XCM proposal for ALT2


We propose to add our XCM Asset ALT2 on shibuya Network located on moonbase. This will require actions on shibuya Network.


We propose to add our XCM Asset ALT2 ****on shibuya Network from moonbase. The main primary use cases will be: to use ALT2 ****in the ecosystem of shibuya Network and the protocols build on top of the network.

To bootstrap the liquidity of ALT2 ****on shibuya Network we prepare an incentive program.


There is no on-chain proposal. The proposal created in this forum acts as an official proposal between me (developer) ****and shibuya Network.

Incentive Program Details:

i have deploy ERC20 token on moonbase i want to make it transferbale over shibuya network.

**Technical details (**WIP)

The procedure for adding an XCM asset is as follows:

  1. AM initializes a proposal to add ALT2 ****to the shibuya Network asset list via the Astar forum.

  2. Wait until the proposal on step 1 gets approved & enacted.

  3. In case of adding shibuya Network native assets on moonbase you will receive the mulilocation that corresponds to shibuya Network native asset.

  4. am received the multilocation that corresponds to shibuya Network native asset to be added.

    - **Astar**:  `{ parents: 1, interior: X1(Parachain(2006)) }`
        - Name: Alishan Token2
        - Symbold: ALT2
        - Decimals: 18
        - Existential deposit: 1_000_000
  5. token information:

    - Asset name: Alishan Token2
    - Asset symbol:ALT2
    - Asset decimals:18
    - Proposed minimal balance (ED):1_000_000
  6. shibuya Network will register assets locally on the network using the [Astar MuliSig Governance Batch call]. shibuya Network will use the permissoned asset id range.

  7. shibuya Network proposes to accept the to shibuya Network HRMP channel and open an shibuya Network to HRMP channel via [Astar MuliSig Governance Batch call].

  8. shibuya Network will initialize the XC asset mapping using the pallet-xc-asset-config.

  9. The following testing will be conducted and be successful before integration is finished:

    • shibuya Network received the expected 1_000_000 amount reduced by a small amount paid for the execution fee.
    • confirms that on had 1_000_000 amount transferred to shibuya Network.

Hi! Thank you for wanting to share your development within the Astar ecosystem.

I would like to understand a bit more about the token, its functionality and what you created it for, can you explain this briefly?

i just deploy a token with ERC20 standard on moonbase which is testnet of moonbeam parachain i want to test functionality. Currently this token is available on moonbase i want it to make it transferable also on shibuya network , i want if i transfer to shibuya user address i shibuya user can see its token on shibuya network.

I want to test functionality how does it work before going to mainnet implementation

It’s a testnet token and I don’t see any problem with it, but it would be helpful in the future if you could introduce how you intend to do so.

Or do you just want to test XCM?

currently i want to test XCM, and how actually its work. After it i will move to mainnet.

What projects are you planning to develop on the mainnet?

currently its for testing XCM , later on may be i move to Bridge development. like asserts transfer from one parachain to other. Any Help from you will be appreciated. Thanks.

Could you help me regarding this ? @you425 @Juminstock

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I see.
So the token itself has no special meaning, and you are applying for it because of the possibility of developing a bridge or other application using XCM, is that correct?
I recognized that we want to test for that purpose.

@Alishan I believe you are referring to Moonbeam’s private test network?

We don’t maintain any testnet there, our ‘Shibuya’ is maintained by us, irrespective of Moonbeam.

I fully understand. In that case, why not test it locally or using XCM? I just still don’t see the need to list your token in our testnet, it wouldn’t make much sense.

If you would like to do XCM for testing, it’s best to use chopsticks. You can read more about how to use it here: Chopsticks & E2E Tests | Welcome to Astar

Hope all testings goes as planned.