DeepSpy Proposal

dApp staking requirements:

  1. Live product.
  2. Register on defillama/dApp radar. (if you are not a dApp, not needed)
  3. Have a developer native account with 1001 ASTR.
  4. Have a verified smart contract (if you are not a dApp, a Hello world contract will do).
  5. Add #astar-network, #dAppStaking tags to your GitHub repo.
  6. Create a PR to the Ecosystem Page. As our website is open-source, you can contribute directly to it - just create a PR on your own! To have your project included to our website, you will need to create a PR here:

When all those are done:

  1. Make a post on forum here.
  2. Follow this format.

This will be followed by forum voting. After the voting is passed, your addresses will be whitelisted and you can register on Astar Portal.

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