Plasm Network Token Allocation

65% of all tokens are distributed to the community and 35% of all tokens are managed by Stake Technologies and Plasm Network foundation (We will found a foundation in 2021Q3 or Q4).

We allocated 35.5% for bidding a 2 year Parachain slot. This number seems to be sufficient judging from other potential Parachains (e.g Acala 34%, Moonbeam 15% for PLO).

From the beginning, our goal is to make a DAO. We will decrease our allocation in coming 2 years.

Learn more from here: Token Allocation - Plasm Network


Hi @sota. Thanks for the post. I participated in the 2nd lockdrop :slight_smile: . Can individual users participate in the parachain auction? Is that the 3rd lockdrop or something else, sorry I am not familiar with the parachain auctions. Apologies if this has already been explained.

Yes correct, that’s indeed the 3rd lockdrop.
When you join this lockdrop you would help Plasm win the auction to become the first parachain on Polkadot :slight_smile:


Thanks for a prompt response, I thought so too :slight_smile: Will ETH be accepted for this lockdrop also or only DOT? Thanks

Only DOT for the Polkadot PLO
KSM for Kusama PLO :slight_smile:


PLM Token allocation are great I’ll give 5 start rating for this.