We’d like to motion for the delisting of Royal Raffle dapp due to discontinuation of active development and activity. In similar fashion to VLS we’d like Astar to fast track it to the onchain proposal phase. We believe this will bring better exposure to active dapps in the ecosystem. Thank you.
Could you provide some proof you are still the owner of the project?
Can you add the of today in the dApp Staking description for example?
@Maarten it is a dead dApp anyway - they abandoned their X page exactly when the tiered reward structure was introduced
We need to be quicker in removing confirmed failed dApps imo
I agree, but I am wondering if the projects is asking to be delisted. Why are they not creating the public proposal on our governance platform instead of waiting for the same to do it?
I would like to have more activity by different stakeholders in our governance system. So I prefer the project to first create the delisting by themself if it is their motion.
Hi @1xKBL
Would it be possible for you to move this motion to onchain?
Thanks a lot
Motion under voting of the Community Council: