Web3alert.io - dApp Staking Application

Hi, Astar network community!
We are the Web3alert team and would like to apply for the Astar dApp Staking listing. Here is the presentation of our project.

Project Overview

Web3alert is a notification service that listens for events in blockchain networks, and whenever the event you are interested in happens, Web3alert sends you a message.

Our Mission:

Nowadays, we can observe a lack of on-chain notification services.

Instant notifications are a usual and necessary feature of any application in Web2. We cannot imagine any application, especially applications from traditional finance areas - banking, stock trading, and so on - that have no push notifications on mobile apps or at least e-mail/sms mailing. But when it comes to Web3 and decentralized services, there is no other way to understand if a transaction is successfully finalized rather than manually checking block explorers. And this is where Web3alert comes in.

Here you can find an article with several examples and use cases (NFT, DEX, etc)
Web3alert integrates Astar and Shiden! | by Web3alert | Dec, 2022 | Medium

With Web3alert, anyone can set a notification and be informed about the following:

  • the token transfer (what token comes to the wallet, how much, and from what address, NFT movements),

  • governance notifications (to know what referenda are held, how treasury funds are spent, etc.)

  • collator performance (Candidate Added, Candidate Removed, Candidate Slashed, etc.)

  • dApp staking performance (ASTR are staked/unstaked to Dapp, staking rewards received)

  • Smart contract tracking

Web3alert has a user-friendly interface, allowing one to set up a notification in a few clicks. It has two modes: Simple and Advanced.

The first consists of pre-made templates of common events, such as transactions or staking rewards.

The second one includes all the events, calls, and filters of the Astar (and Shiden) network. One can combine them in different ways to create a notification to track a specific event or call.

Advanced mode also allows one to track events and calls from smart contracts built on Astar and Shiden.

Receiving Messengers

Every Web3alert user has to log in to the service with Telegram, but when it comes to notifications, there are several options: Telegram, Discord, or Slack.

Past Performance & Milestones:

Web3alert has already integrated several Substrate-based and Ethereum-based networks.

Recently we added support for smart contracts and a new receiving channel (Slack).

Our current development stage involves several ready-to-use notification solutions that app developers could implement right in their applications, such as context-specific notifications.

The developer will be able to pre-configure the on-chain event subscription, allowing the user to receive notifications about this on-сhain event in one click right in that application.

For example, when a user undelegates tokens, he usually has to wait for several blocks/epochs to get his funds unbonded. With our future application solution, this user could receive a notification at the end of that period. Same about token vesting periods.

dApp Staking Reward Usage Breakdown:

All rewards from dApp Staking will be used for operations including but not limited to:

Updating the code base:

  • Control of the code relevance and current/future functions compatibility with the latest versions of Kusama.
  • Timely update of dependencies including api.
  • General development of Astar integration - new features, fixes of possible bugs.

Servers and maintenance:

  • Development of internal infrastructure and work on stability and high uptime of web3alert - increase of fault tolerance, monitoring improvement.
  • Fast response to service downtime and possible incidents, including on-chain metadata updates.

Users support:

  • Technical support for users and developers using the service.
  • Work with the community.
  • Creation of training materials.


Here are the basic links to our product and communities:

Website: https://web3alert.io/

Socials: Twitter | Telegram Chat |

Blog: Web3alert – Medium


Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to have you with us at Dapp Staking!

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I already know the service! I support this proposal!

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I support this proposal!


I like the proposal and I support it :+1:

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hey @web3alert could you check the announcement and fill up the form, please?