Make a question board for ordinary people

Asta wants many people to participate in the forum
But for the general public, the forum’s debate is very difficult
Ordinary people are not at the level of participation in the conversation
For those of you in the community wondering about Asta
I wish there was a beginner’s question board
I want someone to answer my questions exclusively

For example
Where is the Asta 2024 roadmap?
Don’t you have any plans for Asta in 24?


Thanks Minia, I like the idea. I’m curious if you have seen “question boards” elsewhere in this kind of forum platform that can be implemented?

In my experience we can utilize the Astar Discord for questions as its well utilized in that way already and probably has more eyes than the forum.

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Es muy buena idea el uso de plantillas. El uso del lenguaje no es fácil y si buscas problemas en software y al mismo tiempo no te enteras, es en ocasiones desconcertante. Js ofrece una muy buena plantilla de tradición. La comunidad debe participar en su idioma y no confiar mucho en el trastorno, pero es lo primero.
Feliz día