Decentralized Digital Identity on the Shiden blockchain network

Project Overview

Our proposal seeks to provide the community with our platform, giving them a productive dimension for the creation of recognizable decentralized digital identity or credentials, limiting some uses (limit of credentials per month or templates - freemium). All this, supported by any blockchain network that implements EVM (Virtual Ethereum Machine), such as ASTAR/SHIDEN.

For this we will develop a Software Development Kit (SDK) and its respective documentation with the following functionalities:

  • Creation of a Decentralized Identifiers2 for each entity with the following nomenclature “did:ev:yyyy”

  • Issuance of a verifiable credential3 allowing identities to be “identified” such as the name of an identity, the date of birth or manufacture, among others.

  • The proof of validation of a credential will be self-contained, that is, its validation does not depend on a server or API.

About Us

Digital Lab Innovation BlockChain/DLT and WEB3 for NTT DATA, we are a group of people passionate about blockchain technology, with lines of research related to market trends and actively participating in innovation ecosystems. We focus on the development of proofs of concept for our clients in sectors such as banking, insurance, international trade, industry, telecommunications, among others.

Our Team

Directo Blockchain WEB 3 -
Juan José JJ Miranda | LinkedIn

Expert in Digital Identity Architecture -
David Ammouial | LinkedIn

Project Leader and Commercial -
Juan Manuel Felix del Aguila | LinkedIn

Blockchain Developer, BackEnd and Smart Contracts -
Charles Paolo LeĂłn Urbano
David Ernesto Saldarriaga

Researcher, Marketing, QA and testing leaders -
SimĂłn LeĂłn LĂłpez | LinkedIn
Jerson Pool Miranda Robles | LinkedIn
Francisco Albornoz Perez

Project Details


Our main objective will be offer the service in online mode, like a SaaS mode on KayTrust (our plataform) with SHIDEN support. Kaytrust currently offers cloud on the LacChain network, therefore, we will extend support to the SHIDEN network in the demo version.

Execution Timeline

If the grant submission is approved, we can start immediately.

Estimated execution time

Total Grant Amount: $75K
Total Term: 6~7 Month

**Phase 1 **
Grant Amount $25k

  • Users can use the wallet in “Shiden Demo”
  • Kaytrust provider and KayTrust wallet can work with multi-blockchain transparently and Multi-blockchain support.
  • Pilot test with a small group of users and UX

**Phase 2 **
Grant Amount $25k

  • Provide the wallet user with easy access to a list of faucet urls.
  • Development of a specific faucet that sells gas with a user token.
  • Pilot test with a small group of users and UX

**Phase 3 **
Grant Amount $15k

  • That the issuance of the credentials is free, it does not cost gas to generate a verifiable credential (off chain), it can only be revoked (on chain) and support JWS proof type
  • Pilot test with a small group of users.
  • Pilot test with a small group of users and UX

**Phase 4 **
Grant Amount $10k

  • Pilot test with a small group of users and UX
  • Marketing and presentation. Press Release and Social Networks (Shiden) and Inclusion and promotion of Shiden as a network in the corporate commercial projects of NTT DATA.

Our purpose as a community

With our contribution, we want to improve the blockchain ecosystem through our proposal so that we can support more networks; As a community, interoperability is very important to us and we see Polkadot as a key network for this purpose. For this reason, we want to start with Shiden immediately and therefore we hope to receive the support of the community and achieve the approval of our proposal :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

  1. Have you launched this product elsewhere?

  2. If the answer is yes, what are the proven use cases?

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Hi @moonme, yes, KayTrust is an identity software suite developed by NTT DATA and used in a large number of identity-related projects we do for corporate clients. That can range from remote customer onboarding to decentralized use cases based on the Verifiable Credential model. Although it can work as a standalone product, generally it’s used in integration with other components to form more complex architectures.

The usual use cases for Verifiable Credentials are issuing, sharing and verifying any kind of information about a subject in a user-centric way, i.e. a reputable entity says something about you, it gives that self-verifiable attestation (credential) to you, and then you can share it with whomever you want, without the issuer and verifier ever being in direct contact. As a base layer there are a couple of W3C standards among others for interoperability, and we’re providing APIs, libraries and user interfaces on top of those.

To give a couple of the real-life examples I can talk about (others are our clients’ discretion):

  • CADENA is a large project that uses KayTrust for issuance and verification of the Authorized Economic Operator (OEA) certification across the customs administrations of 8 countries in Latin America (and more waiting). The OEA certification is issued to compliant Foreign Commerce actors by their country of establishment when they need to export goods to another country with which there is a Mutual Recognition Agreement. Decentralized Identity is necessary in such use cases, because governments need to maintain sovereignty of their information, and it also has very good scalability and availability with no single point of failure.
  • In Peru, the Chamber of Commerce has been using KayTrust for 4 years to issue no-debt certificates to individuals and businesses, so those can prove they’re reliable to any third party they wish to do business with.

In Latin America, KayTrust is part of the Digital Identity ecosystem of the LACChain network, of which we are co-founders. That network comprises hundreds of private and public entities in virtually all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (I don’t have the exact figures at hand but I think the information is public).

On the European side, NTT DATA is heavily involved in the EBSI and eIDAS frameworks, so KayTrust maintains compatibility to those new regulatory and technical frameworks as they are developed. We are also more recently running proofs of concept on integrating Verifiable Credentials with fungible tokens. One of those was with Spanish Civil Guard at the end of last year.

Now, to circle back to the project in this thread… KayTrust works great on blockchains with a typical Geth or Besu setup, such as LACChain for instance. However, we took note of the recent trend of EVM-compatible blockchains and we want to support that, because we think diversity on that aspect has been expected for a long time and is healthy for the community. We also think some of those new solutions may actually end up being technically superior to the legacy ones. As our first contribution towards that diversification, we picked Shiden/Astar because of their technical potential and the level of adoption they currently have and will have in the future.



Hello to all the community! I want to invite you to read, comment and resolve your doubts about our proposal in the correct category in the following link. See you there! Decentralized Digital Identity - Builders Program Application - Astar Initiatives - Astar Network Forum

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Nice article thanks for sharing