We agree, and we have been saying it since day one after the shameful implementation of v3 to the detriment of the work of REAL developers.
The tier system also, since we are talking about improving dapp staking, should absolutely be changed.
Marteen in a post on skylab which has 30 million in staking for 15 months for the entire duration of its listing as a dapp coming from a single wallet, spoke of the POWER OF THE System in terms of support.
Nothing could be more false, in a system in which there is 1 vote = astar, like v2, the funds coming from 1 wallet or more wallets are financing, and if they do not come from wallets that cannot do so (like the foundation), they are absolutely legitimate.
When you create a tiered system and in fact a ranking, a dapp in tier 3 thanks to the funds of 1 person earns 8 times more than one in tier 4 that perhaps has more stakers and also occupies a place, which perhaps in the near future will be scarcer. So that stake is absolutely damaging to the rights of other dapps and not meritocratic, so it should at least be made public. Precisely because of the new system, without taking into account that if I, a new staker who perhaps am interested in voting and supporting a dapp, see that skylab has many more votes than any other dapp, I am encouraged to bet on them, but if I knew beforehand that those votes come from 1 person or a few, perhaps I understand that the community does not actually support them as developers and that what has been demonstrated is not of great interest to the masses.
Astar as a project should be interested in this.
The current tier system only incentivizes betting on those who arrived first, who are already well positioned in the ranking or who are backed by influential hands. Not even the rewards promised by the various teams have stirred the interest of the stakers.
The passivity of the system and the lack of votes even in the governance actions presuppose a sensational distance between us who are here and the people. Astar is not truly decentralized. If you do not act by getting people to be more interested in their stake, and bringing them closer to the developers, you will not be able to grow in a healthy way and what we have seen in recent weeks will be the norm.
The staking rewards must be different depending on the supported dapp and how it behaves. Users must be interested, at that moment they themselves will be the ones to talk and control the developer teams.
When a team that has little stake develops and contributes to the ecosystem, respecting the milestones, it must receive a staking percentage of:
% base rewards + x
With this system you can easily return to a linear v2, obviously lowering the circulating amount to be distributed among developers (perhaps based on what is the maximum possible today, without counting the empty slots), lower the number of dapps that can be registered and insert a maximum number of time according to which a proposal must be supported.
Neurolanche or Astar degens after 2 years for example (a long time for any proposal that has ever been made) will have to re-present themselves and re-apply with a new proposal.
What these teams proposed 2 years ago cannot be what they are doing today, and in the best of cases the objectives have already been achieved. Keeping them in the same, privileged conditions, since as mentioned no one votes, means creating a centrality that often is not even the result of the excellent work of the dapps.
If the dapp works well then, it will be easy for it to win back people with a new proposal and therefore new goals.
These are ideas from those who have SUFFERED as developers all the negative aspects of a system that is not decentralized and truly meritocratic, and have suffered it with a significant economic loss in 2024.
Take this suggestion and make good use of it, at least by developing a discussion. The current dappstaking is a monster created by those who are distant from developers and their needs, and who have not understood that without them a development platform will be by its very definition of non-development. Astar cannot leverage its growth only on the burn of tokens, a compromise is needed, in fact this burn in the last phases of the market has been irrelevant.