UwU Market - Builders Program Application

:cat:Project Overview

UwU Market is a premiere native NFT platform exclusively on the Astar/Shiden network.

It is designed to bring more users to Astar & Shiden and offer an easy-to-use primary/secondary sales channel for NFT and metaverse products.

Our platform features:

:white_check_mark:Marketplace: in open beta
:white_check_mark:Launchpad: design complete, alpha on testnet
:white_check_mark:NFT minting + creator tools: in late beta
:white_check_mark:NFT staking: alpha
:white_check_mark:Reward staking, base contract: complete & audited

:cat:Core Team

[Chief Executive Officer] Jujuna
Previous NFT platform creator, over $35m in NFT sales

[Chief Product Officer] Mooners
Managed digital product with $500m per year revenue

[Chief Technology Officer] Hogoh
6 years EVM, 12 years SDLC experience; Launched multiple NFT projects

[Chief Creative Officer] Peni
Formerly Creative at Elle Magazine

:cat:Project Goals

To become #1 NFT marketplace on Astar/Shiden Network by offering a unique experience with a kaomoji meme, kawaii-culture-oriented theme.

Create a growth that provides economic opportunities, entertainment and contributes to the Astar/Shiden network & community.

:cat:Project Support

UwU Market is designed to bring more users and trading/transaction volumes to Astar/Shiden Network.

UwU NFT Staking Program helps launch NFT staking capability for any Astar/Shiden projects that reward in $UWU tokens.

$UWU token will be a fair launch platform token designed to bring more people to Astar/Shiden Network and introduce ASTR/SDN stakers to NFTs.


:white_check_mark:Marketplace: in open beta
:white_check_mark:Launchpad: design complete, alpha on testnet
:white_check_mark:NFT minting + creator tools: in late beta
:white_check_mark:NFT staking: alpha
:white_check_mark:Reward staking, base contract: complete & audited

:cat:Immediate Plans

  • Post beta market launch
  • Sale and distribution of ‘UwU You’ NFT project
  • $UWU token TGE
  • Launchpad projects

:cat:We’re looking for…

:three:Launching Projects


:small_blue_diamond:Beta Testing Site: https://beta.uwu.market/
:small_blue_diamond:Pitch Deck: UwU Market 2022.04.22


thx for your application! I want to ask a few questions :

  • will u enable marketplace for exclusive artist or a creator who wants to sell 1/1 collection?
  • for q3/q4 you mentioned RMRK standart, it will be nested NFT right (or Lego NFT ) and with simplified UI for non-tech creator? Since RMRK already deployed RMRK v2 lately.
  • will u be able to support bit.country / metaverse.network by parachain messaging on q3/q4?
  • and if a creator mint his/her collection, will the nfts can be sell on other marketplace (ex : tofunft)?

HI @souleater will go through these in order

  1. We will have exclusive artists, games and DAO NFT projects via our launchpad and this will include auctions for 1/1 . Some of these are current commercial artists who have not done NFT projects before
  2. We are still looking into RMRK v2 and plan on partnering with them to ensure clear support
  3. We have not looked into Bit.Country but if you have a relationship with the team we would be happy to work with them more closely
  4. For all EVM compatible collections we will support them similar to TofuNFT does for AstarCats/Degens etc. but we will be spending all of our time on the Astar networks only so this means more support for specific projects that are uplifting the entire community. Please note that we do have self service creator tools already deployed similar to Rarible and other marketplaces. These are easy to use for smaller item collections or ERC1155 collections that have multiple items per id. For larger generative collections these are not self service yet but we will work with projects to use our generative algos to help them launch and do the reveal.

Thanks so much for your detailed questions!! Please check out our beta and let us know if you have any more specific ones. We should be implementing the new design soon so expect it to look more like our pitchdeck!

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@Jujuna @UwUYou what will be the marketplace fees and how will it be utilised ?

We are using 2.5% fees and that will be used to buy back $UwU from the market and distributed to $UwU stakers.

2.5% is the basis but we are more than willing to change this based on a governance vote.

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