Proposal: Delist Deep Waifu from dApp staking (Shiden dApp)

Proposal to Delist Deep Waifu dApp

This proposal seeks to delist Deep Waifu from the dApp store on Shiden Network. The justification for the delisting are the following reasons:

  1. Website doesn’t work, specifically the intention of the dApp is not functioning.

  2. Their previous twitter account changed to Possibly meaning they have left the project.

  3. I cannot find the project, nor a related community, anywhere else.

I also propose this discussion last a max of 3 days, and followed by an immediate vote on ShidenDAO’s opensquare that will last another 3 days maximum.

Please use these forum to discuss the delisting and/or other procedural manners of this delisting.


though I love anime stuff, must agree. seems pretty dead

This should be delisted. Rewards should only be earned by those who contribute to the ecosystem.


Agree! I still got my waifu from the early days they launched :laughing:
Also, I checked their rewards, and they have: 196 unclaimed eras, also no SDN from their dev wallet went out of Shiden Network. It was a launch and leave :slight_smile:

As now the development is dead already. also 196 unclaimed eras. Let’s delist it.

It’s cleaning time, Waifu needs to be removed for sure

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I agree. Removing inactive dapps helps other active userst to achieve more.