Proposal to manage unclaimed tokens from Astar zkEVM campaign

Dear Astar Community as highlighted in the recent update on the Yoki rewards distribution, a significant amount of 324k ASTR tokens were unclaimed.
This situation presents a unique opportunity to strengthen Astar tokenomics and increase the perceived value of the ASTR token. You can find all the information in the following link:


This proposal aims to foster open discussion within the Astar community to determine the most effective course of action for these unclaimed tokens. Two primary options are presented:

  1. Burning the unclaimed tokens. This approach would permanently remove these tokens from circulation, potentially leading to a decrease in total supply and a subsequent increase in perceived value per remaining token.
  2. Strategically utilizing the unclaimed tokens. This option explores the possibility of leveraging these tokens for future partnerships, collaborations, or initiatives that benefit the Astar ecosystem. Examples could include funding grants, attracting talent, or collaborating with promising projects like Talentum (as referenced in the forum discussion: Unstoppable Grants Proposal: Talentum).

I’m very curious to read the comments :handshake: :slightly_smiling_face:


Since the tokens were earmarked for Astar zkEVM marketing, and Soneium is pretty much taking the place of Astar zkEVM, I would see no issue with using them for Soneium marketing.

Only thing I would think is that they are used for a similar purpose: Soneium user focused instead of given to individual projects.


Hi @VasaKing! This is a very interesting discussion :wink:
For my point of view, I don’t think the burning option is very interesting. Even though I am almost always in favor of Burning’s proposals to reduce the supply, this time I really believe it would be a waste because the ASTR figure is really small (324k ASTR) and would have no impact on tokenomics.
The option that I believe is more interesting and intelligent is to use ASTRs for marketing campaigns that can go from Youtubers and KOLs, to giveaways for the use of ASTRs on Soneium Mainnet (2025), to financing some good projects, to using them for incentivize liquidity pools on ASTR in the Soneium defi.

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Indeed , I was thinkin of an reatroactive airdrop as a posibility. Many blockchain projects does the same (Jupiter for example) This will be a nice surprise for those who continued to fuse Yoki after the end of the campaign.

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The amount for incineration is quite low.
The idea that comes to my mind;

Astar team is in constant production, Soneium, Startale, Yoki, LFGM, SURGE, dApp Staking etc.
We expect support from the community in all these processes. It would be most efficient to make an Airdrop to our members who support us in every way. Since the amount is small, a good elimination system should be done. In this elimination system, if we list the wallet addresses that have supported us in every way, I think we can create a small and concise list, and our award-winning OG audience will defend us better!

For example, I think a user should be rewarded for using Soneium on testnet, SURGE on EVM, dAppStaking on EVM, and minting x amount of Yoki on Astar zkEVM. The number of people doing all of this from a single wallet will be small, so this would be a good reward.

I also think that if we make this kind of rewarding, users will participate more in the events we will bring in the future. If we make a rewarding and announce a new event in the future, users will say “Astar definitely rewards its active users”. As I said, I think if we make a small reward with good and such difficult conditions, we will see the benefit of this.


Thank you very much for proposing this interesting topic. I personally prefer the marketing option, I don’t think burning this small amount of Astar would be that useful and also the Astar is allocated for the Yoki event, we can reuse it for other events on Sonieum like the Astar Surge event or other events that could benefit the Astar users and get more involved in the future events.


Hello all ASTAR family :star:
considering that the amount of tokens proposed for burning (324k ASTR) represents only 0.0044% of the total 7.44B supply of ASTR, the impact on tokenomics would be insignificant.

Alternatively, it would be more strategic to use these tokens for initiatives that can increase community engagement and ecosystem growth. For example, we could organize:

-Referral campaigns: rewarding users with $ASTR tokens that bring in new members

-Developer rewards: offering incentives to those who give the most value to $ASTR in their dApps

-Creative contests: such as creating content related to Astar/Soneium, thus incentivizing organic outreach.

-Active user rewards: rewarding participants in a new astar network or soneium campaign (you could structure something that rewards activity in the campaign in exchange for $ASTR)

These ideas would help distribute tokens more productively instead of burning them.

Let me know what you think :pray:t2:


Given that the amount is small, I don’t see the point of using these funds for anything else compared with the time spent discussing and executing the action.

I prefer the tokens to remain in the treasury.

Furthermore, the tokens have already been returned to the treasury, so to use them for anything else that would result from this discussion, there will need to be an onchain treasury proposal that will be approved by the Main Council or the Community through a referendum.

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Since Soneium is not Astar, even if ASTR benefits from Soneium, our primary focus should remain on Astar. Promoting Soneium does not necessarily benefit Astar—only dApps that adopt ASTR as their main token will provide value to ASTR.

The amount in question is small, so I believe it should be burned. While burning the tokens may not make a significant impact, it will at least reduce the circulating supply. Using these tokens for proposals that do not add value to ASTR would be a waste of resources and inflation.


Hey @Gaius_sama @jay , just don’t want to keep this topic open forever. Can we make a poll for what we should do with these token? I cannot do the poll by myself :sweat_smile:
I suggest to make 3 choices:

  • Burn them
  • Marketing
  • Keep them in the treasury

Due to the huge amount of work I will prefer to keep them in the treasury and ask for a bigger amount next month for a proper plan in marketing, we can use and found any IA agent on other chains or do some research and present other ideas.

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What a great topic of conversation we have here, partner.

In my opinion, the easiest and most feasible thing to do will be to send them back to the treasury and with that give them on-chain management as we have been doing this last month. I think those funds could be used for public campaigns or new projects.

I would like to see more global Astar events, we need Astar’s presence at more events! And that is what these funds could be used for.

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I created the poll for a period of 7 days.

What to do with the unclaimed tokens from Astar zkEVM campaign?
  • Burn them
  • Use them for Marketing
  • Keep them in the treasury
0 voters

Burning them as I wrote above would be almost meaningless. I voted marketing and I hope he wins it because it could be used to fund events, influencers etc. marketing is needed and especially in these times :star:


To me, it is almost the same thing to put the ASTR back into marketing or treasury this time. This is because the budget required depends on the marketing, and there is only so much that can be done with the budget set ahead of time.
Therefore, I think the best solution is to “return it to treasury so that it can be used for marketing”.

Note that I voted for “Use them for Marketing”.


Thanks for creating the poll @Gaius_sama

I voted on keeping them in the treasury. As mentioned in the above discussions, burning this amount is too small to have any impact. Using the ASTR for marketing is an option, but recently, Astar Foundation has allocated an extra budget towards marketing initiatives for Japan, Korea, and China.

If someone from the community like @Juminstock wants to use some funds to bootstrap some marketing initiatives in South America, I would love to support this because I lack experience in those regions, similar to Turkije :pray:


I definitely support that amount being returned to the treasury and as @you425 mentioned, once it is in the treasury you can put together proposals for marketing campaigns, both can be related without a problem.

That is what the ambassadors of this region, @Maarten, are here for, to support Astar and Soneium to expand and increase its use in our countries. This year something very important is coming for Astar in Colombia and Mexico :saluting_face: :smiley:


Good point, regional support of Astar is actually important, Colombia, Mexico, and also don’t forget China region :slight_smile:

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Of course! China is a vital point for Astar’s adoption and expansion and we must keep pushing to do things there. Come on Dr Cao! I want to see more events in your country :sweat_smile:

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Let’s do some joint event as well :slight_smile: 2025 is a great year for more events!

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It would be fabulous! A hackathon in China by Astar Ambassadors team… let’s make it real :smiley: