Unstoppable Community Grants Proposal : Counter.ink

Hello @Stated-tech,

The Unstoppable Community Grant period for Counter.ink has come to an end, and it’s time to move on to the evaluation phase.

You can share a final report here, then the Astar community and ecosystem agents will ask you questions. A good example of a report can be found here.

We will evaluate :

  • If the the team was transparent, communicative and engaging throughout the 3-month period.
  • If the team provided all request information, including answers to any questions, in a timely manner.
  • The final outcome of the grant and if we would recommend the team for another grant if they applied again.

You can find out more about the evaluation phase and the possible follow-up to the program in the UCG deck .

If you want to apply to extend your UCG period, you must create a new proposal similar to your initial proposal, with your new plans, milestones and objectives for this new period.

Please post your proposal in this discussion before Wednesday, December 20. Until then, community members can always ask you further questions.

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