that are either direct gambling or indirect gambling (winners gain a financial advantage), where as Paima is better suited for games that are more of a world that you explore where any financial value comes from state accrual through user actions in that world (ex: in our onchain RPG game the value of your monsters depends on what you’ve done in the game to level them up, teach them new moves, etc. . This is more similar to MMOs like Runescape or World of Warcraft where in-game actions are the primary way accounts accrue value and not in-game gambling.)

Some other advantages is that Paima is significantly cheaper for projects to use as they do not need to deal with Solidity or specialized zk circuit knowledge, and that Paima can easily associate game state to NFTs making it a natural fit for NFT projects that want to gamify their IP

2) Project revenue

Paima is free to use if your game is non-commercial or open source, so for most games Paima will probably be free forever. For closed source games (games where the code is not public), we use a revenue-share model if the game exceeds a revenue threshold (so free for most games unless they make it big).

Because of this model, we expect the revenue to primarily come from:

  1. Grant funding such as the Cardano grant of this dApp staking application
  2. Monetization of any games we build ourselves using the engine
  3. Revenue share from any successful project
  4. Any network effect around the ecosystem as we plan to DAOify Paima in the future

Like Unity engine then. Ok I voted yes

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As a founder of First Wasm Nft collection on Astar Network. I am happy to hear that. Supporting 100%

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I still think GameFi will be very important in the coming years.

To be able to get an all-in-one platform for game development is just amazing.

GameFi will bring in the new wave of web3 users.

There’s some good stuff here.
Astar is the best way to bring the labour and money from web2 into the web3 ecosystem, and with the engine that is the product of your project, it means that a programmer who writes code in any way in web2 can produce a product in web3 effortlessly and securely! That’s pretty good.

Also dynamic NFTs, which is unusual. These are an important step for more sustainable work. The fact that this is also happening makes me think positively about your project!!!

Really like the idea of a platform which enables developers to create web3 games faster. As @GuiGou pointed out I also want to see more wasm usage, as I think this can improve the platform aswell.

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Congrats!! The voting is passed. To proceed with the registration, please do the following:

  1. Have a native substrate account with transferrable 1001 ASTR. Share the address here.
  2. Have a verified smart contract and share the contract address here.
  3. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  4. Fill the form to be added to the Ecosystem Page on the Astar Network website. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIYRpuj2sTT22cJyP7CFfXkIwKmhwJvCGEO96-Bq2S2lKi_g/viewform

We will whitelist the addresses.

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Understood. Thank you so much =)

I am looking forward to see your updates. Let’ss go.


Great roadmap, I like it!

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Yes I also like it. To be honest I am waiting WASM Side :grin: We can Use on Astar Strike

  1. aG8tpBgh6MHcAPGBj2Z8sVVXTD4tyQi76twHhcvvsSAi9sK
  2. https://blockscout.com/astar/address/0x0C5e3eaF962085821261CD7147d7b9815e8809Cf/transactions#address-tabs
  3. GitHub - PaimaStudios/paima-dao: placeholder DAO contract for Paima
  4. Done and already got approved :+1:

Well, we hope to see Paima DAO in all its splendor soon, great progress guys.


I’m optimistic about the enduring collaboration between Paima and Astar Network. The ecosystem truly benefits from a robust project like Paima.

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Hello @Sebastiengllmt,

Your developer address has been whitelisted and you can now register Paima Engine for dApp staking.

Once this is done, please inform the community on this forum.

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